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Cendawan Srikandi Fardiaz (1992) : Suatu organisme eukariotik yang mempunyai ciri-ciri ; (1) Mempunyai inti sel (2) Memproduksi spora (3) Tidak mempunyai klorofil ( melakukan fotosintesa) (4) Berkembang biak secara seksual maupun aseksual (5) Beberapa mempunyai bagian-bagian tubuh berbentuk filamen dengan dinding sel yang mengandung selulosa atau khitin, atau kedua-duanya.


Parasit : organisme menempel yang dapat bersifat patogenik dan fatal pada infeksi yang berat

Parasitisme : hubungan antara dua organisme dimana salah satunya bergantung hidup pada yang lainnya untuk mengambil keuntungan pada inang. Biasanya keuntungan yang diambil adalah nutrisi.

Bermanfaat / menguntungkan

Yang bermanfaat diantaranya adalah : - Fermentasi alcohol, pembuatan tempe, menghasilkan antibiotik (Penicillium notatum). - Jamur yang bisa dimakan edible Mushrom (Volvariella volvacea, Pleurotus ostreatus) dll - Sebagai sumber obat-obatan - Sebagai pengurai bahan organik -Sebagai pengendali penyakit secara hayati
-Merugikan : Sebagai pathogen






1. Multiselluler
2. Membentuk benang-benang hifa / filament 3. Hifa yang dibentuk ada yang bersekat maupun tak bersekat 4. Memproduksi spora 5. Bersifat aerob

6. Koloni berbentuk rhizoid

7. Reproduksi seksual atau aseksual


1. Uniselluler

2. Bentuk oval / lonjong dengan diameter 3 15 mikron,

3. Reproduksi asekual membentuk tunas (budding cell) atau membelah diri (fussion) ; seksual dengan spora 4. Bersifat aerob atau anaerob 5. Koloni berbentuk pasta, hypha


Merupakan jamur yang mempunyai dua bentuk yaitu :

khamir dan kapang. Berbentuk khamir jika berada di

dalam inang / host atau pada suhu inkubasi 37 derajat C, dan berbentuk kapang jika berada diluar inangnya atau pada suhu inkubasi suhu ruang.


Khamir/yeast Saccharomyces sp

Fungi/mold/kapang Saprolegnia sp Cendawan dimorfik Blastomyces dermatitidis





A. Yeast cells reproducing by blastoconidia formation; B. Yeast dividing by fission; C. Pseudohyphal development; D. Coenocytic hyphae; E. Septate hyphae; F. Septate hyphae with clamp connections


C. Oomycetes

O. Saprolegniales

C. Chytridiomycetes SP. ZYGOMYCOTINA FUNGI IMPERFECTI C. Hyphomycetes C. Coelomycetes

O. Chytridiales O. Entomopthorales

Saprolegnia Achyla Branchiomyces Dermocystidium Ichtyophonus Basidiobolus Exophiala Aspergillus Phoma

O. Moniliales O. Sphaeropsidales

Class Oomycetes
First example of a fungal infection noted in fish

was illustrated by Arderon in 1748 as mentioned, they produce a motile biflagellate spore (easy dispersal) also produce a thick-walled zoospore by the fusion of two gametes; thus, oospore and their name usually manifested as hyphae

(1) Saprolegniasis
Although there are four Orders within the Class Oomycetes, almost all of the significant fish pathogens are within Family Saprolegniaceae
saprolegniasis is the term used to describe infection with Saprolegnia parasitica-declina complex it is typically external, affecting skin and gills, sometimes eggs

As mentioned, the adult form is a mass of filaments

known as hyphae the mass is called a mycelium (looks like a wad of cotton in the water) hyphae are unique in that they are non-septate (no divisions) the asexual biflagellated zoospores are thought to initiate most infections


Ecology: ubiquitous, most surface fresh waters, limited to no greater than 2.8 ppt can live on dead or live matter, affect only fish which have been compromised in some way: 1. suppression of immune system (unfavorable temps) 2. injury to skin (trauma) 3. spawning or precocious sexual maturity (thickened epithelium = more mucus) 4. no seasonal (temp) restrictions to infections with eggs

Clinical features: seen as gray-white lesions

(patches) on skin, could be colored due to whats in culture water lesions start small and circular, but spread can sometimes damage internal organs all fish are susceptible only unfertilized eggs can be penetrated by hyphae

Control: for the fish, use good management

techniques, avoid predisposing factors (feed, injury, water quality esp. temp) Treatment: malachite green as topical disinfectant (not approved), formalin is approved but not as effective

Saprolegniasis: life cycle

Saprolegniasis: hyphae






Fish eggs with Saprolegniasis

(2) Branchiomycosis
This disease is commonly referred to as

gill rot due to massive necrosis of gills Branchiomycosis sp. fungus invades gill blood vessels either B. sanguinis (only in gill blood vessels); carp, goldfish or B. demigrans (grows from blood vessels to tissue); bass, pike, striped bass

Epizootiology: sudden on-set, rapid course, high

mortality (within two days sometimes), overall morts = 30-50% usually when temps above 20oC Why? High organic loads, algae, high temps, high density transmission: probably horizontal from other necrotic gills (spores)

Clinical features: disease course so fast that fish are dead before any signs; fish go off feed, school at surface, become sluggish later: necrotic patches on gills (much clubbing, fusion of lamellae) Histopath: hyperplasia of gill epithelium, fusion of lamellae, massive necrosis Control: treatment ineffective due to rapid on-set; strict hygiene, remove dead fish, dont overfeed, fertilize, crowd


Fungal Disease (3): Ichthyophoniasis (Zygomycotina)

Originally found by Bruno Hofer in trout in 1893, called disease the staggers caused by Ichthyophonus hoferi also classified as Ichthyosporidium hoferi usually seen as thick, fungus-like resting spores endemic in most feral cold water marine fish populations disease transmitted orally it is an obligate fish pathogen: life history varies from host to host

Life cycle complicated: produces large number of endospores and resting spores in most internal organs usually comes from other fish in population Clinical Features: hyphae are not visible externally, can affect up to 70% of population is fungus is in epizootic years Histopathology: signs depend on host, organs

involved; generally, as gray-white lesions of organ, organ atrophy Control: disease transmitted orally; obviously, dont feed infected fish to fish (some people feed raw marine fish offal to hatchery fish)



Ichthyophoniasis (I. hoferi)

Fungal Disease (4): Aspergillomycosis

These agents are members of the Fungi Imperfecti Fungi imperfecti simply means you cant find sexual stages in the life cycle of the

fungus associated with genus, Aspergillus (those of you who have had Aquatic Nutrition remember this guy, right?!) the Aspergilli are ubiquitous and typically involved in decay processes byproducts of degradation of feeds = aflatoxicosis

Only recently discovered as a pathogen of

farmed fish (1983) largely described for cultured Tilapia usually seen after any stress in terms of management of fish in ponds (partial harvest, weighing, etc.) Pathology: abdominal distension, darkening of color, lethargy; incision of body cavity = copious amounts of fluid look for hyphae in liver, spleen, kidney, intestine, swim bladder Epizootiology: mortalities of at least 20% of stock

Shrimp Mycosis: Lagenidium

This disease largely caused by Lagenidium callinectes or Sirolpidium sp. two fungal agents can cause rapid

mortality of entire tank fungi have similar life cycles, producing hyphae which spread throughout the body major signs: dead or moribund larvae show obvious hyphae, death in 3-5 days if untreated

Larval Mycosis: Lagenidium

Epizootiology: unknown, possibly from

broodstock, previously infected batches of larvae, contaminated source water; spread by motile zoospores Diagnosis: simple due to obvious hyphal structures in infected animals Control: Treflan @ 10 to 100 ppb; Treflan unstable in water, must be dripped in or reapplied every 5-8 hrs; disinfection of tank and apparati

Lagenidium callinectes

Shrimp Mycosis: Fusarium sp.

We have already mentioned Lagenidium

callinectes and Sirolpidium sp. These were agents of larval mycosis One common fungi affecting adults is Fusarium sp., member of fungi imperfecti Causes disease known as fusariosis largely associated with broodstock, particularly of Farfantepenaeus japonicus and Litopenaeus stylirostris L. vannamei appears fairly resistant

Fusarium sp.
Fusariosis is a problem when several

contributing factors are present: age: shrimp are typically older (adult, broodstock) cuticle wounding: due to rough handling, crowding, rough container surfaces improper sanitation Major Signs: melanized, raised or nodular lesions on cuticle, appendages, gills (fungus cannot penetrate intact cuticle) often found on tips of appendages

Fusarium sp.
Mortality rates of infected shrimp vary due to

complex relationship between host, fungus and secondary bacterial infection stress in combination with infection can cause increased handling mortality (esp. shipping) Transmission: Fusarium is naturallyoccurring fungus of decaying organic matter, produces non-motile infective spores (macroconidia) infection is passive through wound, conidia germinate and produce hyphae which penetrate underlying tissues

Fusarium sp.
Diagnosis: presence of lesions in broodstock

or adults, demonstration of hyphae, canoeshaped macroconidia, culture on std mycological media Control Strategies: no practical treatment, prevention a matter of proper husbandry, sanitation, adequate facilities avoid procedures/conditions leading to cuticle damage cull out infected broodstock, adults

Fusarium sp.

Ectoparasites are parasites that live on the surface of a host, while endoparasites live in the hosts interior. For example, most trematodes are endoparasitic in the internal tissues and digestive tract, whereas almost all monogeneans live on the gills or skin of fish (see pp. 5572). Most species of parasites are obligate parasites, which need a host for survival at least during certain stages of their life cycle. A few (e.g. some ciliates) are facultative parasites and are able to survive in the free environment during their whole life but can parasitise a host as well (see pp. 3741). Temporary parasites, such as leeches, infect their hosts only for short periods, whereas permanent parasites, such as roundworms or trematodes in the digestive tract of many marine animals, infect hosts for a long time (see pp. 7287 and 104115). Larval parasites are parasitic only during their larval stage (e.g. praniza larvae of isopods) (see p. 144 and Fig. 6.5). Periodic parasites, such as leeches, visit their hosts in intervals (see pp. 196202). Hyperparasites are parasites of parasites. In the marine environment, not many hyperparasites are known, but new ones are being described frequently. An example is the monogenean Udonella that infects copepod ectoparasites of fishes (see pp. 293298). Microparasites (which include the protistans and some helminths) are small and have short generation times, reproduce in or on a host at high rates, the duration of infection is often shorter than the life span of hosts, and they induce immune responses in their vertebrate hosts. In contrast, macroparasites (arthropods and most helminths) are larger, do not multiply in or on the host, and have longer generation times than microparasites.

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