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social communication and means of communication

This magazine is based on social communication and media, which is communication and is exercised through different media, having an entertainment to make it more fun to readers

What is social communication:

Social communication is a field of interdisciplinary studies investigating the information and expression, the mass media and cultural industries. Begins with the observation of what happens, then analyzes and interprets the information that is collected and transmitted to an audience through various media, such as radio, television, newspaper, magazines, books.

The social media:

Communication plays a very important role in the development of the Company in General, since it has to do with how individuals interact and how they influence each other. Communication is the "basic carrier of the social process". The word communication comes from the Latin language, becomes the adjective "Comunis" That means Common Latin word derived words also communal, community, communion, among others

Factors of the communication process: For communication to be effective it is necessary that all the factors involved in the communicative act work perfectly. These are the necessary factors in the communication process: Explore the diagram.

audiovisual aids

In general terms, the media are those that can be heard and seen. That is, devices that are based on images and sounds to convey information, such as television and film. Since its emergence in the 30s until the early twenty-first century, television has been the medium with the highest rates of public or global audience. This is due to its characteristics as an information tool: its immediacy in covering events, the resources used (images, sound, speakers, set's recording) and, above all, the possibility offered to see the facts, and their protagonists in real time and miles away. Even today, with the advent of new media, television maintains its level of influence over most of the sectors of society, as their devices are cheap and easily accessible. The film The film has not been considered as a medium for information, despite having been used in this way on several occasions. It is true that visual characteristics allow it to function as a powerful messaging platform, but the dimensions of its production and the interests of its producers have made until today, I consider as a cultural entertainment, dedicated to creating stories, fictional and documentary, high impact and emotional or historical significance. However, since its emergence in the late nineteenth century, the film functioned as a transmitter of information messages. For example, in the 30s and 40s, in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, the film was used as propaganda: the rulers of both countries understood it as a fundamental platform to convey to their people the scope of their governments to ultra-right. This causes us to reflect on the possibilities of mass media to generate imaginary and to influence the decisions of our societies.

Medium radiophonic
Radio is the only medium that makes the media that transmit information through sound formats. Its importance is that it is the medium that gets the information more easily, in addition to a production process much simpler than TV. Apart from the few requirements that involves production, the radio does not need images to communicate, not a great team of workers, radio journalists need only be in the scene, in addition to having a microphone and a sound booth with which to achieve the emission of air information Unlike the broadcast media has always radio has come to more sectors of society and more of the country, because, by their nature, transmission devices can be transported more easily, so you only need a small transistor radio, a Walkman, a Discman, an i-pod, a recorder or a sound system to listen to a program and enjoy the wonderful world of radio.

Medium digitalis
Since the late 1980s, the so-called "new technologies" began a process of massification that defined the way forward for the media. From digital media new media platforms were built, hosted online and consisting of audiovisual tools, forms of interaction and content for virtual
Among the outstanding digital media blogs, virtual magazines, digital and audio versions of printed media, websites of publishing and disseminating artistic virtual radio stations, among others. The speed, creativity and variety of resources that use digital media to communicate make them a very attractive tool. Their variety is almost endless, almost unlimited, which means that, every day, a large number of people are inclined to them to create, express, design, report and communicate

Medium printed matter

Las revistas, los peridicos, los magazines, los folletos y, en general, todas las publicaciones impresas en papel que tengan como objetivo informar, hacen parte del grupo de los medios impresos. En la actualidad, el pblico consumidor ha relegado el papel de los medios impresos debido a varios factores: aparte de que para acceder a ellos se necesita de una cantidad de dinero considerable, con la aparicin de los medios de comunicacin audiovisuales, el inters por la lectura y por la informacin presentada de manera escrita pas a un segundo plano. Los consumidores de medios de comunicacin han comenzado a acceder a varios de los contenidos publicados en medios impresos a travs de internet, lo que ha generado cambios fundamentales en el acceso a la informacin. Los complejos sistemas de distribucin de los medios impresos, adems, no han podido cubrir en su totalidad al pblico lector en todas las regiones.


Publishing group:
Diana Zambrano C.I. 20544636 Exp: HCO-123-00917

Bibliography: udadetareas/periodismo/losmediosdecomuni cacion.htm ar/Tema8.html

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