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To refresh us with the different diagnostic procedures, practical and cost effective that can guide us in most of our office gynecology practice

The diagnostic procedures that we should do and request must be based on a working impression gathered through a complete, thoughtfully elicited and thorough history and PE

In patients with no apparent symptoms referable to the pelvic organs, the following information should be included:
Inquiry regarding abnormal bleeding or discharge menstrual irregularities pelvic discomfort changes in or abnormality of bowel or bladder function pruritus or lesions of the vulva.

Careful general exam should include survey of the neck, breast, axilla, abdomen, groin, and legs.

Complete pelvic exams: Inspection and palpation of the external genitalia Bimanual and vaginal exam Speculum exam of the cervix and vagina Rectal exam including recto-vaginal exam

Single diagnostic screening technique which has had

the longest impact into the reduction of mortality in cervical cancer

Ideal Target population: Screening all sexually active

women and all women above 18 years.

High Risk Group: 1. Early sexual activity 2. Early child bearing 3. Multiple sex partners 4. HPV and Herpes Simplex Virus II infection 5. Immunosuppressed patients 6. Smoking 7. Decreased dietary intake of vitamin A

Sampling of specimen: 1. Endocervix (transformation zone) 2. Lateral mid vaginal wall 3. Vaginal pool
Fixation use: 1. 95% alcohol 2. Ether and alcohol 3. Hair spray 4. Air drying

Factors that influence accuracy of PAP smear:

1. Appropriate volume of screening material 2. Adequate sampling of the epithelium at risk 3. Careful preparation of cytologic material 4. Accurate diagnostic methods in the cytopathology laboratory

Information from PAP smear: 1. Diagnosis of cervical CA, dysplasia and CIN 2. Suggest carcinoma arising from other pelvic organs and elsewhere in the peritoneal cavity. 3. Suggest etiology of cervico-vaginal infection 4. Quantitative assessment of estrogen status(MI)

Rough guide:
Superficial 1-10% 10-30% Estrogen Effect slight moderate



Other basis for MI:

50% or more Basal low estrogen effect

90% or more Intermediate

- suppression of estrogen by progesterone as in pregnancy

Importance of MI:

1.Rough guide for HRT among menopausal patients

2.Postmenopausal women without estrogen supplement with increased estrogen effect may

suggest the possibility of existing estrogen secreting granulosa cell or theca cell tumor of origin. 3.Children with precocious puberty.

Limitations of MI: 1. Inflammation disturbs the cornification pattern and render it unreliable as an index of estrogen effect. 2. Postmenopausal women taking Digitalis and related glycosides for more than 2 years may increase MI.

A newer method called liquid-based cytology, or liquidbased pap testing can remove some of the mucus, bacteria, yeast, and pus cells in a sample and can spread the cervical cells more evenly on the slide. Instead of being directly placed on a slide, the sample is placed into a special preservative solution. This new method, also known by brand names ThinPrep or Autocyte, also prevents cells from drying out and becoming distorted.

Recent studies show that liquid-based testing can slightly improve detection of precancers, and reduce the number of tests that need to be repeated. This method is more expensive than a usual PAP smear. HPV exam can be done simultaneously.

USA statistics At 50 years of age ~ 80% with (+) genital HPV 5% of females of cervical Ca are between 35-55 years >20 years of age account for 63% of genital warts Type 16 &18 70% associated with cervical Ca Type 6 & 11 90% associated with genital warts Women between 25-54 20% will have at least 1 abnormal pap smear test.

Procedure Aspiration and brush lavage of endometrial cavity Advantage Simple and less expensive way to diagnose endometrial pathology

Disadvantages There is difficulty in identifying pre-malignant changes of the endometrial cells on cytopathological material It is difficult to differentiate secretory endometrium, hyperplastic and endometrial hyperplasia Sensitivity and specificity of endometrial cytology is less than desirable

Conclusion Disadvantages outweigh the advantages, thus it cannot be recommended as a routine screening.

Cervicitis and vaginitis are the most frequent complaints evaluated by the gynecologist Organisms most often associated with cervicitis: Chlamydia trachomatis (most common) Neisseria gonorrhea Herpes simplex II

In vaginitis, the most common offending organisms can be easily diagnosed by simple wet smear with the use of NSS
Candidiasis Candida albicans Trichimoniasis Trichomonas vaginalis Bacterial Vaginosis Gardnerella vaginalis and anaerobic bacteria

TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS The organism seen are actively motile, normally moving with the direction of flagella.

GARDNERELLA VAGINALIS Will show the typical clue cells which consists of epithelial cells that appear stippled or granulated. Mobilinus species will appear as highly motile curved bacterial rods with cork-screw spinning action which is seen in approximately 50% of cases.

CANDIDA ALBICANS Typical hyphae and spore formation is also seen in wet smears. It is however, better visualized with KOH smears. Bacterial vaginosis can also be diagnosed by adding KOH in the discharge. This produces a fishy amine odor which is the basis for the Whiff test.

In Gram staining of discharge from patients with bacterial vaginosis. It will show presence of clue cells with few polymorphonuclear cells (PMN). There will be few lactobacilli and small pleomorphic gram (-) rods. In Gardnerella vaginitis, minute rod-shaped gram (-) bacilli will be seen. Gonococcal infection will manifest gram (-) diplococci in the cytoplasm of PMNs.

Routine bacterial culture of the vaginal discharge may be misleading and of no diagnostic value In herpes and Chlamydia infection, proper media and transport vials are necessary. It is however indicated in the following:
1. Recurrent infection 2. Abscess of vulva, groin, and pelvis

The following culture media are suggested: 1. Gonococcal infection Thayer Martin 2. Trichomonal infection Freiberg, Whiethylin, or diamonds media culture however are seldom necessary. 3. Candida albicans Wickersons and Saborauds media 4. Gardnerella vaginitis Casmans blood agar Colonies are identified by different beta hemolysis produced.


Formation of fern patterns
Directly dependent on the ovarian hormonal status

of the patient at the particular time Seen in its typical form with the presence of adequate estrogens. Progesterone inhibits or completely abolishes ferning formation even with the presence of sufficient estrogen


A sample of endocervical mucus is

spread on a clean dry slide. Air dry for 20-30 minutes Read under the microscope


(+) - presence of arborization with crystallization

indicative of predominance of estrogen effect (-) - cellular pattern without crystallization and arborization; indicative of little or no estrogen or suppression of estrogen by progesterone False (-) results presence of blood, or if the sample was spread too thinly.


Diagnostic Uses
Indirect quantification of estrogen effect

Ferning can be graded according to the branching of the ferning pattern upon crystallization


primary branching
secondary branching tertiary branching quarternary branching

Index of ovulation and normal corpus luteum

function (shifting from (+) to (-) ferning test)


Diagnostic Uses Timing of post coital test Diagnosis of pregnancy vs anovulatory cycles Disorders of early pregnancy

Patients with (+) ferning during early pregnancy were found to have higher incidence of abortion


Toluidine blue 1% is applied liberally to the vulva and

perineal area. Dry for 2-3 minutes Decolorize with acetic acid Acetic acid enhances the diagnostic capabilities and augmentation or recognition of white or hyperpigmented lesions

Basis Glycosylated squamous epithelium takes up iodine based stain. For cervical dysplasia in which the nuclear-cytoplasm ratio is increased and therefore the glycogen is diminished, the epithelium will not take up stain and may appear as light yellow Indication Guide for surgical biopsy

Schillers solution (1 part iodine + 2 parts KI + 300 parts water) is applied in the vagina and upper cervix with cotton pledget


(-) mahogany brown (normal epithelium) (+) light yellow , as in Dysplasia Traumatized tissue Cervicitis Columnar epithelium


Basis Nuclear sex chromatin recognition of a chromatin mass (sex chromati body) in individual with 2x chromosomes as in normal females. It is present in 65-75% female tissue and absent in around less than 4% in males


Procedure Specimen taken from oral buccal smear is commonly employed Chromatin mess or sex chromosome body is recognized in the cell nucleus adjacent to the nuclear membrane in the female


Indication Primary amenorrhea in apparent female Ambiguous external genitalia at any age Prepubertal girls with pronounce shortness of stature Male infertility Mental retardation and or psychotic or antisocial behavior in either male and female Aggressive, antisocial behavior in males with excessive height

Aspiration of fluid from posterior cul-de-sac (pouch of

Douglas) by needle placed through posterior fornix of the vagina

Usually done in office with local or no anesthesia

Most commonly performed for confirmation of

suspected hemoperitoneum (finding of non clotting blood) Can help diagnose ectopic pregnancy, hemorrhagic ovarian cyst or upper abdominal pathology If WBC count > 30,000/ml of peritoneal fluid, suspect pelvic inflammatory disease (normal WBC count <1000/ml) Identification of possible ovarian carcinoma


Allows rapid diagnosis of a life-threatening condition Office procedure Allows culture of organisms for treatment of PID

Does not distinguish between sources of intra-abdominal

bleeding Painful for patient Bleeding, infection risks minimal

Use of a magnifying

instrument to identify abnormal (precancerous, cancerous) areas of cervical mucosa Usually performed at 10-20x magnification


Must be observed
Squamo-columnar junction is noted for color,

topography of epithelial surface and vascular architecture Vascular pattern may be described as punctuation or mosaicism White discoloration or oyster shell appearance

3 to 5% acetic acid applied to cervix

Normal mucosa appears smooth, opaque pink Abnormal mucosa appear white due to increased nuclear-cytoplasmic

ratio Abnormal vascular patterns

Mosaicism Punctation Atypical (compatible with cancer)

Result from neovascularization of neoplasia Satisfactory exam must be able to see: Transition zone in its entirety (360) All margins of the lesions, i.e. doesnt extend into canal beyond view If unsatisfactory, invasive cancer not ruled out

Appears as white lesion and a minor alteration of

surface contour Vascular pattern may be prominent with mosaicism and punctuation

Invasive Cell Ca
Abnormal surface contour with heavy vessels

In abnormal pap smear, it determines the site of

abnormal cells and thus eliminate hazards of diagnostic conization Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS - H or + high risk HPV)

Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LGSIL) High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HGSIL) Carcinoma in-situ or invasive carcinoma Repeated (>2) atypical pap smears Atypical glandular cells

(+) ECC Radiation changes

Following radiation , pap smear is occasionally abnormal. Colposcopy can locate white epithelium due to radiation changes

HPV and Herpes infection DES exposed offspring Pregnant patients can undergo colposcopy, as well

Risks minimal risk, since colposcopy is not invasive Benefits Allows better visualization of cervical tissue than the naked eye Without biopsies, no more uncomfortable for patient than a Pap Identifies areas of concern for dysplasia Defines histologic diagnosis, severity of disease, extent/location of disease Information obtained guides management/treatment choices

Removing a small (2-3mm) sample of cervical tissue Usually done under colposcopic guidance

Usually fixed in formalin, in separate containers

Instruments (Tischler or Kevorkian biopsy forceps)

Evaluation of a cervical lesion visible

To the naked eye With colposcopy

Risks Bleeding from biopsy site

Usually minimal, hemostatics applied p.r.n. May be more significant with increased vascularization Pregnancy Neovascularization of severe dysplasia and cancer

Infection rare, as tissue is well vascularized and heals easily Misdiagnosis

False positive results may be due to: Improperly oriented specimen Inflammatory changes in the tissue False negative results may be due to: Sampling error Inadequate colposcopic skills

Benefits Allows specific dysplasia diagnosis and treatment plan to be made based on tissue sample (histology), not screening test (Pap, cytology) Can also diagnose infections such as herpes, syphilis and chronic cervicitis No anesthesia required


Excision of transformation zone in a cone shape (T-zone area at greatest risk for cervical neoplasia) Anesthesia required local, regional or general Can be performed in OR using a scalpel, cold knife cone or CO2 laser Can be performed in the office setting

Loop electrosurgical excision Not recommended for cervical lesions high in the canal Not recommended for large or wide lesions Local anesthesia is usually sufficient

Technique of cold knife cone biopsies
Adequate anesthesia Sutures at 3 and 9 oclock of lateral cervix for better

hemostasis Can use intracervical injections of vasopressin for hemostasis Locate endocervical canal and transformation zone Circumferential excision of transformation zone in cone shape Ablation of base with cauterization Perform endocervical curettage Ensure hemostasis with sutures if necessary

Indications Treatment of any high grade dysplastic lesion (CIN II or III) or abnormal endocervical curettage Evaluation of high grade lesion seen on an unsatisfactory colposcopic exam (e.g. lesion extends into the cervical canal) Rule out invasive cancer (suspected by Pap or colposcopy, but unable to confirm by office biopsy) Resolve discrepancy between Pap finding and cervical biopsy findings Suspicion of glandular neoplasia (by Pap or colpo) Microinvasive cancer on biopsy rule out frank invasion, as therapy differs

Benefits Often done as day surgery Provides tissue for further analysis by pathology Not as destructive to specimen as electrocautery or laser procedures Ablation of base may destroy residual, neoplastic disease

Risks Bleeding Infection Future pregnancy loss due to loss of cervical competence Inability to remove all disease Recurrence of disease

Rapid expansion of carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide in a

probe placed against cervix causing freezing of cervical tissue Freezing process usually performed twice during procedure to ensure destruction of tissue

Indications Treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

In theory, dysplasia cure rate should be ~ 90% for all grades Some report high failures with carcinoma in situ and highergrade lesions Wide transformation zones may be difficult to cover with probe Cryotherapy is usually recommended for CIN I-II with no endocervical involvement Treatment of chronic cervicitis done historically, not currently recommended

No anesthesia needed

In-office procedure
Minimal cramping No bleeding

No pathologic specimen obtained for review (all tissue destroyed) must rule out cancer via colposcopy
As above, cryotherapy cannot extend to vaginal margins or into canal;

therefore large lesions or endocervical lesions may not be cured. Cryotherapy may not extend into glands to destroy intra glandular dysplasia. Cervical stenosis postoperatively is a rare possibility Colposcopic follow-up may be more difficult Cannot be used on vaginal lesions due to varying thicknesses of tissue and possible intra-abdominal organ damage Contraindicated in pregnancy


Loop electrosurgical wire

(unipolar) with cutting/coagulation current used to excise entire cervical transformation zone Tissue sent to pathology for definitive diagnosis, rule out invasive cancer Base of cervix can then be ablated for hemostasis and destruction of residual disease Local anesthesia used (cervical block)


Diagnosis and removal of

high-grade cervical dysplasia Evaluation of lesions seen on unsatisfactory colposcopy, where a larger tissue sample which includes some endocervical canal is needed Rule out invasive cancer


Gives tissue diagnosis, rule out cancer

Office procedure
Minimal discomfort for patient


Bleeding intraoperative or late Infection

Not recommended for:

Wide lesions which cover ectocervix Lesions high in canal Bleeding disorders, anticoagulants High risk of invasive cancer cold knife cone preferred Pregnancy

Sampling of endocervical canal by curette

scraping Usually performed with colposcopy

Squamous or glandular dysplasia on Pap Evaluation of cervical lesion in canal Should be performed even if transformation

zone entirely visible at first colposcopic exam; may not be needed subsequently Used to stage endometrial cancer by determining cervical involvement

Allows evaluation of areas not visible by

colposcopy Helps determine treatment for dysplasia conization or loop excision indicated if positive for squamous or glandular disease No anesthesia needed

Risks Minimal spotting Possible cramping during procedure Contraindicated in pregnancy

Indications Diagnosis of ovulation Follow up of medically managed endometrial pathology cases Endometrial dating and diagnosis of luteal phase defects Abnormal uterine bleeding

Diagnosis of Luteal Phase Defects Discrepancy of 3 days or more between the histology date of the endometrium and that of the cycle. Correlation of histology with luteal length as defined by the serum LH spikes or ultrasound evidence of ovulation Low serum progesterone Short luteal phase Basal Body Temperature

Benefits Low risk of uterine perforation (1/1000) Gives tissue for diagnosis Sensitivity for diagnosing neoplasia similar to D&C Minimal bleeding Unlike D&C, no anesthesia needed

Contraindications Pregnancy Acute pelvic inflammatory disease
Precautions Cardiac patients must receive prophylactic antibiotics to prevent possible bacteremia

Radiographic delineation of the uterus and fallopian tubes

using contrast material introduced at the uterus via the cervical canal. It is done 2-6 days after cessation of menstrual flow. A history of PID, septic abortion, IUD use, ruptured appendix, tubal surgery, or ectopic pregnancy alerts the physician to the possibility of tubal damage. However cases eventually found to have tubal damage, and or pelvic adhesions have no apparent history of antecedent disease in around 50% of cases.

Infertility work up Treatment plan for gynecological disorders such as abnormal uterine

bleeding. Ashermans syndrome or uterine synechiae Pre-operative evaluation prior to myomectomy, and tubal reconstruction surgery. Post-operative assessment of the uterus and tubal integrity. Documentation that the tubes were lighted in cases where histologic documentation was not previously done. Cervical incompetence diagnosis Mullerian Duct abnormalities Women exposed to DES Endometrial pathology diagnosis

Contraindication: Pregnancy Menstruation Acute PID Hypersensitivity to the dye Precautions: For suspected cases with Pelvic Infection

Water soluble rather than oil dye should be used for better absorption. Sedimentation rate is done. If elevated, give antibiotics and request sedimentation rate after 1 month.

Therapeutic uses of hysterosalpingogram:
It may effect mechanical lavage of the tube and dislodged mucus

plug It may strengthen the tube and then break down peritoneal adhesions. It may provide stimulatory effect for the cilia of the tubes. It may improve the cervical mucus Iodine may exert as a bacteriostatic effect on the mucus membrane. Ethiodiol decreases the phagocytic capability of macrophages and this could decrease the infection of the sperm.

Noninvasive imaging technique utilizing acoustic

waves similar to sonar Ultrasound is approximately 90% accurate in recognizing the presence of a pelvic mass, but does not establish a tissue diagnosis.

Poor penetration of bone and air, thus the pubic

symphysis and air-filled intestines and rectum often inhibit visualization. Advantages: Real time nature of the image Absence of radiation Ability to perform the procedure in the office during or immediately after a pelvic examination Ability to describe the findings to the patient while she is watching Absence of adverse clinical effects from the energy levels used in diagnostic studies.

Ultrasound evaluation of endometrial pathology

involves measurement of the endometrial thickness or stripe.

The normal endometrial thickness is 4mm or less in a

postmenopausal woman not taking hormones. The thickness varies in perimenopausal women at different times of the menstrual cycle. The endometrial thickness is measured in the longitudinal plane, from outer margin to outer margin, at the widest part of the endometrium

During the examination, the woman is in a dorsal

lithotomy position and has an empty bladder. Because the transducer is closer to the pelvic organs than when a transabdominal approach is employed, endovaginal resolution is usually superior. If the pelvic structures to be studied have expanded and extend into the patients abdomen, the organs are difficult to visualize with an endovaginal probe.

A sector scanner is preferable because it provides

greater resolution of the pelvis and an easier examination than the linear array. It is helpful for the patient to have a full bladder, this serves as an acoustic window for the highfrequency sound waves.

Assess the frequency of returning echoes to determine

the velocity of moving structures. Measurement of diastolic and systolic velocities provides indirect indices of vascular resistance. Muscular arteries have high resistance Newly developed vessels, such as those arising in malignancies, have little vascular wall musculature and thus have low resistance.


A technique that usually displays shades of red and

blue that delineate blood flow within an ovarian neoplasm Benign ovarian lesions have little color flow When a color flow doppler scan does demonstrate vascularity, the vascular resistance can be calculated. Low resistance is associated with malignancy, and high resistance usually is associated with normal tissue or benign disease. Highly sensitive in evaluating ovarian malignancy

In women with abnormal vaginal bleeding,

transcervical injection of saline outlines the uterine cavity A thin catheter, a pipelle or intrauterine insemination catheter, is inserted through the cervical os and 3 to 10 cc of saline are slowly injected into the uterine cavity. Also helpful in the evaluation of uterine septae It does not make a tissue diagnosis.

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