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Etymologically means that, Juvenile means is the child, and delinquency means is evil. So, Juvenile delinquency means child with bad or evil attitude Kartono, a scientists sociology said "Juvenile Delinquency is a symptom of social pathology in adolescents (teenagers) due to one form of social neglect. As a result, they developed a form of deviant behavior ". Spesilist education agree that, teenagers are those aged 13 -18 years old. At that age, someone already surpassed childhood, but still not yet to can be said adult. He is in a period the transition.


Ditching school
speeding on the street Motorcycle gang Abuse of narcotic premarital sexual behavior Fighting between students

Fight for parents and teachers Lazy worship Damaging public facilities brawl fighting with a friend Watch porn magazines or videos



Brawl is a anarchist action performed by two groups in the form of a mass brawl in a public place, causing a commotion and fear (terror) on existing residents around the crime scene brawl. The Brawl could occur between school students, between students campus, between citizens, between supporters / fans, inter-religious, interethnic, and could also between citizens and students, between political party supporters with police and others.

student brawls

student brawls are the students who performed an act of aggression in groups or mass directed to destroy and hurt others physically and directly. student brawls made for the purpose of harming or injuring another student of the school who becomes the target

CAUSED OF BRAWL (generally)

Brawl between high school students usually occur for many reasons, namely as:

Cultural or habits of high school students before Mutual taunting among school students Want revenge because their friend was bullied by other school The noise impact of a game or competition, etc.

Caused of brawl

environmental factors, family, school and community socio-economic and environmental factors may also be political.

solidarity factor
showed bravery A friend invited factor look for the experience factor the factors maintaining self-esteem

the division of tasks within brawl or brawl performer

1. not necessarily 2. Medical (people who keep injured brawler from brawl location or brawl area)

3. Supporters (only participate in brawl, with limited action)

4. Provocators (people who issued harsh words and provoke their enemies without doing a physical action) 5. Casualties (persons acting in order to provoke the opponent to strike actions in the brawl) 6. Frontman (who has always been in the front row while fighting / most recognized)

Tool that supports

1. City buses or trucks

2. Motorcycle or bike gear 3. Knives / sickles 4. Samurai (katana)

5. red brick
6. Bamboo

In other countries are also commonly used

1. mercury 2. Molotov cocktail

Place and time of brawl

Place and time brawl is the location where the brawl is usually occurs, and when the time is usually to brawl. Place a brawl such as school environment, field, road, and do not necessarily. While brawl usually occurs before school hours, after school hours and holidays

How to prevent brawl

establish a relationship with a lot of people

to know each other a lot of people can reduce misunderstandings that can prevent the brawl because the bonds of friendship. This friendship can be in each other strengthens the way to visit, encourage cooperation or discuss something positive, eg create events that are involving school Mediation

Open communication between the two sides. So that the problem can be solved because in hearing from two sides

Expanding Knowledge in the Context of Religion

It makes people take care before committing an act, which according to many religious benefits or adverse

The Whole Nation Character foster

By considering they are fro same country and nation, make them never fighting to each other

Provide a deterrent effect

Cause the actors repeat his bad attitude again, it can give punishment like skorsing, drop out or go to the jail

Giving Effective Counseling

Give counselling by countinue to all of the student

Giving Positive Space

Give a space for student for support their talent, such as ekstracuriculer

The referensy

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