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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Junaidi Rudy Heriyanto Dewa Ayu Ratna Mahaprawitasari Dita Prima Desta Franky Santoso Nirmala RahmaDewi

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Angga Prawira Purwanto Tantiana Budiarti Rara Widya S YAnuarius Alfianda Suri Raiman Khurin In Febriyanti Riska Mustikawati

TUTOR : dr. Ayly Soekanto, M. Kes

Tn. Adi 56 years, was taken to the doctor by his son because the repetitive dysentery.



1. 2. 3. 4.

What caused the blooded defecate in the case of the above?

Any disease that causes blooded defecate?

In this case what the exact diagnosis? How does the principle of management in that case?


Any signs of signs to refer patients?

Anything that should be explained to the patient's doctor about this problem?


What diseases could be prevented from above?



Dysentery or so-called hematochezia marked with bright red blood discharge from the anus, can form lumps or have mixed with feces. In some patients, the blood that comes out black, sticky, and smelly. Sticky black stools and foul is called melena.


Patient Identity Name Age : Mr. Adi : 56 years



Main Complaint Dysentery

Disease History Now Dysentery felt since 6 months ago. Defecation accompanied by fresh blood.

In the past history of disease (RPD)

Have never been sick like this

Drug History (RO) Not taking medication

Family Disease History (RPK)

My father died of colon ca

Social History (RS) Married 23 years of age Like eating meat Do not like vegetables

Consciousness: Compos Mentis Vital Sign: Blood pressure Nadi Respiratory Rate Temperature : 140/90 mmHg : 80 X / min : 19 X / min : 370 C

General Situation Inspection Head : a / i / c / d: +/-/-/eyes : conjunctival anemia Chest examination: inspection : normal palpation : - abdominal lump right, non-tender


x-ray 3 position Examination of blood in the stool. Endoscopy. This examination is very useful because in addition to seeing the situation in the colon can also act, for example when finding polyps endoscopy may well take it to then do a biopsy.



1. Ca Colon Gejala

Perubahan frekuensi buang air, berkurang (konstipasi) atau bertambah (diare) Sensasi seperti belum selesai buang air, (masih ingin tapi sudah tidak bisa keluar) dan perubahan diameter serta ukuran kotoran (feses). Keduanya adalah ciri khas dari kanker kolorektal

Feses bercampur darah atau keluar darah dari lubang pembuangan saat buang air besar Feses bercampur lendir


stool, usually associated with the occurrence of bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract Weight loss for no apparent reason (this is the most common symptom in all type of malignancy) Loss of appetite Anemia, the patient was pale Often feel tired Sometimes experience sensations such as floating

2. Amoebiasis Symptoms
Amoebiasis Carrier (Passer cyst): do not show

clinical symptoms at all, because the amoeba is located in the colon lumen, does not hold the invasion of the intestinal wall. Intestine Amoebisis Lightweight: slow onset, usually complain abdominal bloating, occasional mild abdominal pain like cramps. Mild diarrhea, 45 times a day, foul-smelling feces, mixed with blood and mucus, a little tenderness in the area liver

Intestine Amoebisis Medium: complaints and clinical

symptoms more severe than the mild dysentery, but still able to perform daily activities. Feces contain blood and mucus with cramping abdominal complaints, fever and weak body. Intestinal amoebiasis Weight: experience diarrhea accompanied by blood a lot, more than 15 times a day, high fever (40 degrees Celsius-40, 5 degrees Celsius), accompanied by nausea and anemia. Chronic amoebiasis: mild symptoms resembling amoebic dysentery, diarrhea attacks interspersed with periods of normal or without symptoms. The attack of diarrhea usually occur because of fatigue, fever, or food that is difficult to digest.

Painful defecation time The existence of Bleeding

The release of mucus and the presence of faeces

in underwear merupakn traits that have prolapsed hemorrhoids settled.

After making a diagnose, physical examination, and investigation, it can be concluded that what happened to Mr. Adi is Ca Colon

1. Ca colon therapy
Patient care depends on the level of staging the

cancer itself. Therapy will be much easier if the cancer is found at an early stage. Cancer cure rates of stage 1 and 2 are still very good. But if cancer is found in the advanced stage, or is found at an early stage and not treated, it was possible recovery would be much more difficult. Among the treatment options for sufferers, Operation option is still ranked first, with supported by chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy (may be required).

2. Prognosis If the cancer has not spread and surgery and chemotherapy or radiation therapy, the possibility to recover. 3. Complication

intestinal obstruction followed by a narrowing of the lumen due to the lesion; perforation of the bowel wall by tumor, followed by contamination of the peritoneal cavity by bowel contents; direct extension of tumor into adjacent organs


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