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Metabolisme bersama

Tujuan metabolisme
1.Mendapatkan energi untuk berbagai aktivitas sel/tubuh 2.Mendapatkan molekul penting penyusun sel / tubuh

Jalur metabolisme utk mendapatkan energi

Metabolisme karbohidrat : Glikogenolisis Glikolisis Oksidasi piruvat
Metabolisme lipida : Lipolisis Oksidasi beta asam lemak

Metabolisme asam amino : Katabolisme asam amino

Jalur metabolisme utk menyimpan energi

Metabolisme karbohidrat : Glikogenesis glikogen Glukonegenesis glukosa Jalur pentosa fosfat NADPH Pembentukan kreatin fosfat (otot) Metabolisme lipida : Lipogenesis asam lemak Pembentukan gliserida Ketogenesis

Jalur metabolisme untuk membentuk molekul penting

Metabolisme karbohidrat : Jalur pentosa fosfat - ribosa P nukleotida Pembentukan laktosa Pembentukan asam uronat glikan, molekul konjugat
Metabolisme lipida : Pembentukan kholesterol steroid, membran sel Pembentukan fosfolipida membran sel Metabolisme asam amino : Pembentukan protein Pembentukan produk khusus : kreatin, melanin, adrenalin, tiroksin, hem, purin, pirimidin, melatonin, histamin, NO

Katabolisme zat gizi untuk mendapatkan energi

Summary of glycolysis

blocked by anaerobic conditions or by absence of mitochondria containing key respiratory enzymes, eg, as in erythrocytes.

Catabolism of dietary carbohydrate, protein, and fat.

All the pathways lead to the production of acetyl-CoA, which is oxidized in the citric acid cycle, ultimately yielding ATP in the process of oxidative phosphorylation

Hubungan antara jalur katabolisme dan jalur anabolisme dalam metabolisme.

Molekulmolekul makanan

Molekul molekul penyusun tubuh

Energi kimia dalam molekul makanan dikeluarkan dengan proses katabolisme, menghasilkan molekul sampah dan molekul kecil satuan penyusun.




Molekul sampah

Molekul penyusun tubuh penyusun tubuh dibentuk dari molekul kecil melalui proses anabolisme.

Molekul kecil satuan penyusun

Pertukaran energi dan peran molekul pengangkut energi dalam metabolisme

Molekul makanan dipecah (catabolisme) untuk menghasilkan energi . Energi digunakan untuk pembentukan molekul besar penyusun sel. (anabolisme).

Energi juga diperlukan untuk pergerakan sel dll.

Beberapa jenis molekul pembawa energi dalam Metabolisme

Molekul pembawa

Gugus kimia dengan ikatan berenergi tinggi



Asetil-koA Biotin terkarboksilasi

elektron dan hidrogen

Gugus asetil Gugus karboksil

Uridin difosfat glukosa

Gugus metil

Katabolisme zat makanan

Ekstra mitokhondria

Pencernaan makanan

Metabolisme zat makanan

Produksi energi

2H :

Tahap akhir katabolisme zat makanan

Molekul pemindah energi :

ATP NADH Asetil-koA

Molekul ampas :
C02 H20

Siklus Krebs
glucose pyruvate

= siklus asam sitrat = siklus asam trikarboksilat

Acyl-coA Fatty acid

Bahan : Asetil-koA
Hasil :


the chemiosmotic theory of oxidative phosphorylation

Enzymes in chemiosmotic synthesis arranged in an electron transport chain that is embedded in a membrane

y m e s i n

c h e m i o s m o t i c s y n t h e s i s

Electron tranport

A generalized view of an electron transport system


Flow electrons during Ox_Phosph

ATP = Adenosin Trifosfat


Molekul dlm sel yg dpt menghasilkan energi scr cpt untuk digunakan oleh sel-sel tubuh Energi kimia dari putusnya ikatan fosfat ke 3 menghasilkan ADP dan P anorganik Energi yang lepas dapat digunakan oleh sel untuk bergerak atau anabolisme

Bongkar muat energi dalam molekul ATP


Fungsi ATP
1. berperan pada reaksi sintesis molekul besar 2. Transport aktif material melintasi membran sel 3. Berperan pada Kontraksi otot-otot

Overview of amino acid metabolism

Citric acid cycle in transamination and gluconeogenesis

The bold arrows indicate the main pathway of gluconeogenesis

The provision of acetyl-CoA and NADPH for lipogenesis.

(PPP, pentose phosphate pathway; T, tricarboxylate transporter; K, -ketoglutarate transporter; P, pyruvate transporter.)

Participation of the citric acid cycle in fatty acid synthesis from glucose

Biosynthesis of long-chain fatty acids.

Redox reactions of glutathione

Role of the pentose phosphate pathway in the glutathione peroxidase reaction of erythrocytes.

(G-S-S-G, oxidized glutathione; G-SH, reduced glutathione; Se, selenium cofactor.)

Conversion of galactose to glucose

Pathway of conversion of galactose to glucose in the liver

Conversion of glucose to lactose

Pathway of conversion of glucose to lactose in the lactating mammary gland.

Transport and fate of major carbohydrate and amino acid substrates and metabolites.

Note that there is little free glucose in muscle, since it is rapidly phosphorylated upon entry.

Fructose & Sorbitol in the Lens Are Associated With Diabetic Cataract
Both fructose and sorbitol are found in the lens of the eye in increased concentrations in diabetes mellitus and may be involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic cataract.
The sorbitol (polyol) pathway (not found in liver) is responsible for fructose formation from glucose increases in activity as the glucose concentration rises in diabetes in the lens, peripheral nerves, and renal glomeruli not insulinsensitive) Glucose is reduced to sorbitol by aldose reductase, followed by oxidation of sorbitol to fructose in the presence of NAD+ and sorbitol dehydrogenase (polyol dehydrogenase).

Fructose & Sorbitol in the Lens Are Associated With Diabetic Cataract
Sorbitol does not diffuse through cell membranes easily and accumulates, causing osmotic damage. Simultaneously, myoinositol levels fall. Sorbitol accumulation, myoinositol depletion, and diabetic cataract can be prevented by aldose reductase inhibitors in diabetic rats, and promising results have been obtained in clinical trials. When sorbitol is administered intravenously, it is converted to fructose rather than to glucose. Sorbitol is poorly absorbed in the small intestine, and much is fermented by colonic bacteria to short-chain fatty acids, CO2, and H2, leading to abdominal pain and diarrhea (sorbitol intolerance).

Peran jaringan/organ
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hepar Otot Jantung Usus Ginjal Adiposa Otak/syaraf Epitel

Major metabolic pathways

Intracellular location and overview of major metabolic pathways in a liver parenchymal cell. (AA , metabolism of one or more essential amino acids; AA , metabolism of one or more nonessential amino acids.)

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