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Molly and Estella

Mr. Jaggers invites Pip to have dinner with him and Wemmick, where Mr. Jaggers gives Pip the note from Miss Havisham. As the aforementioned are conversing, Mr. Jaggerss housekeeper, Molly, enters the room. Pip is informed that Estella marries Mr. Drummle.

Pip observes her due to her uncanny resemblance to someone he knows. After a few moments, he realizes that someone is his beloved Estella.
Pip learns that Molly was accused of murdering a woman and her daughter in. He assumes that lost daughter is Estella.

Miss Havisham and the Fire

Pip visits Miss Havisham the day after he receives her note. Although she has been cruel to him, being the fuel of causing Estella to break his heart, Pip feels a deep sense of pity and compassion towards her and her unworthy loneliness. Miss Havisham drops to Pips feet and begs for forgiveness. As Pip exits the house, he glances back a Miss Havishams room and realizes that she has caught on fire. Pip finds her in a vulnerable state, but fortunately, he saved her life.

Magwitchs Past
Hebert tells Pip the untold chapter of Magwitchs past. Pip concludes that Magwitch is Mollys common-law husband and that Estella is their daughter. Wemmick corroborates that the aforementioned is true, although Magwitchs story was foreign to him.

The Anonymous Note

Pip receives an unknown note which stated that Pip had to travel to the marshes alone if he wanted more information about Uncle Provis.
The note emphasizes that he has to come alone and Pip was to bring the letter with him.

Pips travel back home reminds him of how much he misses Joe, who once played a crucial role in his life, but no longer carried any importance.

In the Marshes
A voice threatens to kill Pip if he cries out, as the voice places a noose around Pips neck.

Pip realizes that the voice is Orlick in search of vengeance.

Orlick, under the influence of alcohol, tells Pip that he had given him a bad name to Biddy. He confesses to murdering Miss. Gargery and Pip was the reason she was dead, mainly because this was an act of revenge. As Orlick was approaching Pip to attack him, Herbert arrives and saves him.

Orlick escapes.

The Plan
Pip, Herbert, and Startop gather to carry out Magwitchs escape. They decide to stop at an inn and there a servant informs them that there seemed to be another boat around the area. Such information aroused suspicion. Pip confirms the aforementioned because he sees two strangers, therefore they change the plan to escape the next morning. As they were about to depart, another boat approaches, whose goal is to arrest Magwitch.

One of the men in the boat is Compeyson; when Magwitch realizes the aforementioned, they engage in a short, but powerful struggle.
The boat sinks and Compeyson drowns as a result. Pip realizes at this moment that Magwitch is loyal, therefore he should stay with him. He also realizes that Magwitch has been a better human being than Pip with Joe, a man whom he knew all his life.

Eternal Rest
Magwitch is declared guilty and is sentenced to death. Pip declares this moment crucial and tells Magwith that his daughter, Estella, is alive and she is a beautiful and stunning woman, whom he loves. Magwitch responds with a smile and dies peacefully.

Consequences of an undeserved death

Pip gets ill and is arrested for debt.

Due to his illness, his arrest is brushed aside.

Pip experiences hallucinations with Orlick, Miss Havisham, and Joe.

Joe and London

Joe, while helping Pip get better, informs him that Miss Havisham has passed away and her fortune was passed on to the Pockets. Orlick is incarcerated. Biddy begins to teach Joe how to read and write. Joe frees Pip from all of his debts before returning to his home.

Pip decides to return and marry Biddy.

Pip and His Return

Miss Havishams house is up for auction, yet is being destroyed. Pip is informed that Joe marries Biddy, although he is affected by this event, Pip acts with maturity and shows respect for their choice. Pip decides to work with Herbert in the mercantile business.

The Progression of Time

After eleven years, Pip returns to England, who has been surviving by working in the mercantile firm. Miss Havishams house no longer exists. Pip begins to think of Estella, knowing that Drummle had recently died. Pip and Estella are reunited, thus he feels that they will inseparable.

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