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Use of O2 from the environment

and the disposal of CO2

Physiological challenge

Aquatic vs Terrestrial

Atmospheric conditions 78% N, 21% O2, 1% others, .03% CO2 1 liter of air = 210 ml 02

5-10ml O2/liter H2O

Environmental Conditions
Anoxic Hypoxic Normoxic Hyperoxic

Organismal Categories
Obligate Aerobe Facultative Anaerobe
Obligate Anaerobe

How would you build a gas exchanger?

Expose it to the source of gas
Highly vascularized
(ease of movement into body) (ease of exchange not a lot of energy needed)

Thin membrane
(easy transfer not too thin - lack durability)

Large surface area

not too large lose H2O

Respiratory organs
Aquatic vs Terrestrial
Tracheae System Gills Lungs Skin

External gills

Internal gills
Invaginations (covered by flap - operculum)

Gill Structure

Gill Arch Gill Filament Gill Lamellae Directional countercurrent Fish Cough

Why is countercurrent more efficient?

Parallel blood and oxygen flow equilibrium is reached when each has 5 ml oxygen 50% efficiency Water 10ml Oxygen/liter 10ml to 5 ml Blood 0ml Oxygen/liter 0ml to 5 ml

Countercurrent blood and oxygen flow equilibrium is seldom reached, so diffusion continues 100% efficiency Water 10ml Oxygen/liter 10ml to 0 ml Blood 0ml Oxygen/liter 0ml to 10 ml

2 ways Fish get H2O across to extract O2

Ram Jet ventilation

Opercular pump

Tracheae System
Spiracles holes on side
of body

Tracheae system internal

Diffusion directly into cells no circulatory system necessary

Respiration in Amphibians and Reptiles

Positive pressure breathing
> pressure outside lung MECHANISM -Into pharynx
close entrance lungs expel CO2 - elevate floor of oral cavity and open glottis

Negative pressure breathing

lung expansion pulling accordian rib cage expansion

Mammal Lungs

Increased O2 demand/higher

metabolic rate = more efficient system Structures

Nostrils Hair Filter Ciliated cells of R.T. Larynx Trachea Bronchi/Bronchus Bronchioles Alveolar sac Alveoli Diaphragm Alveoli


Structure & Mechanisms of Breathing

Route = trachea, bronchi,
bronchioles, alveoli capillaries Boyles law
Volume increases pressure decreases

Muscles involved
External Intercostals Diaphragm Inspiration Diaphragm and Intercostals contract Expiration muscle relaxation and elastic recoil

Breathing Measurements
Tidal Volume
total amount of air moved with each breath at rest = ~ 500 ml

Vital Capacity
Maximum amount that can be expired after a forceful maximum inspiration = ~ 4.6 L in males and 3.1 L in females

Dead Air Space

Amount of air contained in areas of no gas exchange = ~ 150 ml of Tidal Volume

Respiratory System

Structure Mechanism Unidirectional flow No dead air space Efficiency

Skin Cutaneous Respiration

Oxygen white Carbon Dioxide - black

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