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Chapter 4

Solver Settings

Introduction to CFX

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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Overview Initialization Solver Control Output Control

Training Manual

Solver Manager
Note: This chapter considers solver settings for steady-state simulations. Settings specific to transient simulation are discussed in a later chapter.

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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings


Training Manual

Iterative solution procedures require that all solution variables are assigned initial values before calculating a solution A good initial guess can reduce the solution time In some cases a poor initial guess may cause the solver to fail during the first few iterations The initial values can be set in 3 ways: 1. Solver automatically calculates the initial values 2. Initial values are entered by the user 3. Initial values are obtained from a previous solution Initial values can be set on a per-domain basis or globally for all domains
April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

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Solver Settings

Initialization Setting Initial Values

Insert Global Initialisation from the toolbar or by rightclicking on Flow Analysis 1

Training Manual

Edit each Domain to set initial values on a per-domain basis

When both are defined the domain settings take precedence Solid domain must have initial conditions set on a perdomain basis
April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

Solver Settings

Initialization Setting Initial Values

The Automatic option means that the CFX-Solver will calculate an initial value for the solved variable unless a previous results file is provided
Will be based on boundary condition values and domain settings

Training Manual

The Automatic with Value option means that the specified value will be used unless a previous results file is provided
Can use a constant value or an expression

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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Initialization Using a Previous Solution

To use a previous solution as the initial guess enable the Initial Values Specification toggle when launching the Solver
You can provide multiple initial values files
When simulating a system you can provide previous solutions for each component of the system as the initial guess Usually each file would correspond to a separate region of space It is best if domains in the Solver Input File do not overlap with multiple initial values files

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ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Editing

Edit the Solver Control object in the Outline tree

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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Options

The Solver Control panel contains various controls that influence the behavior of the solver
These controls are important for the accuracy of the solution, the stability of the solver and the length of time it takes to obtain a solution

Training Manual

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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Advection Scheme

The Advection Scheme refers to the way the advection term in the transport equations is modeled numerically
i.e. the term that accounts for bulk fluid motion Often the dominant term

Training Manual





Three schemes are available, High Resolution, Upwind and Specified Blend
Discussed in more detail next

There is rarely any reason to change from the default High Resolution scheme

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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Advection Scheme Theory

Training Manual

Solution data is stored at nodes, but variable values are required at the control volume faces to calculate fluxes
The upstream nodal values (fup) are interpolated to the integration points (fip) on the control volume faces using:

fip = fup + b f r fip = gradient fup + b f r is the vector between the Where f is the variable and upstream node and the integration point In other words, the ip value is equal to the upstream value plus a correction due to the gradient b can have values between 0 and 1

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Advection Scheme Theory

fip = fup + b f r
If b = 0 we get the Upwind advection scheme, i.e. no correction
This is robust but only first order accurate Sometimes useful for initial runs, but usually not necessary
Upwind Scheme
Flow is misaligned with mesh

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1 0

The Specified Blend scheme allows you to specify b between 0 and 1 (i.e. between no correction up to full correction)
But this is not guaranteed to be bounded, meaning that when the correction is included it can overshoot or undershoot what is physically possible

The High Resolution scheme maximizes b throughout the flow domain while keeping the solution bounded
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High Resolution Scheme


April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Turbulence Numerics

Regardless of the Advection Scheme selection, the Turbulence equations default to the First Order (Upwind) scheme
Usually this is sufficient

Training Manual

The High Resolution scheme can be selected for additional accuracy

Can give better accuracy in boundary layers on unstructured meshes

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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Convergence Control

The Solver will finish when it reaches Max. Iterations unless convergence is achieved sooner
If Max. Iterations is reached you may not have a converged solution Can be useful to set Max. Iterations to a large number

Training Manual

When the Solver finishes you should always check why it finished Fluid Timescale Control sets the timescale in a steady-state simulation

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Timescale Background

ANSYS CFX employs the so called False Transient Algorithm
A timescale is used to move the solution towards the final answer

Training Manual

In a steady-state simulation the timescale provides relaxation of the equation non-linearities

A steady-state simulation is a transient evolution of the flow from the initial guess to the steady-state conditions
Converged solution is independent of the timescale used

Initial Guess 50 iterations 100 iterations

150 iterations
Final Solution
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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Timescale Selection

For obtaining successful convergence, the selection of the timescale plays an important role
If the timescale is too large, the convergence becomes bouncy or may even lead to the failure of the Solver If the timescale is too small, the convergence will be very slow and the solution may not be fully accurate

Training Manual

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Timescale Selection

Training Manual

For advection dominated flow, a fraction of the fluid residence time is often a good estimate for the timescale
A timescale of 1/3 of (Length Scale / Velocity Scale) is often optimal May need a smaller timescale for the first few iterations and for complex physics, transonic flow,..

For rotating machines, 1/ ( in rad/s) is a good choice

For buoyancy driven flows, the timescale should be based on a function of gravity, thermal expansivity, temperature difference and length scale (see documentation)

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Timescale Control

Timescale Control can be Auto Timescale, Physical Timescale or Local Timescale Factor Physical Timescale
Specify the timescale. Usually a constant but can also be variable via an expression Can often set a better timescale than Auto Timescale would produce faster convergence

Training Manual

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Timescale Control

Auto Timescale
The Solver calculates a timescale based on boundary / initial conditions or current solution and domain length scale
Use a Conservative or Aggressive estimate for the domain length scale, or a specified value Timescale is re-calculated and updated every few iterations as the flow field changes

Training Manual

Can set a Maximum Timescale to provide an upper limit

Tends to produce a conservative timescale

Timescale factor (default = 1) is a multiplier which can be changed to adjust the automatically calculated timescale
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Timescale Control

Local Timescale Factor
Timescale varies throughout the domain

Training Manual

Local Timescale =

Local Mesh Length Scale Local Velocity Scale

Smaller Timescale in high velocity and/or fine mesh regions Can accelerate convergence when vastly different local velocity scales exist
E.g. a jet entering a plenum

Best used on fairly uniform meshes, since small element will have a small timescale which can slow convergence Local Timescale Factor is a multiplier of the local timescale Never use as final solution; always finish off with a constant timescale
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Convergence Criteria

Convergence Criteria settings determine when the solution is considered converged and hence when the Solver will stop
Assuming Max. Iterations is not reached

Training Manual

Residuals are a measure of how accurately the set of equations have been solved
Since we are iterating towards a solution, we never get the exact solution to the equations Lower residuals mean a more accurate solution to the set of equations (more on the next slide) Do not confuse accurately solving the equations with overall solution accuracy the equations may or may not be a good representation of the true system! Residuals are just one measure of accuracy and should be combined with other measures:
Monitor Points (ch. 8) and Imbalances (below)

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Residuals Theory

Training Manual

The continuous governing equations are discretized into a set of linear equations that can be solved. The set of linear equations can be written in the form: [A] [] = [b] where [A] is the coefficient matrix and [] is the solution variable If the equation were solved exactly we would have: [A] [] - [b] = [0] The residual vector [R] is the error in the numerical solution: [A] [] - [b] = [R] Since each control volume has a residual we usually look at the RMS average or the maximum normalized residual

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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Residuals

Residual Type
MAX: Convergence based on maximum residual anywhere RMS: Convergence based on average residual from all control volumes
Root Mean Square =

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2 i

Residual Target
For reasonable convergence MAX residuals should be 1.0E-3, RMS should be at least 1.0E-4 The targets dependent on the accuracy needed
Lower values may be needed for greater accuracy

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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Conservation Target

The Conservation Target sets a target for the global imbalances

Training Manual

% Imbalance

Flux In Flux Out Maximum Flux

The imbalances measure the overall conservation of a quantity (mass, momentum, energy) in the entire flow domain
Clearly in a converged solution Flux In should equal Flux Out Its good practice to set a Conservation Target and/or monitor the imbalances during the run When set, the Solver must meet both the Residual and Conservation Target before stopping (assuming Max. Iterations is not reached) Set a target of 0.01 (1%) or less
Flux In Flux Out < 1%
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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Elapsed Time and Interrupt Control Elapsed Time Control
Can specify the maximum wall clock time for a run Solver will stop after this amount of time regardless of whether it has converged

Training Manual

Interrupt Control
Can specify other criteria for stopping the Solver based on logical CEL expressions When the expression returns true the solver will stop
Any value >= 0.5 is true

If temperature exceeds a specified value

If mesh quality drops below a specified value in a moving mesh case

More on logical expressions in the CEL lecture

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Solid Timescale Control

This option is only available when a solid domain is included in the simulation The Solid Timescale should be selected such that it is MUCH larger than the fluid timescale (100 times larger is typical)
the energy equation is usually very stable in the solid zone solid timescales are typically much larger than fluid timescales

Training Manual

The fluid timescale is estimated using Length Scale / Velocity Scale

The solid timescale is automatically calculated as function of the length scale, thermal conductivity, density and specific heat capacity
Or you can choose the Physical Timescale option and provide a timescale directly

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Control Equation Class Settings

The Equation Class Settings tab is an advanced option that can be used to set Solver controls on an equation specific basis
Not usually needed Will override the controls set on Basic Settings for the selected equation

Training Manual

Advanced Options
Advanced solver control options Rarely needed

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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Output Controls Results

The Output Control settings control the output produced by the Solver
The Trn Results, Trn Stats and Export tab only apply to transient simulations and are covered in the Transient chapter

Training Manual

The Results tab controls the final .res file

Generally do not use the Selected Variables (or None!) option since it probably wont contain enough information to restart the run later Output Equation Residuals is useful if you need to check where convergence problems are occurring Extra Output Variables List contains variables that are not written to the standard results file
E.g. Vorticity

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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Output Controls Backup

The Backup tab controls if and when backup results files are automatically written by the Solver
Recommend for long Solver runs in case of power failure, network interruptions, etc Option:
Standard: Like a full results file Essential: Allows a clean solver restart Smallest: Can restart the solver, but therell be a jump in the residuals Selected Variables: Not recommended

Training Manual

Can also manually request a backup file from the Solver Manager at any time
Frequency of output can be adjusted
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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Output Controls Monitor

The Monitor tab allows you to create Monitor Points
These are used to track values of interest as the Solver runs

Training Manual

The Cartesian Coordinates Option is used to track the value of a variable at a specific X, Y, Z location The Expression Option is used to monitor the values of a CEL expression
E.g. Calculate the area average of Cp at the inlet boundary: areaAve(Cp)@inlet E.g. Mass flow of particular fluid through an outlet: oil.massFlow()@outlet

In steady-state simulations you should create monitor points for quantities of interest
One measure of convergence is when these values are no longer changing
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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Manager
Define a run Control the CFX-Solver interactively View information about the emerging solution Export data

Training Manual

The CFX-Solver Manager is a graphical user interface used to:

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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Manager Defining a Run

Define a new Solver run
Solver Input File should be the .def file
Can also pick .res, .bak or _full.trn files to restart a previous incomplete run

Training Manual

To make a physics change and restart a solution, create a new .def file and provide it as the Solver Input File then select the .res, .bak or _full.trn file in the Initial Values Specification section
If both files have the same physics, this is the same as picking the .res/.bak/_full.trn file as the input file

Use Mesh From selects which mesh to use. If the meshes are identical can use either option, otherwise:
If you use the Solver Input File mesh, the Initial Values solution is interpolated onto the input file If you use the Initial Values mesh only the physics from the Solver Input File is used

Continue History From carriers over convergence history and iteration counters
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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Manager Defining a Parallel Run

By default the Solver will run in serial
A single solver process runs on the local machine

Training Manual

Set the Run Mode to one of the parallel options to make use of multiple cores/processors
Requires parallel licenses Allows you to divide a large CFD problem into smaller partitions
Faster solution times Solve larger problems by making use of memory (RAM) on multiple machines

The Local Parallel options should be used when running on a single machine The Distributed Parallel options should be used when running across multiple machines
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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Manager Defining a Parallel Run


Training Manual

Local Parallel

Distributed Parallel

Different communication methods are available (MPICH2, HP MPI, PVM)

See documentation When To Use MPI or PVM for more details, but HP MPI is recommended in most cases
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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Manager Define Run Advanced Controls

The Show Advanced Control toggle enables the Partitioner, Solver and Interpolator tabs

Training Manual

On the Partitioner tab you can pick different partitioning algorithms

Partitioning is always a serial process Can be a problem for v.large cases since you cannot distribute the memory load across multiple machines The default MeTiS algorithm uses more memory than others, so if you run out of memory use a different method (see documentation for details)

Multidomain Option:
Independent Partitioning: Each domain is partitioned into n partitions Coupled Partitioning: All domains are combined and then partitioned into n partitions
Theres a specific option for Transient Rotor Stator cases
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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Manager Define Run Advanced Controls

On the Solver tab you can select the Double Precision option
The solver will use more significant figures in its calculations Doubles solver memory requirements Use when round-off error could be a problem if small variations in a variable are important, where small is relative to the global range of that variable, e.g:
Many Mesh Motion cases, since the motion is often small relative to the size of the domain Most CHT cases, since thermal conductivity is vastly different in the fluid and solid If you have a wide pressure range, but small pressure changes are important

Training Manual

Small values by themselves do not need DP

The Solver estimates its memory requirements upfront Memory Alloc Factor is a multiplier for this estimate
Use when the solver stops with an Insufficient Memory Allocated error
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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Manager Interactive Solver Control

Models generally cannot be changed, but timescales, BCs, etc can

Training Manual

During a solution Edit Run in Progress lets you make changes on the fly

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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Manager Additional Solution Monitors

By default monitor plots are created showing the RMS residuals for each equation solved, plus one plot for any monitor points Right-click to switch between RMS and MAX Additional monitors can be selected showing:
Imbalances Boundary fluxes (FLOW) Boundary forces
Tangential (viscous) Normal (pressure) Right-click New Monitor

Training Manual

Source terms Monitor Plot

.out file

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April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

Solver Settings

Solver Manager Additional Icons

By dragging the cursor over any icon, the feature description will appear Start a new Simulation Monitor Finished Run Stop Current Run

Training Manual

Switch Residual Plot between RMS and MAX

Monitor Run in Progress

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

Save Current Run

April 28, 2009 Inventory #002598

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