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Assembly Language and Computer Organization Richard A.


Computer Organization and Design, Fourth Edition,

Patterson and Hennessy Verilog Hardware Description Language, The, Fifth Edition, Thomas and Moorby

White Space
Blank spaces
Tabs Carriage returns New-line Form-feeds

C and C++ Style Comments From // to the end-of line Multi-line comments beginning with /* and ending with */

Case Sensitivity
Verilog is case sensitive Code is not the same as code All Verilog keywords are lower case.

Begin with alphabetic or underscore symbols
May contain alphanumeric, underscore, or $

Escaped Identifiers
Begin with backslash
End with white space

Real (Floating Point)

Data Types
To connect ports requires a wire wire [31:0] xyzzy; // is a 32-bit wire wire [3:0] plugh; is a 4-bit wire To store values requires a reg reg [5:0] omega; // is a single 6-bit register reg [31:0] delta[0:31]; // is 32 32-bit registers otherwise known as a memory

Data Types in Verilog

Data values 0 1 x - unknown z high impedience

Data Representation
w is the field width, an unsigned decimal value

specifying the number of bits in the value. r is the radix

h hex d decimal o octal

b binary

n is the number represented in the appropriate radix

Data Examples
6d51 is the decimal value 51 stored as a 6-bit quantity
3b010 is the 3-bit quantity 010 binary = 2 decimal 8o67 is the 8-bit value 0011_0111 binary = 55 decimal 12h31 is the 12-bit value 0000_0011_0001 binary = 49


Data Concatenation
{r1{b1}[,ri{bi}]} The braces are dropped after evaluation The brackets represent optional, repeatable fields. rj an optional repeat count for the bit field bj bit field representation of a value bj Data Representation Example {3{1b1},2b0,3b111} = 8b1110_0111 = 8he7

Exercise Verilog Values

Which of the following define exactly the same values? 8b11110000 8hF0 8d240 {{4{1b1}},{4{1b0}}} {4b1,4b0}

Answer Verilog Values

All of them

Operators in Verilog
Assignment Operators

=, <=
+, -, *, /, % &&, ||, ! ~, &, |, ^, ~^, ^~ ==, ===, !=, !==, >, <, <=, >= <<, >> ?: &, ~&, |, ~|, ^, ~^, ^~ {}

Arithmetic Operators Logical Operators Bit-wise Comparison Operators Shift Operators Conditional Operator Unary Reduction Operators Concatenation Operator

Concatenation Operator
{r1{b1}[,ri{bi}]} The braces are dropped after evaluation The brackets represent optional, repeatable fields. rj an optional repeat count for the bit field bj bit field representation of a value or variable bj Data Representation Bit Selection

Variable[high bit:low bit]

Structure of a Verilog Model

Model hierarchy consists of:
Modules Ports

Components of a Module

Parameters Nets Registers Primitives and Instances Continuous Assignments Procedural Blocks Task/Function definitions

General Structure
module <module_name> (<port_list>);

module content endmodule

Top Level Structure

module name;

module content endmodule

Module Invocation
Module may invoke other modules: module <module_name_1> (<port_list_1>); . . <module_name_2> <instance_name> (<port_list_2>); . . endmodule

Multiple Modules
module foo;

bar boo (port1, port2); bar hoo (port1, port2); endmodule

module bar (port1, port2);

... endmodule

Declaring Port Directions

module foo ( a, b, c );

input a; output b; inout c; endmodule

Declaring Port Directions

module foo ( input a, output b, inout c );


Verilog Ports
Ports equate to wires
Type Data Direction input parent->child output child->parent inout child<->parent

Instantiating Ports
module top;

wire x, y, z; feefi fofum( x, y, z ); endmodule

Assign Statements

Combinational Logic
module half_adder ( A, B, Sum, Carry )

input A, B; // two 1-bit inputs; output Sum, Carry; // two 1-bit outputs assign Sum = A ^ B; // Sum is A xor B assign Carry = A & B; // Carry is A and B endmodule

Common Problem
Creating sequential logic which imply the existence of

a latch or register

Tips and Techniques

Place all combinational logic in a continuous

assignment or an always block Make sure that all the signals used as inputs appear in the sensitivity list of an always block Ensure that every path through an always block assigns a value to the exact same set of bits

Assuming all values are initially zero, what are the

values of A and B after executing this Verilog code inside an always block?
C = 1;

A <= C;
B = C;


Sensitivity Lists

Representing Complex Combinatorial Logic in Verilog

Sensitivity list
always @(list of signals that cause reevaluation) begin

Verilog statements including assignments and other control statements end

Blocking assignments
Statements using the = assignment operator

Non-blocking assignments
Statements using the <= assignment operator

Sensitivity List
always @( list of signals that cause reevaluation)

Verilog Statements end

4 to 1 Multiplexor
module Mult4to1(Out , Sel, In1, In2, In3, In4 ); input [31:0] In1, In2, In3, In4; input [1:0] Sel; // Selector signal output [31:0] Out; always @(Sel, In1, In2, In3, In4 ) case (Sel) // a 4 -> 1 multiplexor 0: Out <= In1; 1: Out <= In2; 2: Out <= In3; default: Out <= In4; endcase endmodule


module MIPSALU (ALUOut, Zero, ALUctl, A, B ); input [3:0] ALUctl; input [31:0] A, B; output reg [31:0] ALUOut; output Zero; assign Zero = (ALUOut==0); // Zero is 1 if ALUOut is 0 always @( ALUctl, A, B ) case (ALUOut) 0: ALUOut <= A & B; 1: ALUOut <= A | B; 2: ALUOut <= A + B; 6: ALUOut <= A - B; 7: ALUOut <= A < B ? 1 : 0; 12: ALUOut <= ~(A | B); // nor default: ALUOut <= 0; endcase endmodule

One Bit Adder

a b a 0 0 co ci 0 0 1 1 b 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 ci 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 co 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 z 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1

1 1

One Bit Adder Gate Level

module OneBitAdder( input a, input b, input ci, output co, output z ); wire na, nb, nci, x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2, y3; not #1 ng1( na, a ), ng2( nb, b ), ng3( nci, ci ); and #1 ag1( x0, a, b ), ag2( x1, b, ci ), ag3( x2, a, ci ), ag4( y0, a, nb, nci ), ag5( y1, na, b, nci ), ag6( y2, na, nb, ci ), ag6( y3, a, b, ci ); or #1 og1( co, x0, x1, x2 ), og2( z, y0, y1, y2, y3 ); endmodule

Clock Period
Cycle Time Edge-triggered
Rising Edge Falling Edge

Level triggered
Asserted Deasserted

Specifying Sequential Logic in Verilog

Specifying a clock reg clock; // clock is a register always #1 clock = 1; #1 clock = 0; Using a clock reg [31:0] A; wire [31:0] b; always @(posedge clock) A <= b;

Clock Module Discussion

A clock signal stays high for some length of time, HI,
Then, it transitions to low and stays there for some

length of time, LO. It is appropriate to use parameters to define these


Clock Module
module Clock( clock ); #( parameter LO = 10, HI = 10 ) output reg clock;

initial clock = 0; always begin #LO #HI end clock = ~clock; clock = ~clock;


Clock Testbench
module testClock; wire clock;

Clock c0( clock );

begin $monitor( $time,,clock = %b, clock ); #100 $finish;



Compiling and Executing

Verilog Tutorial
Chapter 6 - Advanced Features System Tasks and Functions


Reading File Data

Verilog supports the following system tasks for reading

files into a model:

$readmemx( file, <mem>, <<start><,<end>>?>?);

Underscore characters, _, are ignored End of line comments, //, are ignored Places the contents of each value into a different memory

location. Values are white space delimited @hhh may be used, in the file, to specify the location of subsequent data.

Reading File Data


x is b binary formatted data h hexidecimal formatted data mem the Verilog Identifier being referenced start starting address within mem end ending address within mem

$readmemh example

module read; reg [31:0] m[0:31]; reg [5:0] i; initial begin $readmemh( "memory.dat", m ); end always for( i=0; i<32; i=i+1 ) begin if( m[i] ) $display( "m[%d] = %x", i, m[i] ); else $finish; end endmodule
0123_4567 // comments are ignored
89ab_cdef // underscores are ignored @4 dead beef @2 feed babe

Compile and Execute

Defining the MIPS ALU in Verilog Behavioral Definition

module MIPSALU (ALUctl, A, B, ALUOut, Zero); input [3:0] ALUctl; input [31:0] A,B; output reg [31:0] ALUOut; output Zero; assign Zero = (ALUOut==0); //Zero is true if ALUOut is 0 always @(ALUctl, A, B) begin //reevaluate if these change case (ALUctl) 0: ALUOut <= A & B; 1: ALUOut <= A | B; 2: ALUOut <= A + B; 6: ALUOut <= A - B; 7: ALUOut <= A < B ? 1 : 0; 12: ALUOut <= ~(A | B); // result is nor default: ALUOut <= 0; endcase end endmodule

Defining the MIPS ALU in Verilog Control Definition

module ALUControl (FuncCode, ALUCtl); input [5:0] FuncCode; output [3:0] reg ALUCtl; always case (FuncCode) 32: ALUCtl <=2; // add 34: ALUCtl <=6; //subtract 36: ALUCtl <=0; // and 37: ALUCtl <=1; // or 39: ALUCtl <=12; // nor 42: ALUCtl <=7; // slt default: ALUCtl <=15; // should not happen endcase endmodule

Specifying Sequential Logic in Verilog

Specifying a clock reg clock; // clock is a register always #1 clock = 1; #1 clock = 0; Using a clock reg [31:0] A; wire [31:0] b; always @(posedge clock) A <= b;

MIPS Register File: Rising Edge Triggered

module registerfile (Read1,Read2,WriteReg,WriteData,RegWrite,Data1,Data2,clock); input [5:0] Read1,Read2,WriteReg; // the register numbers to read or write input [31:0] WriteData; // data to write input RegWrite, // the write control clock; // the clock to trigger write output [31:0] Data1, Data2; // the register values read reg [31:0] RF [31:0]; // 32 registers each 32 bits long

assign Data1 = RF[Read1]; assign Data2 = RF[Read2];

always begin // write the register with new value if Regwrite is high @(posedge clock) if (RegWrite) RF[WriteReg] <= WriteData; end endmodule

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