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The Need General Introduction Step by Step Procedure Case Study 1 Case Study 2 Number Plate recognition Conclusion

The Need
To come closer to reality, need to collect significant data. Need better data in terms of quality and quantity Errors, Non Uniformity with existing methods Use of latest technology-new method

General Introduction
Digital Images Pixel is the smallest addressable element Higher no of pixel, higher resolution More data in a pixel- better quality picture Colour Intensity- usually R,G,B C,M,Y,B Grey Scale

Working with Images Say, need to increase brightness -? - Increase greyscale by a fixed amount Changing Contrast-? - Increase the difference in greyscale Smoothening- ? - Gaussean Kernel Filter


As per R. Blake
Object Contour Extraction Motion Detection

Road traffic Processing

Moving Object Tracking

Number Plate

Vehicle Tracking based on Contour Extraction

1. Lane Masking Separate the part of the road where vehicles are moving in one direction N(p) = M(p) V (p), M-primary image N-output image V can be put as 0 if to be eliminated ,else 1

2. Background Elimination Removes all stationary objects

IB(k, p) is pixel color value for point p in frame k

3. Noise and blobs filtration Fixed threshold or histogram-derived M(k, p) = D(k, p) if D(k, p) > threshold M(k, p) = 0 for the rest For better results- Median Filtration

4. Contour Extraction To locate a vehicle in frame Edge detection algorithm First derivative -to detect the rate of intensity changes Second derivative -to determine the location of the maximum rate Kernal Operations- Prewitt ,Sobel

5. Contour linking Connecting separated edge parts of the original object into one closed contour Local or Global

6. Contour labeling To mark and calculate vehicles within frame. Region growing method

7. Vehicle tracking. To track vehicle in the video sequence we must mark its image in someway. One ways - mark object geometric center

Paper Title: Traffic Data Collection under Mixed Traffic Conditions Using Video Image Processing(ASCE, 2009) Authors: C. Mallikarjuna; A. Phanindra; and K. Ramachandra Rao Software Used: Traffic AnalyZer and EnumeratoRTRAZER Location of Study: Delhi, India

Learning phase 4 classes of vehicles LMV,Auto,HMV,LCV For each vehicle class- 400 +ve vehicle images 1,200 -ve images Each vehicle class is described as a tree of features (cascade of boosted classifiers) Set of 100 features- Haar Classifier

Post Learning Phase

Size taken into consideration Spatial and Temporal filtering done Tracking

Classification based on Haar feedback and normalized vehicle size

TRAZER detects vehicles avg. accuracy 95% and classifies with avg. accuracy 85% Can capture acceleration behavior of vehicles, average occupancy, average speeds, Lateral Spacing Suitable for mixed traffic conditions Capable even at congested conditions Occlusion rectified to an extent

Paper Title: Image tracking of motorcycles and vehicles on urban roads and its application to traffic monitoring and enforcement(Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,2011) Authors: JenChao Tai & KaiTai Song Software Used: Self developed Location of Study: Hsinchu city,Taiwan The frame rate 15 frame/s. Pixel resolution -352 240

1. Contour Detection 2. Contour Generation

Traffic flow, vehicle speeds and traffic density obtained with satisfactory accuracy. Not affected by lane boundaries and vehicle size Not able to overcome occlusion problem

Number Plate Recognition

Problems Encountered

1. Blake, R., et al.(2005). Image Processing in Road Traffic Analysis. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 2005, Vol. 10, No. 4, 315332. 2. Mallikarjuna, C., et al.(2009). Traffic Data Collection under Mixed Traffic Conditions Using Video Image Processing. J. Transp. Eng. 2009.135:174-182. 3. Tai, J.C. , and Song, K.T. (2011). Image tracking of motorcycles and vehicles on urban roads and its application to traffic monitoring and Enforcement. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 33, No. 6, 923-933

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