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CHAPTER I A. Background of Study

To prove speaking achievement, the teacher must select teaching speaking strategy that will help to attain goals and collect to materials that are useful for teaching. In addition, that foreign language is internasional language, function of language is the communicative between someone with the other people in this case. With a strategy in teaching English is one of way to help the students to study about English, expecially about speaking. Trial by Jury method is a method by using a investigation of pretend that completely with witness, public prosecutor, trial employee, and soon. Its a method that good for spark off controversion of teaching, study by argument by effectiveness about an opinion and averse the opinion that adversative.

B. Identification of Problem
Based on the previous discussion, the problem of this study can be concluded as : The significant effect of using Trial by Jury strategy in improving students speaking achievement. The students difficulties of using Trial by Jury strategy in improving students speaking achievement.

C. Scope and Limitation

Scope is about speaking for solve the problem for students speaking achievement through Trial by Jury Strategy. The limitation is only related to the improving of speaking achievement about solve the problem skill through Trial by Jury Strategy to the grade XI SMAN 1 Labuhan Deli.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the scope and limitation that stated previously, the problems of this research can be formulated as follows : Is there any effect of using Trial by Jury Strategy to the students speaking achievement ? Is there any increasing in the students achievement after taught by using Trial by Jury Strategy ? What are the students difficulties in making Trial by Jury Strategy in speaking ?

E. The Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out the improving students speaking achievement through Trial by Jury Strategy

F. The Significance of the Study

For the educational value, the findings of the study are expected to give information and knowledge to the students and readers about teaching and learning speaking, so that, they will motivate to improve their speaking achievement. At the least the students are interested and interactive to learn speaking and eventually, they intend to achieve the speaking skill in classroom. In addition, the findings of the study will useful for English teachers who want to use the solution and method which is offered in this study. They also can utilize the method and its application in the classroom. For the researchers, this study can inspire them conduct in dept research in order to have better knowledge in understanding the method in improving language skill especially spoken language.


A. Location The research will be conducted at SMAN 1 Labuhan Deli Jalan Karang Sari dalam. The reason to choose this school as location of the research was term of accessibility and the same research was never conducted there. This research is aim to collecting the data. This research will be carried out to the students of 2012/2013.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population Sugiono (2006:90) said that population is a place that conclude subject or object have qualities and characteristic and researcher choose for observation and then put conclusion of research object. The population of research is students of XI IPA-2 SMAN 1 Labuhan Deli. It has 35 students.

2. Sample A sample is apportioned of population, based on Ari Kunto (1989;107) if the subject is less than 100, all the population was taken as the sample, and if the subject is more than 100, the sample can be taken out between 10-15% or 20-25% or more. So the population is 35 students of XI IPA 1 SMAN1 Labuhan Deli.

C. Research Design
The researcher applied class room action research in this research. Action research was a reflective process of progressive problem solving led by individual working with others in teams as a community practice to improve the way they address issues and solve problems.

D. Instrument for Collecting the Data

The first, the students will give the oral test, the researcher will give one case to all students that get the role of playing speaking. Beside that, the students that no get the role of playing speaking will be attend with the situation. It will be know for researcher, the students feel enthusiastic and interest in learning students speaking by Trial by Jury Strategy. After that, all the students will give the essay test to measure their understanding about the case that will give by the researcher. Every aspect of speaking will arranged from 0-25.

E. Technique for Collecting Data

Quantitative and qualitative data will be use in this study. The instrument for collecting quantitative data is by doing speaking test. Qualitative data will get by using questionnaire. Questionnaire sheet will be use to find the students difficulties in speaking and to know their opinions about the case. Lambardo (1984:332) stated that the evaluated of students improvement speaking, the researcher make four criterions. Those criterions compute pronunciation, fluency, accuracy, and vocabulary.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

This study will be applies qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data is use to describe the situation during the teaching process and the quantitative data is use to analyze of students. The qualitative data is analyze from questionnaire sheet. The quantitative data is collect and analyze by computing the score of speaking test. To know the mean of the students score for each cycle, the researcher will be apply the following formula : x 100 %

Where : X = the mean of the students score x = the total score N = the number of the students Next, to categorize the number of students who are competence in speaking will be apply the following formula : x 100%

Where : P = the percentage of students who get the point 75 R = the number of students who get the point up75 T = the total number of students who do the test.

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