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What is Personality?

Combination of physical, mental and social qualities

of a person.
Stephen Robbins: personality is the sum total of ways

in which an individual reacts with others

Personality Determinants
Biological factors: physical structure, facial expression,

colour, height of a person, health and his/her beauty etc. which are normally inborn. These factors are involved when interacting with any other person and thus contribute in the personality development.

Social Factors: things that revolve and evolve around

us on regular basis. the society that we live in, the community that we get interacted to, all are included in this factor. Relationships, environment in the family, organisations, workplaces, communities all contribute personality determinants.

Cultural & Religious factors: it involves traditional

practices, norms, customs, procedures, rules, reguations etc Those who believe in religion are more peaceful and less aggressive.

Home environment: environment parents create at

home shapes their childs personality well behaved parents and elders can act as models to young ones in the family. A child brought up in a violent home may up to be aggressive.



External environment : Educational institutions- who promote values well behaved and disciplined students.
- Friends positive attitude of friends - Organisations culture, co-workers,

working conditions, relationship with management

The duty fulfiller: Serious and quiet, interested in

security and peaceful living. Responsible and dependable. Well organised and hard working. The mechanic: Quiet and reserved, interested in how and why things work. Risk takers. The nurturer: interested in serving others. Usually puts the needs of others above their needs.

The Artist: sensitive and kind. Do not conflict, open

minded. Likely to be creative. The thinker: logical & creative thinkers. The scientist: independent, analytical & determined. Natural leaders.

Personality traits
The Big Five Model

3. 4. 5.

Agreeableness Conscientiousness Neuroticism Extraversion Openness to experience

Agreeableness: means a person is good natured,

cooperative and trusting. It is the tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious. Conscientiousnss : means a person is responsible, orderly and dependable. It is a tendency to show selfdiscipline, act dutifully and aim for achievement. Extraversion: means a person is talkative, social and assertive. It includes energy, positive emotions, and socialability.

Neuroticism: means a person is anxious, prone to

depression and worries a lot. Tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily such as anger, anxiety, depression. Openness to experience: means a person is imaginative, independent minded. Preference for novelty and variety.

Locus of control
Internal locus of control: indviduals belief that events

are within their

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