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Presentation Skills

The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished.
-George Bernard Shaw

What was wrong with that?

What is your vision of the ideal presenter in our environment?



the end of the session, participants will be able to

utilize eye contact, body language and voice to their advantage in a presentation, apply the 3 As in preparing content for a presentation, develop visual aids that reflect good instructional design properties, and respond to questions in an effective manner

Objectives for Today


the end of the session, participants will be able to

utilize eye contact, body language and voice to their advantage in a presentation, apply the 3 As in preparing content for a presentation, develop visual aids that reflect good instructional design properties, and respond to questions in an effective manner

Objectives for Today


"ommunication #rofessionalism #ractice$Based %earning & !mprovement

General Competencies

Eye Contact
'ever let them out of your sight %oo(ing them in the eye ma(es

them feel that they are influencing what you say )ye contact allows the presentation to appro*imate conversation+the audience feels much more involved

Body Language
NO-NOs %ean on or grip the podium ,oc( or sway in place -tand immobile .se a single gesture repeatedly )*amine or bite your fingernails

Body Language
NO-NOs "ross your arms in front of your chest .se obviously practiced or stilted gestures "hew gum or eat candy "lic( or tap your pen, pencil or pointer

Body Language
NO-NOs %ean into the microphone -huffle your notes unnecessarily /ighten your tie or otherwise play with your clothing "rac( your (nuc(les 0angle change or (ey in your poc(et


!ntelligibility Articulation #ronunciation 1ocalized pauses 2veruse of stoc( e*pressions -ubstandard grammar


1ariability ,ate of speech 1olume #itch or tone )mphasis

reparing Content

your !"#$ENCE 3efine what !CT$ON you want them to ta(e Arrange your !%G"&ENT to move them

3 As

!naly'e (our !udience


are their names, titles, bac(grounds, reasons for attending, etc5 4hat are their big concerns5 4hat are their ob6ectives, fears, hot buttons, and attitudes5

!naly'e (our !udience


is their perception of you and your institution5 4hat are their questions li(ely to be5 4hat is personally at sta(e for them5 7ow much detail do they need5

#efine )*at !ction


action do you want the audience to ta(e5 3efine it in terms of the audience 4hat will they feel, believe, and do after hearing your tal(5

!rranging (our !rgument

8 9 3 ; = >

-ha(e hands with the audience :et to the point #resent your theme /ell <)m+ 3evelop your agenda point by point -ummarize and recommend

,uestions - !ns.ers
Does anyone ha e any !uestions "or my answers#
-$enry %issinger

,uestions - !ns.ers

of a whole new interactive presentation 2pportunity to ma(e a point ?ost presentations are won or lost here

,uestions - !ns.ers

lines of questioning ,ehearse 3ont ran( questions @eep answers brief Be honest+dont BAvoid negative words


repeat negative questions "larify question 3efer to e*perts ?ove your eyes off questioner !f negative, end your response focused on somebody else

%&! "'(!

!V!" argue with a mem#er of the audience$


at the questioner ,emain neutral and attentive %isten to the whole question #ause before you respond Address the questioner, then move your eyes to others

Easy as ! B C A! cant !nswer that question Because , but ! Can tell youB

&a'e sure you ha e "inished spea'ing be"ore your audience has "inished listening. -Dorothy Sarno""

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