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Act of returning or going back Francis Galton

A statistical measure that attempts to determine the strength of the relationship between one dependent variable (usually denoted by Y) and a series of other changing variables (known as independent variables).

Regression - Significance
Estimation of value of the dependent variable from the independent variable To obtain a measure of error involved in using the regression line With the help of regression coefficient we can calculate the correlation coefficient

Regression - Types
Linear regression
Uses one independent variable to explain and/or predict the outcome of Y

Multiple regression
Uses two or more independent variables to predict the outcome

Regression Lines
Regression equation of Y on X Y = a + bX Y: X: a: b: A dependent variable An independent variable Y-intercept Slope of line

Simple Linear Regression Model

The population simple linear regression model:
Y= 0 + 1 X
Nonrandom or Systematic Component

Random Component

where Y is the dependent variable, the variable we wish to explain or predict; X is the independent variable, also called the predictor variable; and is the error term, the only random component in the model, and thus, the only source of randomness in Y. 0 is the intercept of the systematic component of the regression relationship. 1 is the slope of the systematic component. The conditional mean of Y:

E [Y X ] 0 1 X

Picturing the Simple Linear Regression Model


Regression Plot

E[Y]=0 + 1 X Yi

Error: i

The simple linear regression model posits an exact linear relationship between the expected or average value of Y, the dependent variable, and X, the independent or predictor variable: E[Yi]=0 + 1 Xi Actual observed values of Y differ from the expected value by an unexplained or random error:

1 = Slope


0 = Intercept

X Xi

Yi = E[Yi] + i = 0 + 1 Xi + i

Assumptions of the Simple Linear Regression Model

The relationship between X

and Y is a straight-line relationship. The values of the independent variable X are assumed fixed (not random); the only randomness in the values of Y comes from the error term i. The errors i are normally distributed with mean 0 and variance 2. The errors are uncorrelated (not related) in successive observations. That is: ~ N(0,2)

Assumptions of the Simple Linear Regression Model

E[Y]=0 + 1 X

Identical normal distributions of errors, all centered on the regression line.

Simple Regression Line

Regression equation of Y on X Y = a + bX Where

Regression Line Deviation from Arithmetic Mean

Regression equation of X on Y XX=r Where and
x y

(Y Y)

X = the mean of X series Y = the mean of Y series

x y

= the regression coefficient of X on Y = bxy

bxy = x y / y2

Regression Line Deviation from Arithmetic Mean

Regression equation of Y on X YY=r Where and
y x

(X X)

X = the mean of X series Y = the mean of Y series

y x

= the regression coefficient of X on Y = byx

byx = x y / x2

Regression Line Deviation from Arithmetic Mean

Correlation Coefficient r = byx * bxy

1. Both the regression coefficient will have the same sign. 2. The value of product of both the regression coefficient must come less than one. 3. Coefficient of correlation will have the same sign that of the regression coefficient.

Multiple Regression
Two or more independent variable are used to estimate the values of dependent variable.
To derive an equation which provide estimates of the dependent variable from values of the two or more independent variables. To obtain a measure of error involved in using this regression equation.

Multiple Regression Equation

X1 = Dependent variable X2 ,X3 = Independent variables then X1 = f (X2 ,X3 ) In case of three variables the regression equation of X1 on X2 ,X3

X1.23 = a1.23 + b12.3 X2 + b13.2 X3

Multiple Regression Equation

To calculate all the variables following equations are helpful

X1 = N a1.23 + b12.3 X2 + b13.2 X3 X1 X2 = a1.23 X2 + b12.3 X22 + b13.2 X2 X3

X1 X3 = a1.23 X3 + b12.3 X2 X3 + b13.2 X32

Multiple Regression Equation Deviation from actual means

X1.23 = a1.23 + b12.3 X2 + b13.2 X3
When X1, X2, and X3 are measured as deviation so the regression equation of X1 on X2 and X3 will be

(X1 - X1) =

r12 - r13 r23

1 r232

}{ } {

(X2 X2) r13 r12 r23

1 r232

}{ }
S1 S3

(X3 X3)

Multiple Regression Equation from standard deviation

In case of standard deviation

X1.23 = a1.23 + b12.3 X2 + b13.2 X3

When X1, X2, and X3 are measured as deviation from their means, a becomes zero, so the regression equation of X1 on X2 and X3 will be


X1.23 = b12.3 X2 + b13.2 X3

1 2

b12.3 =

r12 - r13 r23

1 r23

b13.2 =

r13 - r12 r23

1 r232

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