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Richmond, k. (1965). Culture and General Education. Methuen: Click to edit Master subtitle Methuen and Co. LTD style


In practice, the main job of the school has always been to inculcate a set of social and civic values and to provide the young with basic skills for earning a livelihood

Refinement and civilizing achieved is incidental

Sir John Adams pointed out that education is never more ineffectual than when loses

sight of any down-to-earth motives

Short-term objectives precedes the more idealistic and ultimate goals

For eg. teacher teach maths so that pupils can score in their exam

Music and English literature teacher gives more concern on examinable aspects instead of aesthetic training and the formation of critical judgment

Teacher are generally regarded as well educated and have privilege of an aboveaverage cultural status.

But nowadays, due to the mass education, teacher is just another white collar occupation, having same status with accountant, bank manager etc.


In Scotland, the male teacher who does not possess a degree is looked upon as an unpardonable error

It is presupposes that a university degree guarantees a level of knowledge and intellectual competence which cannot be obtained elsewhere.

The degree award is a sign that the candidate has high intelligences, good at

memory work, and that he pass a series of

Scotland- the relationship between the universities and the new college of education is weak.

Many issues arise : are there solid grounds for the hostility shown towards the employment of non-graduate men teachers in Scotland? Are there differences in standards in between Mens College and Womens College?

Culture test could be used to settle these

There is positive correlation between test-culture and test-intelligence.

The suitability of candidates for the teaching profession is assessed in two-ways :

Theoretical according to their performance in a written examination

Practical according to their performance in classroom.


Criticism on theoretical assessmentallowing graduates to walk straight into jobs without undergo any professional training.

Criticism on the examination assessment-why ability to satisfy the examiners through the essay-type paper should be taken as an indication of eventual success as a practising teacher.

Test culture is administered in different teaching institution.

Some of them have gained good Honours degrees while there are some of them show that there was no obvious connection between the test-profile and the type of course being followed.

Intelligence, inquiry and information are the three main factors in test-culture.

Appreciable gap between the cultural attainments of graduates and nongraduates

Differences between the level of general education in Training Colleges

Students in Mens College score in a cultural test better in Womens College - students in Womens College have lack

of interest about cultural field in the test


Headmasters are responsible for surveillance of the young beginner during his first 2 years of service

After that, the teacher may not necessarily improve, instead some may become worst without surveillance

Teaching job is organized on a waiting-list basis thus many aspiring teacher have to wait to get into the system

In America, sub-standard teachers have to undergo in-service training to improve themselves

In many states, teachers have to renew their certificates in order to continue their services.

Teacher adds to his qualification and is updated about current development in educational theory and practice.


Even though teachers attend refresher


It is wrong to presume that non-graduate fail to develop new growing points because they are not intelligent enough.

If graduate teacher happens to improve, it is not because they are better academically, but because they are more passionate in teaching.

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