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*sim cmlecii, bir cmlede isim grevi stlenen cmleciktir. zne ya da nesne konumunda yer alabilir. grupta incelenebilir: Noun clauses beginning with that, Noun clauses beginning with a question word, Noun clauses beginning with whether/if.

A) Noun Clauses Beginning With THAT: Dz cmleleri isim cmlecii yaparken cmleciin bana that getirilir. Eer isim cmlecii kullanld cmlede nesne durumunda ise that kullanlmayabilir. a) As subject: e.g.

Statement: He invented a new device. This is great. N.C.: THAT he invented a new device is great.

b) As object: e.g. Statement: Our rivals have dropped their prices. We suspect this. N.C.: We suspect (THAT) our rivals have dropped their prices.

That clause yaygn olarak aadaki yaplarda kullanlr: a) Baz sfatlardan sonra: List: afraid, apparent, anxious, certain, happy, likely, obvious, sorry, surprised, sure,etc.

e.g. *Im surprised that the news made everybody happy.

*We are all afraid that the final exam will be difficult.

b) Baz isimlerden sonra: List: belief, assumption, conclusion, hope, fact, opinion, possibility,theory, suggestion,etc.

e.g.* Its widely accepted belief that moderation is the best policy.

*My hope is that we may visit in Boston.

c) Baz fiillerden sonra: List: accept, argue, ask(wh), believe(wh), complain, consider(wh), decide(wh), deny, estimate(wh), guess, hope, indicate, remember(wh), think(wh),etc.

e.g. *She decided that she would leave her money to her nephew.

NOT: Yanlarnda wh bulunan fiillerden sonra soru kelimeleri ile balayan isim cmlecikleri de gelebilir.

e.g. *She asked where she had to wait.

d) The factten sonra: Eer that clause yer-durum bildiren ifadelerden(prepositions) sonra kullanlacaksa the fact that kullanlmaldr.

e.g. *The judge paid no attention TO THE FACT THAT she had just lost her husband.

B) Noun Clauses Beginnig With WHETHER/IF: Or not ifadesi ya whetherdan hemen sonra ya da isim cmleciinin sonunda kullanlabilir. Fakat iften hemen sonra or not kullanlmaz. Her iki durumda da or not kullanlmasa da cmlenin anlam deimez.

a) As subject: Bu yapda if bata kullanlmaz. e.g.* Whether or not he is going to Japan isnt known.
b) As object: e.g. *She wants to know whether the fast train stops at Burton or not.

C) Noun Clauses Beginning With A Question Word(what, who, when, why, etc. ) e.g.* When the train arrives in York is unknown. *I wondered what happened. *I dont know which team has won.

Noun Clauses As Subject Complement e.g. *WHAT surprises me is THAT she is successfulin her field. *THE REASON WHY he didnt come with us was THAT he was ill.

Noun Clauses As An Appositive To A Noun List: argument, belief, cahnce, claim, doubt, idea, possibility, point of view, etc.

e.g.* Our doubt whether he has been embezzling must be investigated.

e.g. * The possibility that the old lady has been murdered by her own son cant be ruled out.

The Subjunctive Form In Noun Clauses (stek-Dilek-artGereklilik Kipi) ngilizcede baz sfat ve fiillerden sonra,ya infinitivein yaln ekli(subjunctive) ya da should modal yaps kullanlr. Temel cmlenin yklemi past bile olsa isim cmleciindeki should deimez.

a) Baz fiiller:

Advise Agree Ask Demand Insist Order Persuade Recommend Suggest Want Warn

b) Baz sfatlar:

Amazing Advisable Best Certain Important Necessary Obligatory Ridiculous Vital

e.g. *The committee RECOMMENDED THAT the company INVEST in new property.
*It is IMPORTANT THAT every child HAVE the same educational opportunities.

* I insist that he NOT BE so rude.

* The headmaster WARNED THAT the meeting BE HELD as soon as possible. * It is APPROPRIATE THAT she BE GIVEN the award. * It is amazing that she NOT CHANGE her mind.

Reduction Of Noun Clauses

sim cmlecikleri, what, where, how, when gibi bir soru kelimesi ya da whether ile balyorsa ve temel cmlenin znesi ile isim cmleciinin znesi ayn ise isim cmlecii ksaltlarak Question Word + TO V1 ,Whether + TO V1 eklinde ifade edilebilir.

-Ancak ksaltma yaparken tense gznne alnmaldr. Eer can, could, should, will, must, have to ieriyorsa ksaltlabilir.
e.g. * I dont know what to do.

NOT: Eer temel cmlenin nesnesiyle isim cmleciinin znesi aynysa bu durumda da ksaltma yaplabilir. e.g.* We told them HOW TO GET to our new house.

NOT: sim cmlecii if ile baladnda ksaltma yaplamaz ancak whether ile yaplabilir. We cant decide WHETHER TO GO on a holiday.

NOT: sim cmlecii why ile balyorsa ksaltma yaplamaz.

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