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Political Ideologies

Social Studies 11

What is an ideology?
A set of ideas or values A way of thinking A belief system A conviction A theory Oxford Dictionary defines ideology as:
a system of ideas and principles forming the basis of an economic or political theory a set of beliefs held by a particular group

Ideology can be defined as a set of basic beliefs about the political, economic, social, and cultural affairs held by the majority of people within a given society and how and why the people should be governed.

What are political ideologies?

Political ideologies

are beliefs about how people should be organized and governed What are some examples of political ideologies?

How are ideologies expressed or represented?

Ideologies can be expressed in a variety of ways Symbols can be used to represent a particular ideology Colours can come to represent a particular ideology Writing and documentation can outline a particular ideology-- eg; manifesto, constitution Uniforms or clothing can represent a particular ideology

What do these images represent?

What ideologies does this represent?

What about this?

What about this?

And this?

Political systems

Political systems are created to organize and administer or govern people Political systems have evolved throughout our collective history A political system puts a political ideology into practice Can you name some political systems?

Monarchy means the rule by the one A monarchy is a system of rule by an individual who has supreme and absolute power of the people. Monarchies are usually hereditary and the king/queen rules for his/her lifetime.

Oligarchy means to rule by the few, usually by wealthy people such as aristocrats and nobles An oligarchy is a system of government in which all power is held by a small or select number of wealthy people who shape policy to benefit themselves Can you come up with an example of an oligarchy?

Theocracy translates to mean rule by god A theocracy is a system of governing where a religious institution or church rules over the people Some people consider Iran to be a theocratic republic The Pope in the Vatican is an example of a theocracy

Democracy means rule by the people Democracy is a form of government where the supreme power is vested in the people and exercized directly by them or their elected representatives under a free electoral system Examples of democracies?

Aristrocracy translates to mean rule by the best Aristocracy is the rule by a select few who are members of the social and economic elite. Aristocracy is a group of privileged people who control the rest of society

A dictatorship is

rule by a single person who has seized power with absolute control over the resources and the people of the state

Political Ideologies

Imperialism is the

extension of power and rule beyond established geographical boundaries to benefit the mother country Imperialism was a means of building an empire of colonies and using those colonies to supply the mother country with resources and cheap labour (sometimes slaves)

Communism is an extreme left-wing ideology based upon the revolutionary teachings of Karl Marx Communism calls for the abolishment of private property and promotes collective ownership Communism supports a planned economy and promotes a belief in economic equality for all According to the communist philosophy, each should work to their capability and receive according to their needs In practice, communism provides people with the choice of one party to govern the people

Socialism promotes a political system where the principle means of production, distribution, and exchange are in common ownership (cooperative) Socialism supports government intervention and regulation in the economy When you think of socialism, think of things such as : farmer co-operatives, credit unions, labour unions, universal education or healthcare

Fascism is the extreme right wing ideology where the existing social order is protected by the forcible suppression of the working class In a fascist state, there is no intellectual freedom, limited economic freedom, and strong government regulations

Totalitarianism is the absolute control by the state or governing branch of a highly centralized institution Essentially, the government has complete and total control of all aspects of everyones life.

Liberalism is the strong belief in economic and intellectual freedom and promotes representative government, free-speech, abolition of class privilege and state protection of the individual Classical liberalism outlines that the government should not be involved more than necessary Reform liberalism stresses a stronger commitment to limited government intervention

Conservatism promotes the strong belief in economic freedom and intellectual equality Conservatism supports traditional values and beliefs and a governmental system where the existing institutions are maintained Conservative ideology emphasizes free-enterprise and minimal government intervention

Capitalism can be defined as an economic system (not really a political ideology) where the principle means of production and distribution are in private hands and promotes a belief that business, not government, produces goods Capitalism is opposed to communism


Environmentalism is an ideology and social movement that promotes the environment and concerns over environmental protection, conservation and sustainability.

Anarchism is the ideology where society is without government, laws, police, or authority. Anarchism stresses a system of self control where it is every person for themselves

Populism is general term used to reflect the ideologies which demand the redistribution of political power and economic leadership to the common people or population Populism emphasizes the rights and power of the people over the privileged elite

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