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People usually use the passive voice for being more polite than make use of the active one. When it makes use of this grammar structure it also makes use of some ways of writing which it consists the use of some simple tense on it. Through the topic given, students going to get how make use the passive voice in a correct way and being able to write speak.

Do you know what is the passive voice?

Do you know when to use it?

Tittle: Summary. Instructions: Present to the class a brief review about the most outstanding aspect of the passive voice, including what is and when use it. To prepare the following homework click . The assignment it must be presented in word document that it is in the previously point. To gain more information about the topic, watch the following videos: (Present Passive Voice).



Did Not

Brief review of the important points.

Write statements with the correct use of the grammatical structure.

Tittle: Summary. Instructions: Present to the class a brief review about the most outstanding aspect of the past voice, including what is and when use it. To prepare the following homework click . The assignment it must be presented in word document that it is in the previously point. To gain more information about the topic, watch the following videos: (Past Passive Voice).



Did Not

Brief review of the important points.

Write statements with the correct use of the grammatical structure.

Tittle: vocabulary performance Instructions: List 10 regular verbs and 10 irregular verbs, is up to you, your decision! The list of the verb it must be illustrated and presented in the classroom. Download a video where the class of passive voice is explaining, prepared a Power Point with hyperlinks and shows the most important aspect to learn how to use it.



Did Not

List of verbs

Verbs illustrated

Video download Power Points Presentation

Ficha tcnica del proyecto Proyecto elaborado por: Contacto: Materia : Tema:

Simple way to learn how to use passive voice Luis A. Bazn N. Ingls Passive Voice (present and past simple)


Ingles Este proyecto tiene como finalidad afianzar la informacin que tiene el estudiante acerca de la utilizacin de la voz pasiva, ya que como estructura gramatical permite hablar con cordialidad al expresar ideas espontaneas y creativas del estudiantado.


Centro educativo: Derechos:

Analizar e identificar los diferentes tiempos que la voz pasiva utiliza para su elaboracin Instituto Profesional Omar Torrijos Herrera Libre para trminos educacionales Computador, programas en la web como youtube y sitios web en general, Power Point y descarga de videos como atube catcher. 3 horas de 40 minutos. Sitios webs acerca del uso de la voz pasiva, youtube, otros.

Recursos necesarios:

Tiempo: Fuente de consulta: Ubicacin en el programa de estudio:

Palabras claves:

Verbos regulares e irregulares en sus tres formas.

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