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Morning Report

Burn injury
By : Febrian Putra 0908113658

Ms. N , 14 years old, Female, came to Arifin Achmad General Hospital on October 19th, 2013 Chief Complain : Her body blistered because of fire 2 hours before admitted to hospital.


Objective Gurgling (-) stridor (-) airway obstruction(-) Assesment Clear airway

Objective Breathing spontaneously RR : 20 x/mins chest wall move symetrically Assesment Clear breathing

Objective IVFD attached (1 line) HR: 90x/ minutes, regularly TD: 110/70 mmHg CRT: < 2 second warm extremity Assesment stable hemodynamic , clear circulation

Objective GCS 15 isokhor pupil, d : 3 mm. light reflect (+/+) motoric power : 5 5 5 5 Assesment clear mini neurologic assesment.

Objective T : 36,5 0C Visible burn injury on head-neck, both right and left hand, and left leg.

Head - Neck

Right Hand

Left Hand

Left Leg

Assesment hypothermia (-) fever (-) burn injury grade II A 32 %


Trauma Mechanism
2 hours before admitted to hospital, patient got burn injury because of fire from the stove . Patient wanted to shut the fire off from the pan, but it attacked her head-neck, both of her hands, and left leg. Patient wore T-shirt and short pants when the incident happened. After that, patient flushed with water by his family and took to hospital in 30 minutes

Past Illness history

No past illness history related to patients complain.

Physical examination
General condition: seemed mild illness Conciousness: compos mentis Vital sign:
Blood pressure : 110/70 mmHg HR: 90x / minutes RR: 20x/ minutes Temp : 36,5 0C

Head and neck Thorax Abdomen Extremity Lymph node Genitourinary

: Localized Status : normal : normal : Localized Status : normal : normal

Localized Status
Seemed burn injury on head-neck, both hand, and left leg of the patient . The color of the wound is red and the edge is black. Bula (+)

Tenderness on the wound (+).

Head-Neck Right Hand Left Hand Left Leg

: 7% : 10% : 5% : 10% + 32 %

Working diagnosis
Burn injury grade II A 32% caused by fire

Further examination
- Blood electrolyte, and albumin

Laboratorium result
Wbc: 7200 /ul Hb : 13,4 g/dl Ht : 42,4 % Plt: 234000 /ul

Na: 141,1 mmol/l K: 3,56 mmol/l Cl: 109,9 mmol/l Alb : 3,5 g/dl

Definitive Diagnosis
Burn injury grade II A 32% caused by fire

Therapy Planning
Fluid therapy (Baxter): Body weight 45 kg 10 x 45 x 4 = 1800 ml IVFD RL Day 1 : 1800 ml in first 8 hours 1800 ml in next 16 hour Day 2 : 1800 ml for second day

Ceftriaxone 2x1 inj Ketorolac 3x1 inj Hospitalized Pro debridement

Thank you

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