Anda di halaman 1dari 7

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin hendrerit in sem sit amet sagittis.

Duis tincidunt dolor nisi, porta vestibulum massa eleifend ut. In ac vehicula elit, eget tristique justo. In tortor massa, egestas ac elit eget, consectetur semper tellus. Donec molestie hendrerit

Phasellus a molestie est. Vivamus eget eros in neque rutrum suscipit vel non turpis. Nam laoreet eleifend nisl, eget ullamcorper leo ultrices sit amet. Aliquam egestas, risus vel posuere congue, mi risus adipiscing dolor, ac ornare sapien neque nec massa. Aenean posuere quam a neque luctus placerat. Nam tincidunt, leo a ultricies iaculis, eros dolor pharetra sapien, at scelerisque eros mi eu massa. Maecenas tristique eleifend eros, sit amet ultrices nunc pellentesque sed. Donec pulvinar nunc vel arcu venenatis, interdum tincidunt risus pretium. In hac habitasse platea

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin hendrerit in sem sit amet sagittis. Duis tincidunt dolor nisi, porta vestibulum massa eleifend

Phasellus a molestie est. Vivamus eget eros in neque rutrum suscipit vel non turpis. Nam laoreet eleifend nisl, eget ullamcorper leo ultrices sit amet. Aliquam egestas, risus vel posuere congue, mi risus adipiscing dolor, ac ornare sapien neque nec massa. Aenean posuere quam a neque luctus placerat. Nam tincidunt,

Phasellus a molestie est. Vivamus eget eros in neque rutrum suscipit vel non turpis. Nam laoreet eleifend nisl, eget ullamcorper leo ultrices sit amet. Aliquam

Which path will Sam take to get to the secret gate?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin hendrerit in sem sit amet sagittis. Duis tincidunt dolor nisi, porta vestibulum massa eleifend ut. In ac vehicula elit, eget tristique justo. In tortor massa, egestas ac elit eget, consectetur semper tellus. Donec molestie hendrerit aliquet. Donec sagittis accumsan sapien, at aliquet est tempus in. Etiam et luctus turpis, nec molestie quam. Pellentesque eu sollicitudin mi. In id tincidunt ligula. Duis vestibulum cursus metus at lobortis. Sed a purus vel lectus sollicitudin scelerisque vel rutrum odio.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin hendrerit in sem sit amet sagittis. Duis tincidunt dolor nisi, porta vestibulum massa eleifend ut. In ac vehicula elit, eget tristique justo. In tortor massa, egestas ac elit eget, consectetur semper tellus. Donec molestie hendrerit

Look at this beautiful flower arrangement! What color is this crown of flowers? Show Sam !!!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin hendrerit in sem sit amet sagittis. Duis tincidunt dolor nisi, porta vestibulum massa eleifend ut. In ac vehicula elit, eget tristique justo. In tortor massa, egestas ac elit eget, consectetur semper tellus. Donec molestie hendrerit

Phasellus a molestie est. Vivamus eget eros in neque rutrum suscipit vel non turpis. Nam laoreet eleifend nisl, eget ullamcorper leo ultrices sit amet. Aliquam

Help Sam figure out, what the broken portrait is! Cut the pieces of the puzzle and complete the Picture!

Its getting dark, but a ray of stars fell down from the sky. What are the colors of the stars?

As Sam looked up the tree, she saw such marvelous Rainbow fruits hanging! What type of fruit is this? She exclaimed! Help Sam color the mysterious rainbow fruit

The secret garden is filled with this beautiful Scarlet flowers. Color these flowers to show Sam how beautiful they are!

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