Anda di halaman 1dari 53

§ Diseases of the heart

§ Diseases of the vascular

§ Pneumonia
§ Cancer
§ Accidents
§ Tuberculosis
§ Chronic Obstructive Lung
§ Diabetes Mellitus
§ Diseases of the respiratory
*All Preventable with Education and Public Health
§ Kidney diseases infrastructure (DOH 2006)
Morbidity Mortality

No. 1 Lower RTIs and No. 5 Pneumonia


No. 2 No. 6 Tuberculosis

No. 6 Tuberculosis No. 8 Chronic Respiratory
Diseases (COPD,AECB)

¾ of all antibiotic consumption is for RTIs

(last updated February 11, 2008)
Source : National Epidemiology Center, DOH
Evi dence -B ased Cl in ica l Pra ctice Gui delines
in C ommu nit y Ac qui red Pneumoni a

 Ame ri can Coll eg e of Ch est Phy si cians St at eme nt:

Mx of CA P in the Home (AC CP 2 005)
 The Ph ili pp ine Cl in ical P ract ice Guid el in es
on CA P in Adul ts (PC PG 2004 )
 Brit ish Th ora cic Societ y ( BTS 2004 )
 Ame ri can Thoracic So cie ty (AT S 2001 )
 In fectious Dis ease Societ y of Ame rica (I DSA
2000 )
 Can adi an Inf ect io us D iseas e So ci et y-
Ca na dia n Thoraci c Soci et y (CI DS- CT S 2000)
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Diagnosis, Empiric Management &
Prevention of Community Acquired Pneumonia
in Immunocompetent Adults: 2004 Update

A Joint Statement of:

• Philippine Society for Microbiology
and Infectious Diseases
• Philippine College of Chest Physicians
• Philippine Academy of Family Physicians
Presumptive Definition of CAP
as per Phil CPG 04
 LRT I acquir ed f rom the communi ty
wit hi n 24 h to < 2 weeks
 Acut e cough
 RR > 20, H R > 1 00, fev er
 Ab norma l chest p hysi cal f ind ings
 No pa rt icul ar sympt om or a bn orma l P.E.
find in g is s uff ici ent ly sens it ive or
spec ifi c to co nfir m or ex clu de t he D x
Value of Chest X-Ray in
CAP Diagnosis
• Accuracy of predicting CAP
by physicians’ clinical judgment
is at best 60 – 76%
• All the guidelines are
unanimous in requiring a
chest radiograph to establish
the diagnosis and the presence
of complications (e.g., pleural
effusion, multilobar disease)
Outpatient ICU

Guided by:
• disease-specific prognostic indicators to assess
the initial severity of pneumonia
• physician’s clinical judgement, supplemented by
objective findings
Current Approaches to CAP Therapy
Score 1 point for each:
•Urea >7 mmol/L
•RR ≥30/min
•BP (SBP <90 mmHg or DBP ≤60
•Age ≥65 years

0 or 1 2 >3

Home Hospital Hospital /

treatment supervisio ICU
Risk of
Sc ore mortality/ Dis posi tio n 1 poin t each :
admission C - onfusion
0 0.7% No hospitalization
U - rea >7 mmol/l
1 3.2% Hospital referral & R - espiratory rate > 30/min
assessment: can be
outpatient B - lood pressure low,
2 13% Hospital referral & systolic <90 or diast < 60
assessment: short
inpatient or Age > 65
supervised outpatient
3 17% Sev ere
4 41.5%
Urgen t hos pit al
5 57%
ad mi ssion
Lim et al. Thorax 2003;58:377–382.
• CRB-65 omits
blood urea CRB- 65 30-Day
measurement Scor e Mor tal ity ( %)

• Applicable to 0 0
settings 1 4.1

• Scores: 2 18.7
treatment 3 43.5
4 54.6
treatment Capelastegui A et al. Eur Respir J. 2006;27:151-157.
Which patient will need
hospital admission?
Which patient will need hospital
 Pts w/ stable VS:
 RR < 30 breaths/min, PR < 125 beats/min,
 SBP > 90 mmHg or DBP > 60 mmHg &
 Temp >36oC and <40oC
 No altered mental status of acute onset (NEW)
 No or stable comorbid condition *
 No evidence of aspiration
 CXR: localized infiltrates; no evidence of pleural
effusion nor abscess
LOW Ris k C A P -- -> Ou tpa ti ent Ca re
* Comorbid conditions include:
 Diabetes mellitus (DM)
 Neoplastic disease
 Neurologic disease
 Congestive heart failure (CHF)
 Coronary artery disease (CAD)
 Renal failure
 Chronic liver disease
 Chronic alcohol abuse
Which patient will need hospital

 Patients with unstable sign

 RR > 30/min
 PR > 125/min
 Temp > 40oC or <36oC
 SBP<90mmHg or DBP <60mmHg
 Altered mental status of acute onset
 Suspected aspiration
 Unstable comorbid conditions*
 CXR: multilobar, pleural effusion, abscess
Mode rate Ris k C A P ---> In -pat ient
*Unstable comorbid conditions
 uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (DM)
 active malignancies
 neurologic disease in evolution
 congestive heart failure (CHF) Class II-IV
 unstable coronary artery disease (CAD)
 renal failure on dialysis
 uncompensated COPD
 decompensated liver disease
Which patient will need hospital
Any criteria under moderate risk category
 Septic shock with need for vasopressor
 Need for mechanical ventilation (invasive or

Hig h Ri sk C A P - --> Inten si ve ca re

What microbiologic studies are
necessary in CAP?
Low Risk CAP High Risk CAP
• Sputum GS CS
(optional for CAP pts
with co-morbid
conditions)  Blood CS 2 sites
 Respiratory secretion GS
Moderate Risk CAP CS
 Urine Ag Test for L.
 Blood CS 2 sites pneumophila
 Sputum GS CS  DFA Test for L.
Initial Inadequate Antibiotic Therapy Increases
Alvarez-Lerma,1996 Initial adequate
Rello, 1997
Initial inadequate
Kollef, 1999 therapy

Kollef, 1998
Anti biot ics sh oul d be ini tia ted w it hi n 4
Ibrahim, 2000
hours of D x of CAP
Luna, 1997

0 20 40 60 80 100
% Mortality
Alvarez-Lerma F, et al. Intensive Care Med. 1996;22:387-394. Kollef MH, et al. Chest. 1998;113:412-420.
Ibrahim EH, et al. Chest. 2000;118L146-155. Luna CM, et al. Chest. 1997;111:676-685.
Kollef MH, et al. Chest. 1999; 115:462-474. Rello J, et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1997;1
Major goal of therapy:
Major goal of therapy:
eradication of the infecting
organism, with resultant
resolution of clinical disease


mainstay of treatment
 Until more accurate and
rapid diagnostic methods are
available, the initial
treatment for most patients

 Selection of antibiotics for

empirical therapy is based on
prediction of the most likely
pathogens and knowledge of
local susceptibility patterns
Principles of Empirical Therapy
in Management of CAP
 give antibiotics / therapy as soon as possible after the
diagnosis is considered likely (IDSA/ATS 2007)

 cannot reliably differentiate etiology on basis of clinical


 Treat most likely pathogens

 S. pneumoniae; H. Influenzae
 Atypicals
 Others (local epidemiology)
 *co-morbid conditions, recent antibiotic use, recent hospitalization,
Most common etiologies
of CAP
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Haemophilus influenzae
Chlamydophila pneumoniae
Respiratory viruses
Inpatient (non-ICU) Inpatient (ICU)

•S. pneumoniae
 S. pneumoniae •Staphylococcus
 M. pneumoniae
 C. pneumoniae •Legionella species
 H. influenzae
•Gram-negative bacilli
•H. influenzae
 Legionella species

 Aspiration

 Respiratory viruses
Evidences – Aetiologic distribution of
Community-acquired pneumonia in Asian Countries

Aetiology (n=390) No. of Isolates (%)

Streptococcus 114 (29.2)
Klebsiella pneumoniae 60 (15.4)
Haemophilus 59 (15.1)
Pseudomonas 26 (6.7)
Staphylococcus aureus 19 (4.9)
Mycobacterium 13 (3.3)
Moraxella catarrhalis 12 (3.1)
Other pathogens 77 (19.7)
Mycoplasma 61/556 (11)
Chlamydia pneumoniae 55/411 (13.4)
Epidemiology and Clinical outcomes of Community-acquired pneumonia in Adult patients in Asian countries:
A prospective study by the Asian network for Surveillance of Resistance pathogens. Jae-Hoon song et.a. International Journal of

Legionella 7 /648 (1.1) Antimicrobial Agents 31 (2008): 107-114

Resistance pattern of
Streptococcus pneumoniae
2004 2005 2006 2007
Penicillin 5 11 6 1

Co- 15 16 14 18
Chloramphe 5 4 5 5

Celia C. Carlos, ARSP, DOH

Resistance pattern of
Haemophilus influenza
2004 2005 2006 2007
Ampicillin 10 10 9 11

Co- 36 15 16 13
Chloramphe 10 20 14 8

Celia C. Carlos, ARSP, DOH

Resistance pattern of
Moraxella catarrhalis
2004 2005 2006 2007
Ampicillin 9 16 15 19.6

Co- 1 7 5 11.4
Co- 38 50 59 49.6
Erythromyci 27 32 24 32.7
Celia C. Carlos, ARSP, DOH
What is the empiric
treatment for CAP?
IDSA/ATS Consensus Guidelines on CAP 2007
(Clinical Infectious Diseases 2007;44:S27-
Previou sly heal th y, no Re spirat or y No Pseudomonal risk:
antib io ti cs th e pas t 3 Flu oroq uin olon e Beta-lactam (cefotaxime,
mont hs: (le vo, mox i or gemi) (I ) ceftriaxone, ampicillin-
A ma cro lid e (I) OR sulbactam)
Doxy cy cli ne (III ) Be ta-lac ta m* + Ma crolide PLUS
(I) IV Macrolide (II) or
Co -mor bid it y or rece nt or Dox ycyclin e (II I) IV Fquinolone (I)
anti bio tic use:
Pseudomonal risk factors present:
Re spirat or y FQ (L evo *ce fot ax im e, ce tria xo ne ,  Anti-Pseudo, Anti-pneumo
750) ampic illi n-sulbact am
Blactam (cefepime, piptazo,
(I ) ertapenem imipenem, meropenem)
Hig h-dose beta -la ct am*
+ For ca refully selec te d Cipro or Levofloxacin (750 mg)
macrolid e (I) patie nts wit ho ut ris k  Above beta-lactam PLUS
fact or s for DRS P or GNR,
mo no the ra py w it h IV aminoglycoside or
* Amox 1g tid
azit hr omy cin ca n be IV antipneumococcal FQ
Co-am ox 2g bid
co nsid ered *Add Vanco or Linezolid for CA-
Ce ftria xo ne,
What is the empiric treatment for
Low Risk CAP?
Low Risk CAP with no co morbid conditions

2004 2009
 Recommendation  Recommendation
 Amoxicillin
 Amoxicillin OR
 Extended macrolides
 Alternative
 Extended Macrolides:
 Alternative azithromycin dihydrate,
 Co-trimoxazole clarithromycin
What is the empiric treatment for
Low Risk CAP?
Low Risk CAP with stable co morbid conditions

Recommendation (2004/2009):

co-amoxiclav or sultamicillin


2nd gen cephalosporin (cefuroxime axeteil, cefaclor)


extended macrolide (azithromycin dihydrate, clarithromycin)

Moderate Risk CAP
Moderate Risk CAP

Recommendation (2004/2009):

IV nonpseudomonal b-lactam +/-

b-lactamase inhibitor
+ macrolide
antipneumococcal FQ
Nonpseudomonal β-lactam
 IV β-lactams
 2nd gen cephalosporin (cefuroxime sodium)
 3rd gen cephalosporins (ceftriaxone,
 those w/ anaerobic activity (cefoxitin,
ceftizoxime, ertapenem)

 IV β-lactams w/ β-lactamase inhibitor

 ampicillin-sulbactam
 amoxicillin-clavulanic acid
Antipneumococcal Fluoroquinolone

 Moxifloxacin

 Levofloxacin
High Risk CAP with No risk for
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Recommendation (2009):

IV nonpseudomonal antipneumococcal β-
+/- β-lactamase inhibitor
+ IV macrolide
IV antipneumococcal FQ
High Risk CAP with Risk for
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Recommendation (2009):

IV antipseudomonal antipneumococcal β-lactam

+/- β-lactamase inhibitor

IV macrolide or IV antipneumococcal FQ

Aminoglycosides or IV Ciprofloxacin
Antipneumococcal β-lactam
 IV β-lactams
 Those without anaerobic activity
 4th gen cephalosporin (cefepime)
 Those with anti-anaerobic activity
 Carbapenem (Imipenem-cilastatin, Meropenem)

 IV β-lactams w/ β-lactamase inhibitor

 Cefoperazone-sulbactam
 Ticarcillin-Clavulanic acid
 Piperacillin-tazobactam
Risk Factor for Pseudomonas
aeruginosa CAP
 History of chronic or prolonged (>7 days
within the past month) use of broad
spectrum antibiotic therapy
 Malnutrition

 Chronic Use of steroid therapy: > 7.5

 Severe underlying bronchopulmonary

disease (COPD, bronchiectasis)

Source: IDSA-ATS 2007
As ses smen t of Cli nica l
Res pon se a nd D e-Es ca lat ion
Th er apy
IV to Or al Swi tch Th er apy for
 Single most important advance in the
treatment of CAP
 Early IV to oral switch results in similar
outcomes with shorter length of hospital
stay and cheaper treatment
 Antibiotic streamlining to a narrow
spectrum antibiotic is possible as early as
72 hours of treatment
Cunha BA, Chest 125: 1913-1919, 2004
Phil CPG 2004
Switch Therapy Criteria

1. Cough and dyspnea are improving

2. Patient is afebrile for at least 8 hours

3. White blood cell count is normalizing

4. PO intake and GI absorption are adequate

ATS Guidelines
Dur ati on of Ant ibi oti c Use
Base d o n Et iolog y

Et io lo gic Age nt Du rat ion of ther ap y

(da ys)
 Mo st b acter ial pn eumo nia 5- 7
ex cept 3 - 5
GNB, S. aur eus, P. aer ugi nosa (a zal ides )
 En te ric Gram (-) pat hoge ns,
10- 14

S. au reus, P. ae rugi no sa
10- 14
 My co pl asma & Chl am ydo ph ili a
14- 21
 Legio nel la sp .
Oral Agents with Good Bioavailability
and Convenient Dosing Schedule for
Switch Therapy
 Se cond/ Thir d Genera ti on
Cepha lo spo ri ns
 Ext ende d Mac rol ide s
 Fluo ro quinol ones

Phil CPG 2004

Impact of CPGs on Clinical Practice

• Bef ore an d af ter obse rv at io nal cohort st udy : the

imple me nt ati on of the ATS guid eli nes re su lt ed in
red uct ion in 30- day mo rtal it y amo ng eld er ly
pa tie nt s w it h CA P
Dean NC, et. al.Am J Med Ap r 15;110(6) :451-7, 2001
• Co hort group man age d acc ording to CP G vs .
ret roact iv el y ide nti fied co ntr ol gro up : rat es of
hosp it al admis si on de cre ased wi tho ut a
de tecta ble di ffer ence in base li ne seve rit y of
ill ne ss, resu lte d i n si gn ifican t co st sa vi ng

Su chyta MR, et. al. Am J Me d 110: 306-9, 2001

Impact of CPGs on Clinical Practice

• Guid el ine s for se ver e CAP as so cia te d wit h no

redu ct ion in mo rtal it y

Hi ran i. Thorax 19 97 Ja n; 52( 1) :17-

Impact of CPGs on Clinical Practice

“Guide li nes are hel pf ul to tho se wh o hav e

kn owl ed ge bu t ar e dan ger ous in th e han ds of
tho se wh o do not, a gr oup to wh om gu ide li nes
may gi ve confiden ce to ex ceed their knowle dg e.
A phy sici an wi tho ut kno wle dg e but wi th
gu ide li nes is lik e a m onk ey in a t ree wi th a
mach in e gun.”
Ma rc Baltzan , CM AJ 166: 1 68, 2002.

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