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The Aftermath Loss of Human and animal lives Economic loss in terms of damages to crops and infrastructure Loss

oss of livelihood Damage to housing and habitat Improper location Faulty design, use of poor quality materials Sub-standard construction practices Non-compliance to building codes Lack of awareness of: Safe Construction practices Disaster resistant practices

The Aftermath Loss of Human and animal lives Economic loss in terms of damages to crops and infrastructure Loss of livelihood Damage to housing and habitat Improper location Faulty design, use of poor quality materials Sub-standard construction practices Non-compliance to building codes Lack of awareness of: Safe Construction practices Disaster resistant practices

Disaster Resistant construction practices are as important as disaster resistant structural designs. In fact the methodology for construction also should be designed for disaster resistance. We should have proper implemenation of the structuraldetails so as to let the structure behave as envisiged. The quality and methodology of construction is equally important. For example we use cover blocks. If the cover blocks are not cast properly in good quality concrete then they facilitate concrete deterioration. Ultimately this affects durability ands erviceablity of the structure. The Durability and serviceability are the key elements of any structure. Ensuring Quality in construction will enable achieving durability and serviceability as a desired end result.

The building should have a simple rectangular plan. Long walls should be supported by reinforced concrete columns. Large buildings having plans with shapes like T,U,L and X. It should preferably be separated into rectangular blocks by providing gaps in between. Doors and window openings in walls , preferably be small & more centrally located. The location of openings should not be too close to the edge of the wall.

Seasonal inspections. Regular maintenance of drainage facilities. Protect vulnerable area: Keep surface drainage water away from vulnerable areas (steep slopes, loose soils & non-vegetated surfaces.) Intercept surface water. Stabilize slopes: Improve soils ability . Straw, woodchips applied to a depth of at least one inch.

avoid residing on river banks & slopes on river sides. build at least 250 mts away from the sea coast . build proper drainage system in all flood prone areas. construct the building with a plinth level higher than the known high flood level. construct the whole village on a raised plat form higher than the high flood level. construct buildings on stilts or columns with wall free space at ground level permitting free flow of water.

Site selection Platforms and orientation Foundations:- effect of surge or flooding, Building on stilts Wall openings Glass panelling Roof architecture


Alternative Communication Technologies (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)

Alternative Communication Technologies are devices used by individuals who are either unable to speak or whose speech in unintelligible. There is a wide range of ACTs commercially available. The most important element concerning these devices is that they reflect as closely as possible, the users own abilities and that they fulfil the needs of the user. What is the difference between a dedicated device and a communication software programme?

Dedicated Communication Devices

Dedicated communication devices are designed specifically with communication as their primary goal, although recent advances in infra-red and Bluetooth technologies have led to the incorporation of environmental control options being added in an increasing number of cases. They are available with both text-based and symbol-based programmes, and many are wheelchair mountable. Typically they will store frequently used words or phrases in memory that can be accessed by a two or three key combination. For example UB = I need to use the bathroom, please. They typically include a Word Prediction Facility as standard. This is a very useful tool as it significantly reduces the number of keystrokes a user has to make. Symbol based communication devices are commonly used by individuals whose literacy skills prevent them from accessing a text-based system. However, there is a range of symbol-based language representation systems, called Minspeak, which require the user to learn a specific symbol coding system so that symbols can be used individually or in combination to communicate. Sometimes this offers a more efficient method of communication than using text, even for highly literate users. Other symbol based communication devices are much simpler, and allow the user to decide which symbol is associated with which word. These symbols can then be used to store single words, phrases or entire sentences, depending on the users abilities.

PC Based Communication Software Programmes

In recent years, a wide number of manufacturers have developed software programmes which can be installed on to a standard Windows computer. Communication software programmes come in a range of styles, and vary in complexity. Some are largely 'content-free', and allow the user and his/her family/carers to programme words and messages to suit the users specific requirements. Others come with templates consisting of vocabulary sets which enable the user to communicate straight away, without the need for immediate programming. However, all software should be customised to meet the users needs, and should be updated on a regular basis as the users needs change and expand. As with dedicated devices, communication software programmes can be text-based or symbol-based.

First aid
First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by non-expert, but trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed. Certain self-limiting illnesses or minor injuries may not require further medical care past the first aid intervention. It generally consists of a series of simple and in some cases, potentially lifesaving techniques that an individual can be trained to perform with minimal equipment. While first aid can also be performed on all animals, the term generally refers to care of human patients.

Snake Bites
a. Seek Medical help as soon as possible. b. Meanwhile - Wash wound with soap/water Immobilize the affected area Keep area slightly elevated Apply cool compress/wet cloth to affected part Apply a firm bandage 2-4 inches above bite to i. Prevent venom from spreading ii.Take care of any bleeding

Dog Bite
Although you can provide first aid for a dog bite at home, it's very important to see a doctor, especially if an unfamiliar dog bit you, the bite is deep, you can't stop the bleeding, or there are any signs of infection (redness, swelling, warmth, pus). Dog bites can cause infections that need to be treated with antibiotics. To care for a dog bite injury at home: Place a clean towel over the injury to stop any bleeding. Try to keep the injured area elevated. Wash the bite carefully with soap and water. Apply a sterile bandage to the wound. Apply antibiotic ointment to the injury every day to prevent infection.

Wash hands well before administering to patient Wear synthetic gloves Make the victim lie down Slightly elevate the legs If possible keep the affected area elevated Remove any obvious debris/particle Apply direct pressure using clean cloth/bandage Use hand if cloth is not available Apply pressure continuously for at least 20 minutes Do not remove the cloth to check the bleeding Hold the bandage in place using an adhesive tape If bleeding seeps through bandage, do not remove it Add extra bandage on top of the first one Apply direct pressure on the artery if necessary The pressure points for arm--below arm- pit/above elbow For leg--behind knee/near groin Squeeze the artery keeping finger flat Continue applying pressure on the wound Once bleeding stops immobilize the affected part See a doctor

SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. Call for EMS, or transport victim to emergency room after immobilizing affected area. Wait for EMS and DO NOT attempt to transport victim if you suspect head, back, or neck injury; if there's a visible deformity of bone; or if the victim cannot be splinted or transported without causing more pain. Suspect back or neck injury if victim is unconscious or has head injury, neck pain, or tingling in arms or legs. If neck or back injury suspected, DO NOT move victim unless necessary to save victim's life. See back or neck injury.

Immobilize and support affected bone in position found. DO NOT try to push protruding bone back into body or let victim move or use affected area.
Control any bleeding through direct pressure, but DO NOT elevate affected area. See bleeding,external.

If bone is protruding, cover with clean cloth once bleeding is controlled.

Observe for shock (see shock). DO NOT give victim anything to eat or drink. Immobilize injured area, and, if no open wound present, apply ice pack wrapped in clean cloth.

First aid :fainting

First aid treatment for a person who has fainted includes: Help the person lie down. A person who has fainted in a chair should be helped to the ground. If the person is unconscious, roll them on their side. Check they are breathing and that they have a pulse. If possible, elevate the persons feet above the height of their head. If the fainting episode was brought on by heat, remove or loosen clothes, and try to cool the person down by wiping them with a wet cloth or fanning them. Assess the person for any potential injuries if they have fallen. In an emergency, always call triple zero (000) for an ambulance if the person has not regained consciousness within a few seconds or recovered in a few minutes.

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