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A. Robert Ackerman phylosophy

of science in one aspect as a critique of current scientific opinions by comparison to proven past views, but such a philosophy of science is clearly not a discipline autonomous of actual scientific paractice


Lewis White Beck Phylosophy

of science questions and evaluates the methods of scientific thinking and tries to determine the value and significance of scientific enterprise as a whole


C. A.Cornelius Benjamin The

phylosophic discipline which is the systematic study of the nature of science, especially of its methods, its concepts and presuppositions, and its place in the general scheme of intellectual discipines


d. Michael V. Berry The

study of the inner logic of scientific theories, and the relations between experiment and theory, i.e. of scientific methods.


E. May Brodbeck Phylosophy

of science is the ethically and phylosophically neutral analysis, description, and clarifications of science.

F. Peter Caws Phylosophy of science is a part of


phylosophy, which attempts to do for science what phylosophy in general does for the whole of human experience.
Phylosophy does two sorts of thing: on the other hand, it constructs theories about man and the universe, and offers them as grounds for belief and action; on the other, it examines critically everything that may be offered as a ground for belief or action, including its own theories, with a view to the elimination of inconsistency and error.


G. Stephen R. Toulmin As

a discipline, the phylosophy of science attempts, first, to elucidate the elements involved in the process of scientific inquiry observational procedures, patens of argument, methods of representation and calculation, metaphysical presuppositions, and so on and then to evaluate the grounds of their validity from the points of view of formal logic, practical methodology and metaphysics.


1. Ontology 2. Epistemology

3. Axiology

2.1. Ontology

What objects are reviewed science? How to form the essence of the object? How did the relationship between objects with human comprehension that led to knowledge?

2.2. Epistemology

What is the process that allows drew knowledge of science? How is the procedure? What things to watch out for mendakan knowledge that true? What is the criteria? What is the truth?Are there any criteria? Method / technique / tool what helps in getting knowledge of science?

2.3. Axiology

To what form of knowledge that science be used? How do I use the connection between the moral rules? How is the determination of objects that can be studied based on moral choices? How the link between procedural technique which is the operationalization of the scientific method with the norms of moral / professional?


a. Agraha Suhandi (1989)

As a means of seeking the truth of all phenomena. Maintain, support and fight or stand neutral on the other phylosophical views.
Provides understanding of the way of life, outlook on life and worldview.

Providing moral and ethical teachings of which are useful in li A source of inspiration and guidance for life in various aspects of life itself, such as economics, politics, law and so fort


b. Ismaun

to provide a phylosophic basis for understanding the concepts and theories to share something of disciplines and provide the ability to build a scientific theory.

4. Confirmatory and Explanation Functions

Confirmatory function that is trying to decribe the normative relationship between the hypothesis with the evidence

Explanation function that attempts to explain various phenomena in a simple large or small.


Fact or reality Truth Confirmation Logic inference

5.a Fact or reality

Positivistic view that something real if there is correspondence between the sensual sensual one with another. Fenomenologic have two-way development of the understanding of this reality. First, it leads to the theory of correspondence is a correspondence between ideas with the phenomenon. Secondly, leading to the coherence of morality, the adjustment of the phenomena with value system. Rationalistic regard a as a real, if there is coherence between the empirical to the rational scheme, and Metaphysical realism, argues that the real thing when there coherence between empiri the objective. Pragmatism has a view that that there was a function.

5.b Truth
(Jujun S. Suriasumantri, 1982) : 3 theory of truth

coherence correspondence pragmatic

coherence correspondence performative pragmatic propositions paradigmatic

Michel William : 5 theory of truth in science

Noeng Muhadjir : add one more theory

Theory of truth: coherence

of conformity or harmony between something else with something that has a hierarchy that is higher than anything these elements, either in the form of schemes, systems, or any value.

Theory of truth: correspondence

proven to think about something that is relevant to something else. Correspondence proved the existence of relevant events or counterclockwise direction in line between the facts with facts that are expected, between the facts with the belief that it is believed, that are specific

Truth performative

When the human mind brings together everything In the view of any actual unit behind them, both theoretical, practical, and the phylosophic, one explores the truth of the actual display. Something is true if it can be actual in action.

Pragmatic truth

The truth is that concrete, the individual and specific and has a practical utility.

Truth proposition

The proposition is a statement that contains many complex concepts, which range from a subjective to an objective individual. A truth can be obtained if the true propositions

Truth Structural paradigmatic

Development of correspondence truth. Until now the regression analysis, factor analysis, and other advanced statistical analysis are interpreted in correspondence with each other element. And should the overall structural system that relationship is understood, cause it will be able to give explanation or inference that is more comprehensive.

6. Confirmation
The function of science is to explain, predict processes and products to come,or give meaning. Meaning it can be viewed as absolute confirmation or probalistic. Showing absolute confirmation usually use assumptions, postulates, or axioma which has been ascertained properly. But it is not wrong when making explicit the assumptions and postulats. Meanwhile, to make explanations, predictions, or purport to pursue probabilistic certainty can be reached by inductive, deductive, or reflective.

7. Logic inference

New conclusion is considered valid if the conclusion was made by a certain way, which is based on logic. By and large, the logic is divided into 2 parts, the logic of induction and deduction logic.
(Jujun Suriasumantri)



1. Understanding science can be reconciled on the word 'ilm (Arabic),

science (UK), watenschap (Netherlands), and wissenschaf (Germany).

2. R. Harre writes science is a collection of well-attested theories explain the which the patterns regularities and irregularities Among carefully studied phenomenon, or set of theories that have been tried explaining the patterns of regular or irregular among the phenomena studied carefully. (R. Harre, The Phylosophies of Science, an Introductory Survey London: The Oxford University Press, 1995), p.. 62.)

3. Knowledge

that can be agreed to become a "science", according to Archie J.Bahm can be tested with the six main components of the so-called six kind of science, covering problems, attitude, method, activity, conclusions, and effects
(Archie J. Bahm, What's Science, (TTP: TP, TT), p.. L)

4. Often science is defined as knowledge, but not all knowledge can be named as science, but knowledge gained by certain ways based on consensus-scientists.
(Dawam Raharjo, "Science, Encyclopedia of the Qur'an", Journal Ulumul Qur'an, No. 4. Vol. 1, Jakarta, 1090, p.. 56.)

5. Science

can be defined: Science is a series of rational human activity and cognition by various methods in the form of various procedures and steps to produce a systematic collection of knowledge about the symptoms of faulty world view,societal or individu for the purpose of reaching the truth, gain understanding, give explanations or make application
(The Liang Gie, Introduction to Phylosophy of Science, Liberty, Yogyakarta, 1991, hal.90)





1. Rational 2. Cognitive 3. Technologist


1. Procedural Patterns 2. Procedure Step 3. Various Techniques 4. Assorted Tools


1. Range


2. Type of Science


1. Pre-Christian era
In the ancient Egyptian medical book, namely the Edwin Smith Papyrus, (about 1600 BC-2) mentioned that some of the basic components of the scientific method has done such testing (examination), diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of a disease; In Babylonia, as set forth in the book The Ebers papyrus (about 1550 BCE-2) have also been efforts by empirical evidence


Some of the basic components of the scientific method has been performed in this period even geometry has been used as a measure to make shoes in Greece at that time

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