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I Putu Eka Diras Sanggra

TUJUAN Pengukuran JVP

Untuk menentukan tingginya tekanan di atrium kanan yang dapat ditetapkan dengan melihat tingginya kolom pengisian darah di vena jugularis.

V. Jugularis Interna
Letak profunda yaitu dibelakang M. Sternocleidomastoideus Vena turun melalui leher di dalam selubung carotis dan bergabung dengan v. subclavia dibelakang ujung medial clavicula untuk membentuk v. brachiocephalica V.C.S right atrium

V. Jugularis Eksterna
Letak superficial yaitu berjalan miring dibawah menyilang

M. sternocleidomastoideus dan tepat diatas clavicula

didalam tigonum posterior menembus fascia profunda dan bermuara ke dalam v. subclavia


Classically three positive waves and two negative troughs have been described.
The positive waves are

"a" (atrial contraction),

"c" (due to bulging of tricuspid valve into the right atrium during isovolumic systole) and "v"= atrial venous filling.
The two negative troughs are

"x (due to atrium relaxation and downward displacement of tricuspid valve) and "y" descent (rapid filling of ventricle after tricuspid opening).

Pengukuran tekanan vena jugularis : A. Tidak Langsung (menurut Lewis Borst)

1. Penderita berbaring terlentang dengan kepala kasur dinaikan
30-45 2. Lihat pengisian vena jugularis eksterna kanan

3. Tekan vena bagian bawah (proksimal dari klavikula) dengan 1

jari sampai vena tampak jelas kemudian tanpa melepaskan jari yang pertama, tekan vena bagian atas (distal dari

mandibula) dengan 1 jari yang lain dengan cara mengurut

4. Lepaskan tekanan pada jari yang pertama (tekanan

diproksimal klavikula)

Pengukuran tekanan vena jugularis : A. Tidak Langsung (menurut Lewis Borst)

5. Perhatikan ujung kolom darah di dalam vena itu dan berilah

6. Tingginya diukur dari titik acuan. Titik acuan menggunakan penggaris yang diletakan diantara ujung kolom darah tadi ke

garis atau bidang horizontal yang melalui angulus sternalis

ludovici. Jika ujung kolom darah di vena diatas garis horizontal, diberi

tanda plus (+), bila dibawahnya diberi tanda minus (-).

Jarak antara antrium kanan dengan angulus sternalis ludovici diberi nilai 5 cm H20.


Normal JVP 4-11cm H2O


1. RV pressure- PS, Pulm HTN, RV failure, or RV

2. Obstruction to RV inflow- TS, RA myxoma

constrictive pericardial disease.

3. Superior vena caval obstruction.

4. Circulatory overload- renal failure.

5. ASD with mitral valve disease.

Abnormality of wave pattern

Prominent a waves;

1. Tricuspid level- TS, RA tumours. 2. RV level-

severe RVH- severe PS with intact IVS - severe Pulm HTN with intact IVS RV cardiomyopathy. Acute pulmonary embolism. Acute TR

Cannon a waves

Absent a waves

Regular- junctional rhythm - VT 1:1 retrograde conduction Irregular- CHB - VT - ventricular pacing - ventricular ectopy

Atrial fibrillation

Abnormal x wave. 1. Absent x descent- AF, TR. 2. Prominent x descent- constrictive pericarditis.

- cardiac tamponade.
Abnormal v waves.
1. Prominent- Tricuspid regurgitation ,RV failure,, ASD, ASD

with MR. 2. Diminished hypovolemia.

Abnormal y descent

Rapid- RV failure, TR, ASD, ASD with MR & constrictive pericarditis 2. Slow TS, pericardial tamponade & tension pneumothorax.

JVP in Tricuspid stenosis

a wave

Elevated or normal Prominent( giant a wave)

Obstruction to Tricuspid Valve Obstruction to presystolic atrial emptying

Obliterated with AF

x descent Normal

v wave

Obstruction to RA emptying.

y descent Slow y descent

JVP in Tricuspid regurgitation

Level Normal or elevated RV failure

a wave

Prominent with PAH or acute TR a wave merges with v wave in severe TR

Severe PAH with non-compliant RV

x descent Obliterated with severe TR and small RA or acute TR v wave Prominent

Severe TR and small RA or acute TR Large wave with small RA & severe TR Mild TR with large RA or chronic TR rapid filling of RV Slow filling of RV

y descent Steep Slow with TS

JVP in pulmonary stenosis

Level a wave Normal with RV failure Prominent in severe PS RV systolic dysfunction Favors intact IVS Hypertrophied & non-compliant RV Severe TR results in early filling of RA Increased atrial filling

x descent Normal or obliterated with severe TR v wave Normal or with RV failure y descent Normal or rapid with RV failure

JVP in mitral stenosis

Level Normal or elevated RV failure. Associated organic TS/ TR. Associated ASD. Prominent Severe MS with severe PAH Associated TS Associated ASD

a wave

x descent
v wave

Normal or absent
Normal or prominent Normal or Rapid or Slow

Absent AF , severe TR
RV failure TR

y descent

Rapid- RVF, TR Slow- TS

JVP in mitral regurgitation

Level Elevated PAH with RV failure Associated organic TS/ TR. Associated ASD. RV infarct with MR in CAD Secondary MR with myocardial dysfunction in cardiomyopathy or CAD

a wave


x descent v wave y descent

Obliterated Prominent Rapid

Severe PAH with MR Severe PAH with TR IWMI + RVI with MR due to papillary muscle dysfunction MR with ASD PAH & RV failure Associated with TR Any of the above disease.

JVP in aortic stenosis

Elevated JVP in AS usually occurs in late stages and carries poor prognosis


a wave

x descent

Normal Elevated --- RVF secondary to LVF Associated MS + PAH + RVF Associated organic TV disease Prominent Severe AS- severe septal hypertrophy Mild AS- HOCM, MS+ PAH, TS or severe AS with LV dysfunction ( AS is underestimated) Normal -

v wave
y descent


JVP in aortic regurgitation

Level Normal Elevated --- RVF secondary to LVF Associated TVD Normal Prominent - Associated TS Associated MS + PAH Depend on presence of RV failure -

a wave

x descent v wave y descent -

Level Normal Elevated ----- Mitral valve disease LVF Severe PAH with RV failure Associated TAPVC Normal Prominent --- MS, PAH, PS Normal -

a wave

x descent

v wave


Overfilling of RA vena cava & LA PAH with TR Associated MR Any of the above cause

y descent


Level Normal Elevated -------Small VSD Large VSD + CCF VSD + MR/TR LV RA ( Gerbodes defect) Restrictive VSD with severe PS

a wave

Normal Prominent -----Normal Obliterated ----Normal Prominent ------Normal Prominent ------

x descent

TR, LVRA defect

v wave


y descent

With v wave prominence

JVP in Eisenmenger syndrome

ASD Level- VSD N N N PDA Prominent Prominent with CCF/ TR

a wave-- N v wave-- Prominent with CCF/ TR

JVP in Cyanotic CHD


PS + intact IVS + RL atrial shunt Elevated

Tricuspid atresia With restrictive ASD Prominent Prominent With MR -


a wave


Prominent Normal Elevated with TR -

Prominent Prominent with CCF+ TR -

v wave

x, y descent


Anemia Systemic HTN

Volume load Non-compliant ventricle Biventricular failure AR,TR, Anemia, CRF Volume load Ventricular dysfunction Volume load Myocardial dysfunction

Infective endocarditis
AR Cardiomyopathy Associated PDA Adult tetrology

Bronchopulmonary collatrells Volume load Pulmonary flow

Cyanotic CHD & prominent a waves

Tricuspid atresia PS intact IVS + RL atrial shunt TAPVC Pulmonary atresia with intact IVS TOF- Adult tetrology, HTN, Restrictive VSD, Cardiomyopathy

JVP in cardiomyopathy

a wave x descent

Normal Normal

Prominent Normal

v wave
y descent

N / prominent
N / prominent


Kussmauls Sign
This is a rise in the JVP seen with inspiration. It is the opposite of what is seen in normal people

and this reflects the inability of the heart to compensate for a modest increase in venous return. This sign is classically seen in constrictive pericarditis in association with a raised JVP. This condition was originally described in tuberculous pericarditis and is rarely seen. Kussmauls sign is also seen in right ventricular infarction, right heart failure.



Elevated above the angel of mandible Normal Normal

Cardiac compression high intrapericardial pressure Atrial compression prevents atrial contraction Fall in atrial pressure ventricular contraction descent of atrioventricular septum Atrial filling is preserved Ventricular compression - high intrapericardial pressure Additional venous return not admissible - Cardiac compression

a wave x descent

v wave y descent Kussmauls sign

Normal Obliterated/ absent +/-



Elevated severity Variable degree of cardiac - constriction compression. N N / exaggerated N / = a wave Rapid / steep Atrial constriction does not permit atrial contraction Constriction around AV groove excessive descent of AV septum. Venous return to RA unaffected Rapid ventricular filling active ventricular relaxation. Coincides with diastolic outward movement of pericardium & pericardial knock Additional venous return not admissible RV constriction

a wave x descent

v wave y descent

Kussmauls sign


Elevated JVP with shock

Heart failure

Ventricular/ Valvular dysfunction

Cardiac tamponade
RV infarction Acute pulmonary embolism Tension pneumo-thorax

Cardiac compression
RV failure & inadequate LV filling Pulmonary circulation obstruction. Cardio respiratory failure

Massive pleural effusion

Cardio respiratory failure


The a & v waves in JVP correlates with P

& QRS complex in ECG. Normal sinus rhythm is characterized by sequential a & v waves. A wave occurring along 1st heart sound normal PR interval. Any disturbance in this wave form indicates rhythm abnormality.

Sinus I AV block

A-V sequence
a - v regular a precedes v regularly

Cannon waves
Absent Absent / rarely with extreme PR prolongation

Mobitz II block II AV block CHB VT Atrial tachycardia

Gradual prolongation of a-v interval

Constant a not followed by v wave 2:1 a:v wave Variable; Variable Normal

Absent Absent Present & irregular Irregular Absent

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