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Richard Msiska Sergio Lourenco

-You want to listen to music, or watch some videos on your mobile device -Media apps are too clustered -You go to something like the Winamp app, but that only plays music -Worry no longer, we have developed a brand new lightweight app which integrates local and web media all into one app!

Why use our app when you can just download an audio app and a video app? Why not use youtube or other pre-installed media apps? -They probably have more support since they are concentrating on one type of media. -That takes up a lot of system resources, and is tedious to download/ update all of those apps
...Or you can download one app (VISCa.) to do everything

Our Approach - Audio

Android built in Visualizer Library -Used in wave representation(fourier analysis) of Audio playback. Android Built in Media Player Library -Used for Media Playback. Android Canvas and Gesture -Used for graphical wave representation of audio playback. -Touch Sensors to Switch between Graphical Presets

Our Approach- Video

-Looked for a way to play videos within android and found the MediaPlayer class and VideoView. Also used Youtube API V3 -We used VideoView for the videos, YoutubePlayerView for Youtube -This method works because everything is done for you essentially, you just create an instance of the video view and media controller, and let android do the rest. -The only disadvantage is the VideoView tries to just wrap the size of the video. -We overcame this by forcing the activity to stretch to the size of the screen.

Our Approach-Video
-The YoutubePlayerView only takes in a video, id when being initialized. -Why make someone remember the ids? -We created a search activity that searches youtube, and returned a rss feed which we parsed the titles of videos and displayed them in a listview. -From this listview, when an item is clicked on the id is extracted from the link of the video and sent to the YoutubePlayerView

Development Plan
-Project Idea and Requirements During 10th Week of Winter Semester 2012 -Project Planning and Design 11th Week of the Winter Semester 2012 -Project Implementation 12-13th Week Of the Winter Semester 2012. -Scrum workflow for development. -Black box feature based testing. -Strong Object Oriented Programming

Nexus 7 will be passed around (with internet connection this time!)

Killer Features
-Sleek and Interactive Audio Visualization Representation. -Integration of Web and Local Media. -Great Looking Layout. -Comprehensive Loading of Media. -Cool and sleek VideoView usage -The YOUTUBES!1!1!!

Lessons Learned
-Using blue for a color scheme looks nicer than a cheddar yellow -Most media classes in android are very undocumented, so Google search is your friend when working with media -Youtube APIs are not very well documented either -A good Reason for Using Threads Rather than AsyncTasks.

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