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Glandular Cell

Target Hormone Cell Receptor

V V H H H Blood vessel H H H H Hormone H H H H H

Grandular-and target cells





Endocrine, paracrine and autocrine effect of hormone

General features of signal

Types Solubility Transport proteins Plasma half life Receptor Mediator Group I Steroids, iodothyronines, calcitrol, retinoids Lipophilic Yes Long (hours to day) Intracellular Signal-receptor complex Group II Polypeptides, proteins, glycoproteins, catecholamines Hydrophilic No Short (minutes) Plasma membrane cAMP, cGMP, Ca2+, DAG, IP3, kinase cascades

The classes of hormones and hormonelike compounds, with some examples Hormone Peptide hormones Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) Corticotropin (adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH) Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, ADH) Insulin Glucagon Amine hormones Epinephrine (adrenaline) Thyroxine (Thyroid hormone) Steroid hormones Cortisol Aldosterone -Estradiol Testosterone Progesterone Eiscosonoids (hormonlike) Postaglandins Leukotrienes Thromboxanes Secreting organ/tissue/cells Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary Posterior Pituitary Pancreas Pancreas Adrenal medulla Thyroid Adrenal cortex Adrenal cortex Ovary Testis Corpus luteum (in ovary) Function or activity Stimulates thyrotropin release from anterior pituitary Stimulates synthesis of aderenocortical steroids in adrenal cortex Increase blood pressure, promotes water reabsorption by kidney Stimulates glucose uptake and utilization Stimulates glucose production by liver Controls responses to stress, increases heart rate Stimulates metabolism in many tissues Limits glucose utilization, increase blood glucose Regulates sodium retention and blood pressure Regulates activity in Female reproductive tissues Regulates activity in male reproductive tissues Regulates activity in Female reproductive organs during menstrual cycle and pregenancy Trigger smooth muscle contraction; fever, inflammation Cause bronchial constriction; involved in hypersensitivity reaction Regulate blood clotting; vasoconstriction; pletelet aggregation

Most tissues Leukocytes (white blood cells), spleen others Platelets and other tissues


Plasma membrane


Second messenger (e.g., cAMP) Altered transcription of specific genes Necleus

Altered activity of preexisting enzyme Altered amount of Newly synthesized proteins

Hypothetical Cell

Receptors for many Peptide hormones, Growth factors, and Amino acid-derived hormones (epineprhine)

Other stereoid hormones and their related receptors Nucleus

Cell membrane

Thyroid hormon receptor Hormone


Specifik steroid (glucocorticoid) Hormone receptor

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