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Name ______________________________

Why Mosquitoes Buzz in Peoples Ears

Verna Aardema Pictures by Leo and Diane Dillon


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Authors Purpose inform persuade entertain

Why Mosquitoes Buzz in Peoples Ears

Focus Skills: To summarize important information in a text To read and understand a folktale To compare two folktales

Folktale- West African Tale: A tale is a story that has been passed down through time. Summary King Lion calls a meeting to find out what led to an accident. The reason why mosquitoes buzz in peoples ears is revealed. Reading Strategy Make and Confirm Predictions When reading a folktale, readers often dont know what will happen until the very end of the story. They must often make a prediction about what might happen next in a story. Good readers use story clues and what they know to make predictions about a story, then read on to see if their predictions are correct.

Page 64 Why does Iguana put sticks in his ears?

Why does Iguana say that Mosquitos story about the yams is nonsense?


Why doesnt Iguana answer Python? Draw it.

What does Python do after Iguana ignores him? Why?

Page 68 What happens after Monkey hears Crow?

How do you know Mother Owl is sad?

Page 70

How does Monkey feel when she stands before King Lion? Draw it.

How can you tell? ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________

What mistake did Python, Rabbit, Crow and Monkey all make?

Page 72

What reason does Crow give King Lion for spreading the alarm?

King Lion agreed. Why?

Do you agree? Why?

Page 74 How does the way Rabbit acts compare to the way Crow acted? What does that tell you about each character? Crow comes _____________________ _. He is _____________________ _.

Rabbit comes _____________________ _. She is _____________________ _. Page 76

Did it surprise you that King Lion called Python? Why or why not?



Why didnt Iguana hear the summons to attend the council meeting?

Summarize what has happened at the council meeting.

Page 80

If you were King Lion, what would you have said to Iguana when you heard his story abut Mosquito?

What makes Mother Owl hoot for the sun?

What lesson do you think this story teaches?

Think and Respond 1. How do the iguanas actions lead King Lion to call a council meeting? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ______________ 2. Why does the mosquito have a guilty conscience? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ______________ 3. Do you think the mosquito meant to do harm? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ______________ 4. What kind of tale is this? Why do you think it is still being told today? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ______________

Use the graphic organizer to answer the following questions. Highlight the answers on the organizer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What is a yam? Why does the iguana think that the mosquitos story is nonsense? Why does the iguana put sticks in his ears? What are the words mek and krik? Who warns the other animals of danger? If the monkey leaps kili wili through the trees, what does kili wili mean? How does King Lion find out why the sun is still sleeping? Why doesnt Iguana speak to Python? Why did the author repeat some lines in this story?

10. What was the mosquito doing at the end of the story?
11. What does KPAO stand for? 12. What is the same about Coyote Places the Stars and Why Mosquitoes Buzz in Peoples Ears? 13. How does Mother Owl wake the sun? 14. Why do mosquitoes buzz in peoples ears?

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