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erban Iosifescu

After going through this module you will be able to : Define a group and a team . Name their defining components as well as the stages of forming a group / a team . Identify the preferred role/roles within a team . Initiate (or continue) the team forming process within the school institution you lead or you are part of .

10 pieces of advice for an efficient listening

Stop talking . Make it easier for the speaker . Show the speaker you really want to listen to him/her . Dont make distracting gestures .

Put yourself in the speakers shoes .

10 pieces of advice for an efficient listening

Be patient .

Dont get mad .

Dont be tough when arguing or

criticizing and dont assert yourself

as a know-all . Ask questions . Stop talking .

Group and team

A group is a circle of persons who interact under the supervision of a leader in order to achieve a common objective, and who share the sense of a common identity.

A team is a formal group developed in order to solve some specific organizational tasks, and who acts unitarily under the supervision of a manager .

Group and team

Another definition of the team: formal or informal group, highly cohesive and extremely efficient in solving common tasks

The features of a group/ team

common goal;
size; statute structure and role structure; leadership; cohesion;

The features of a group/ team

personal motivation and interests; group norms; nature of the task; environment.

The constitution of a group/ team

Homogenous - made up of persons with similar
training and experience; Heterogeneous - made up of persons with different training and experience .

Communication within a group/ team

(usually) intentional process of transfer of information and meaning between individuals,

groups, organizational levels or

subcomponents, and organizations as a whole

Communication within a group/ team

who (sender); what (message) ; how (code and channel); to whom (receiver); why (effect).

The effects of communication

receiving the communication; understanding the message; agreeing to the content of the communication; accepting the senders intentions; the change (of knowledge, attitude, behavior) shown by the receiver.

The channels of communication

formal, defined by the organizational structure and explicitly intended for circulating the information necessary to perform specific tasks and achieve organizational goals ; informal, not included in the organizational structure, intended for communication between individuals and/or groups, related or unrelated to work issues .

The channels of communication

Please write down three instances of formal communication and three instances of informal communication which you were faced with in your life especially in your professional career. Then think of: How efficient communication was in these instances? How did you feel in these circumstances?

Types of communication

unidirectional (one way), when the sender and receiver have fixed roles ; bi/multi-directional (with double/multiple meaning), when the sender(s) and the receiver(s) exchange their roles in turn .

Teach your partner !

Your task is to teach your partner something, according to the instructions you received. Your activity is going to be assessed based on the results achieved by your partner in the subsequent evaluation test.

Teach your partner!

Each team will have to perform a task using a certain group structure and without talking to one other. The

group that will offer the correct answer first will be

the winner.

Positive contributions to group activities

Be punctual Respect the programmed order Pay attention Keep an open mind Take the floor Focus on problems Respect the contributions made by the participants

Negative contributions to group activities

Be late Look frequently at your watch Read the newspaper, chat Have preconceived ideas Not to take the floor Focus on persons Make remarks regarding age, sex, ethnic groups, political or union membership, etc.

Calling the roles

Select a role you think you are fit for from the available list Try to describe it in front of your colleagues.

Try to act according to the assumed role, for

at least a session.

The development of a group

Forming Storming Norming Performing + Mourning

Team roles

Fill in the questionnaire, by yourselves, according to the instructions.

Team roles

Implementer / Worker

Chairperson / Coordinator
Shaper / Organizer

Planter / Agent

Team roles
Resource finder
Monitor / Supervisor -

Team worker

Final analyzer / Completer


Building a team
Common goal, clear strategies and well determined roles Specific resources Structured methodology A sense of strength, confidence in ones skills Flexibility, adaptability, and creativity

Building a team
Honest relationships, active listening, empathy, multilateral communication, mutual understanding, and fast conflict settlement High achievements . Recognition and appreciation of achievements

Unbeatable morale, satisfaction, and a sense of ownership

Lets learn from wild geese !

When flying each goose creates an air flow which lifts the bird behind it. This is why geese fly in V shape. This configuration generates 71% more lifting power than if the birds would fly by themselves

Lets learn from wild geese!

When a goose leaves the flock, being by itself, it feels a greater air resistance which makes it go back to benefit from the additional lifting power generated by the leading bird.

Lets learn from wild geese!

When the leading goose gets tired it joins the

flock and another goose takes the lead.

The geese in the flock support the leader by strong honks.

Lets learn from wild geese!

When one of the geese gets sick or is shot, other two birds leave the flock in order to find a safe place on the ground for the suffering one and they stay by the latter until it dies or until it is able to fly again.

Needs to be considered !

The needs of the task

The needs of the individuals

The teams specific needs

Multiple and overlapping teams

clearly delimitating each persons attributions within each team; setting the authority limits of each assembly leader; developing an organizational culture that encourages the affiliation to multiple groups, behavioral flexibility and adaptability.

Problems posed by team work

Groupthink Social loofing Group inefficiency as regards routine decisions or decisions taken under time pressure
People behave differently when in different groups

Problems posed by team work

Conservatism and the groups tendency to compromise
Apollo syndrome The attractive character of hierarchy

Difference in knowledge

Problems posed by team work

Different personal resources .

Management style .
The myth of clones team

Have you met this kind of problems?

Starting from your

personal experience,
identify at least one

situation where one of

these problems was


Problematic participants
The hesitating person

The monopolizing person

The voice of experience

The arguer
The person who is not listening

Problematic participants
The killer of ideas
The discontent person The rigid person

The hostile person

Problematic participants
The angry person The negativist The clown The demonstrator The tangential person

Final reflection topics:

Are there any teams in the organization you work for/ the school you go to? If so, which are they and which are their main work tasks?

Final reflection topics:

Which is the role distribution within the teams you know? Are there any unfulfilled roles? Which unfulfilled or excessively

fulfilled roles hinder the achievement of great

results in some teams?

Final reflection topics:

How were these teams formed? Randomly? Based on personal preferences? Based on the bosses preferences? Is there a balance

in the role distribution within these teams?

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