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Some Methods to Prevent Preeclampsia That Have Been Evaluated in Randomized Trials
Dietary manipulationlow-salt diet , calcium supplementation, fish oil supplementation

Cardiovascular drugsdiuretics, antihypertensive drugs

Antioxidantsascorbic acid (vitamin C), -tocopherol (vitamin E)

Antithrombotic drugslow-dose aspirin, aspirin/dipyridamole, aspirin + heparin, aspirin + ketanserin

Low salt diet : One of the earliest research efforts to prevent preeclampsia was salt restriction (De Snoo, 1937). Calcium supplementation : Studies performed in the 1980s outside the United States showed that women with low dietary calcium intake were at significantly increased risk for gestational hypertension (Belizan and Villar,
1980; Lpez-Jaramillo and associates, 1989; Marya and colleagues, 1987).

Fish oil supplementation : supplementation with these fatty acids would prevent inflammatorymediated atherogenesis (Makrides, 2006; Olafsdottir, 2006; Olsen, 2000,
and all their colleagues).

Antihypertensive drugs : They found that women given diuretics had a decreased incidence of edema and hypertension, but not of preeclampsia (Churchill and
colleagues, 2007)

Antioxidants : Two naturally occurring antioxidants vitamins C and Emay decrease such oxidation. Moreover, women who developed preeclampsia were found to have reduced plasma levels of these two vitamins (Raijmakers and associates, 2004) Antithrombotic agents : There are ample theoretical reasons that antithrombotic agents might reduce the incidence of preeclampsia.

Tujuan manajemen dasar untuk setiap kehamilan dengan preeklamsia adalah: 1. Penghentian kehamilan dengan trauma paling mungkin untuk ibu dan janin 2. Kelahiran bayi yang kemudian tumbuh subur 3. Lengkap pemulihan kesehatan ibu.

Diagnosa Dini..!!! Rawat Jalan atau Rawat Inap..???

Evaluasi. 1.Gejala klinis 2.Cek proteinuria 3.Tensi dengan posisi duduk setiap 4 jam 4.Tingkat kesejahteraan janin

Apakah harus MRS..??

In a review of two small randomized trials totaling 106 women at high risk for preeclampsia, prophylactic bed rest 4 to 6 hours daily at home was successful in significantly lowering the incidence of preeclampsia but not gestational hypertension (Meher and Duely, 2006)

These and other observations support the claim that restricted activity alters the underlying pathophysiology of the preeclampsia syndrome. As for complete bed rest, this is likely unachievable because of the severe restrictions it places on the otherwise well woman, and it also predisposes to thromboembolism (Knight and co-workers, 2007) Pemberian Antihipertensi tidak banyak membaerikan efek signifikan.

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