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The Electroencephalograph (EEG)

A device that records the electrical activity of the brain. The brain normally produces tiny electrical signals (brain waves) that come from the brain cells and nerves which send messages to each other. It is a useful test to help diagnose some kinds of psychological disorders and to help locate tumors.

How is the test done?

The operator will attach several small patches (electrodes) to the patients scalp. The machine detects and amplifies the electrical signals and records them on to a paper or computer.

The Electroencephalograph (EEG)

The EEG test is painless and harmless. The EEG machine records electrical signals coming from your brain - it does not put any electricity into your brain or body.

Brain Imaging
Brain imaging methods allow neuroscientists or doctors to see inside the living brain. These methods help neuroscientists:
-Understand the relationships between specific areas of the brain and what function they serve. -Locate the areas of the brain that are affected by neurological disorders. -Develop new strategies to treat brain disorders. -Diagnose cancers and other brain problems.

Types of Brain Imaging Techniques

Computerized Axial Tomography scans (CAT) Magnetic Resonance Scans (MRI) Functional Magnetic Resonance Scans (fMRI)

Computerized Axial Tomography(CAT)

CT scans use a series of X-ray beams passed through the head. The density of brain tissue determines how much radiation is absorbed and the computers measure the amount of radiation and piece together a 3D view of the brain This method creates cross-sectional images of the brain and shows the structure of the brain, but not its function.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI)

The machine sends out powerful radio waves that cause parts of the brain to give off extra energy. This energy is measured from multiple angles. A computer then translate the information into a visual image of brains anatomy.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Advantages: No X-rays or radioactive material is used. Provides detailed view of the brain in different dimensions. Safe, painless, non-invasive. No special preparation (except the removal of all metal objects) is required from the patient. Patients can eat or drink anything before the procedure. Disadvantages: Expensive to use. Cannot be used in patients with metallic devices, like pacemakers. Cannot be used with uncooperative patients because the patient must lie still. Cannot be used with patients who are claustrophobic (afraid of small places). However, new MRI systems with a more open design are now available.

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