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Juni Handajani Bagian Biologi Mulut Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada


Kelenjar saliva (Glandula salivarius)


cortex cerebri nucleus salivatorius (batas medula oblongatapons) Superior Inferior

N.facialis N.Glossopharyngeus

Kel. Sub-mandibularis Kel. Sub-lingualis

Kel. Parotis

Sistem saraf parasimpatis> saraf simpatis Keduanya merangsang sekresi Parasympatic stimulation secretory volume Sympatic stimulation saliva composition Kecepatan sekresi 1.0 1.5 liter/hari pH 6 7.4

Control of Salivation
Blood flow is needed to produce saliva: 20X blood flow going through muscles accounts for large volume of saliva produced. Blood flow is under ANS control, so drugs which act on the ANS will affect saliva production Autonomic Nervous System control: Parasympathetic: initiates and maintains salivary secretion Vasodilation of blood vessels, increasing blood supply to glands, increasing saliva volume Activates saliva production: profuse, watery saliva Sympathetic: Constricts blood vessels via the adrenergic receptors It diminishes volume of saliva: e.g. cells secretion Activates saliva production (less pronounced that PANS) in short duration: sparse, thick saliva

Sifat saliva dan lokasi kelenjar saliva

KEL. PAROTIS serous Dekat M2 RA KEL. SUB-MANDIBULARIS sero-mukous Dekat frenulum lidah KEL. SUBLINGUAL mucous tersebar

Synthesis of saliva
In addition to the organic compounds that are produced locally in the saliva glands, there are some that pass into saliva from blood. These compounds include drugs, drug by-products, hormones, and some proteins. The most common way for substances to migrate from blood to saliva is believed to be by diffusion. The capillaries surrounding the salivary glands are quite porous for many substances.

The ability of a molecule to diffuse passively through cell membranes depends partly on its size, and partly on how much electrical charge it carries. If a molecule is polar in nature, it will have a hard time passing through the membranes, which are made out of neutral fatty compounds called phospholipids. Steroid hormones are relatively small in size, and most of them are fatty, nonpolar compounds, so they tend to pass relatively easily by diffusion.

Synthesis of saliva
A second pathway used by molecules to enter saliva is by filtering through the tight spaces between acinus or duct cells. In order to do this they must be relatively small. Another pathway for the entry of a substance into saliva is by active transport through the secretory cells of the glands, which is the route used by secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA). Polymeric IgA is secreted by Blymphocyte cells close to the salivary cells, then bound and transported across the cells by a PolymericImmunoglobulin Receptor, and finally released into salivary secretions.

Movement of compounds through membrane into saliva.

Water Electrolytes Mucus Enzymes The initial product secreted by the cells in the acini has concentrations of sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate ions similar to plasma. As the saliva passes through the ductal regions of the glands sodium and chloride ions are absorbed, and additional potassium and bicarbonate ions are secreted. The total ionic concentration of the final product is lower than that of pp plasma.

Lubrication: Chewing mixes the mucus in saliva with food and produces a slippery bolus that slides more easily through the esophagus without inflicting damage to the mucosa. Saliva coats the oral cavity and esophagus, so food never directly touches the epithelial cells of those tissues. Oral cavity Protection: The oral cavity is almost constantly flushed with saliva, which keeps the mouth relatively clean. Also dilutes hot solutions or foul tasting substances and contains organic materials that are bacteriocidal. Ex: lysozymes attacks bacterial cell walls, lactoferrin which chelates iron Initiates digestion: Results from the action of 2 enzymes: one directed towards carbohydrates, the other towards fat.

Dissolves dietary constituents: solubilization of food increases sensitivity of taste buds

Apha amylase (ptyalin) Mucin Glikpprotein Secretory IgA Lactoperoksidase Hydrogen peroksidase Lysozyme Lactoferrin


Melumasi makanan, self cleansing Fungsi imun sIgA,laktoferin, laktoperoksidase Pencernaan merubah polisakarida mjd btk lb kecil Lizosim = Antibakteri Glikoprotein sbg perantara pembentukan pelikel Alpha amylase = amylum mjd sukrosa/glukosa

OBAT-OBATAN YANG DAPAT MEMPENGARUHI SEKRESI SALIVA SIALORRHEA salivary cholinergic muscarinic receptor 1.Parasympatomimetic agent (neostigmine) 2. Cardiac / digitalis glycoside (digoxin, digitoxin, lanatoside) 3. Antithyroidiodide preparation (lugolssolution)

1. Diuritic (acetazolamide) 2. CNS stimultant (amphetamines) 3. Antidiarrheal (atropine, diphenoxylate) 4. Anticholinergic, antispasmodic (belladona) 5. Bronchodilator (ephedrine) 6. Antipsychotic (fluphenazine) 7. Analgesic (methadone) 8. Antibiotics (tetracycline)

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