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Preceptor : drg. Ika Andriani, Sp. Perio Presented by : Dwi Windu K A

Gingival Curettage study comparing a laser treatment to hand instrument

Author : Jiang lin, liangjia Bi, Li Wang, Yuqi Song, Wei Ma Instansi : Department of Stomatology, the Fourth College,Harbin Medical University Received: 19 January 2009 Accepted: 25 Agustust 2009

The purpose of this clinical study was to examine nonsurgical treatment of periodontal disease comparing a diode laser to subgingival curettage with conventional hand instrument.

Sample terdiri dari group dengan jumlah sample 18 pasien (10 men 8 women) with a mean age of 40.33 years (range 25-65 years) with mild to moderate chronic periodontitis

Criteria for inclusion: 1. Medical history revealinggood general health 2. Excluding third molars, each subject had to have at least 20 natural teeth present in the mouth. 3. An average plaque level of > 1 accordingto the quigley and Hein plaque scoring method as modified

4. Evidence of bleeding and gingivitis

Criteria for exclusion: 1. The present of sistemic disease which could influence the outcome of the therapy. 2. Current pregnancy or any physical condition that would limit instrumentmanipulation

3. Present medications that would be likely to affect gingival health

The study comprised 18 patients with moderate periodontal degradation who were treated without local anesthesia. Each quadrant was randomly allocated in a split mouth design either to treatment with a 810-nm diode laser using an energy of 2 W(test group) or to gingival curettage using hand instrument(control group)

The score for the degree of treatment discomfort was significantly lower and the average time was significantly les in the test group than in the control group. |diode laser subgingval curattage resulted in statistically significantly improvement in PD, SBI, GI, and CAL with less discomfort and treatment time comfored to treatment with the ahnd instrument.

Critical Appraisal

Apakah hasil penelitian ini valid?

Apakah terdapat kelompok pembanding yang serupa dalam hal aspek-aspek penting yang berhubungan dengan keluaran selain kelompok yang diteliti? Ada, yaitu membandingkan antara diode laser treatment dengan manual hand instrument curettage (poin 2)

Apakah keluaran dan aspek-aspek yang bisa menjadi faktor resiko diukur dengan cara yang sama pada kelompok-kelompok yang dibandingkan? Ya, alat ukur yang digunakan adalah sama (poin 2) Apakah pengamatan yang dilakukan cukup lama? Ya, selama 1 minggu dan 4 minngu (poin 2)

Bagaimana hasil penelitian ini?

Seberapa kuat hubungan antara faktor resiko dan keluaran? Cukup kuat (poin 1) Seberapa tepat perkiraan tentang resiko tersebut? cukup tepat, (poin 2)

Bagaimana penerapan hasil penelitian ini pada pasien kita? - Apakah hasil penelitian ini dapat diterapkan pada pasien kita? dapat, karena telah di uji coba kan pd manusia (Poin 2) - Seberapa besar resiko tersebut? tidak ada faktor resiko, karena tidak terdapat komplikasi dr infeksi (poin 2)

Skore : Jumlah X 100% 2 X Pertanyaan :13 X 100% 2X7 : 6.9 %

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