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Rongga isi udara > + resonansi suara Btk. variasi; dilap. mukosa = cavum nasi
Front.; rudimentar @ tdk; saat lahir, bang,7/8 thn Ethmo. strtk kompleks; batasi / hub > banyak 13 Spheno. Sentral; dlm os. Sphenoid., bwh. Sela Maksilaris; btk. Piramid, terbesar, sejak lahir; maks puber.

Methode Pemeriksaan : a. Koventional ; - Pos. Waters; PA kepala eksten trt. Maksi. ; Front.; Sphenoid.& Sept. Nasi - Pos. Lateral; Front. Sphenoid. & Maksil. - Pos. PA. penyudutan ; Caldwell b. Computed Tomography (CT) - Axial - Koronal

1, orbital cavity. 2, frontal sinus. 3, sphenoid bone

1, globe. 2, nasal cavity. 3, ethmoid sinuses. 4, sphenoid sinus. 5, pituitary gland. 6, dosum sellae.

1, globe. 2, nasal septum. 3, ethmoid sinuses. 4, sphenoid sinus. 5, clivus.

1, left maxillary sinus. 2, right nasolacrimal duct. 3, turbinate. 4, nasal septum. 5, azygomatic arch. 6, condyle of mandible.

1, maxillary sinus. 2, pterygoid process. 3, nasopharynx. 4, mandible. 5, Atlas: anterior arch. 6, odontoid process (dens) of the axis.

1, anterior clinoid process. 2, sphenoid sinus. 3, rhinopharynx. 4, pterygoid hamulus. 5, zygomatic arch. 6, mandible.

1, sphenoid sinus. 2, middle turbinate. 3, inferior turbinate. 4, zygomatic arch. 5, mandible.

1, orbital cavity. 2, ethmoid sinuses. 3, middle turbinate. 4, inferior turbinate. 5, maxillary sinus droit. 6, zygomatic arch. 7, mandible. .

1, frontal bone. 2, superior oblique muscle. 3, optic nerve. 4, lateral rectus muscle. 5, inferior rectus muscle. 6, medial rectus muscle. 7, zygomatic arch. 8, middle turbinate. 9, inferior turbinate. 10, hard palate

1, crista galli. 2, superior oblique muscle. 3, superior rectus muscle. 4, lateral rectus muscle. 5, inferior rectus muscle. 6, medial rectus muscle. 7, optic nerve. 8, middle turbinate. 9, inferior turbinate. 10, hard palate

1, frontal sinus. 2, frontal bone. 3, globe. 4, maxillary sinus. 5, nasal septum. 6, inferior turbinate.

1, frontal sinus. 2, nasal bone. 3, nasal cavity. 4, teeth.

1, frontal bone. 2, orbital cavity. 3, maxillary sinus.

1, frontal sinus. 2, orbital cavity. 3, optic nerve. 4, maxillary sinus. 5, inferior orbital fissure.

1, frontal sinus. 2, maxillary sinus. 3, teeth.

1, nasal bone. 2, frontal sinus. 3, ethmoid sinuses. 4, sphenoid sinus. 5, inferior turbinate. 6, hard palate.

Penebalan mukosa Air fluid level Perselubungan in/homogen Dinding sklerotik (kronis)

Lesi bilateral dgn kel. Lain a.l Nasal Poliposis > sesuai alergi Retention Cyst > obstruk. ductus mukosa .btk. bulat/bts tegas; klinis baik

Acute sinusitis (No 10 ) Water's view demonstrating mucoperiosteal thickening in both maxillary antra (white arrow) and on the left side an air-fluid level can also be seen (open arrow).

Air Fluid Level Frontalis (white arrow)

Mucous retention cysts Water's view shows bilateral smoothly outlined retetion cysts in otherwise normally aerated maxillary sinuses (arrows).

mucoperiosteal thickening in left maxillary antra

Air Fluid level Maksilaris sinistra

Septum Deviasi

Tumor :
Keganasan Kavum Nasi / Sinus Paranasalis ; 0,2 0,8 % seluruh ; terut. Sinus Maksil. primer @ perluasan Ka. NF

Konventional > - Massa / perselubungan - Efek massa - Destruksi CT / MRI ; lbh. Informatif, Diff . Jar jelas destruksi.

Inverting papilloma - computed tomography Transverse section through the nasal cavity. A spindle-shaped tumor fills in the nasal cavity. The tumor extends into the pterygopalatine fossa (arrow) and the posterior and medial wall of the maxillary sinus is destroyed being suspicious for amalignant component within the polypoid tumor.

Retention Polip

Mucocele - computed tomography Transverse section through the frontal sinuses. The right compartment is opacified and expanded. Erosion of the posterior wall is also noted (arrows).

Retention Cyst

Mucous retention cysts The drainage of a solitary mucous gland can become obstructed leading to the formation of a mucous retention cyst. These cyst are often discovered by accident since they usually do not cause any symptoms. On the plain radiograph they can be seen as a smoothly outlined soft tissue density without any surrounding mucosal thickening Mucoceles When a sinus becomes permanently blocked, for example due to a previous fracture, chronic infection or nasal polyposis it will lead to mucocele formation. An isolated mucocele occurs most commonly in the frontal followed by the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses. They form less

Konventional sampai CT/ MRI. Tripod fraktur > trauma oblik (tinju) yaitu Maksilozygomatikus; Frontozygomatikus & Temporozygomatikus. Le Fort ; trauma lgs. sisi anterior muka (I III ) KLL. Fr. Nasal > Foto Os. Nasal

Tri-pod fracture a) Water's view. A fracture system is seen extending through the inferior orbital rim and floor continuing down through the maxilla (white arrows). The frontozygomatic suture is also separated (open arrow). b) Axial view. Fracture with depression of the zygomatic arch on the same side (arrow).

Fraktur , multiple, impresi, os. Frontalis dextra

Le Fort III fractures. Anterior coronal image demonstrates fractures through the orbital aspect of both frontal sinuses. Partial opacification of sinuses (asterisks) in acute setting usually represents blood. Also note paired nasal fractures (hatched arrows), which do not comprise a Lefort II complex because they neither extend to meet LeFort III complex nor do they extend back to pterygoids directly

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