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Introduction | Key terms | Advertisement | Functions of Advertisement | Types of Advertisements | Ad Copy | Ad copy for print media | Conclusion |


| Global village | Increased competition | Media Explosion | Consumer awareness


Marketing mix | 4Ps | 5Ps | 7Ps |

Promotion | Advertisement | Ad Copy|


4Ps: E Jerome McCarthy 1960 Product, Price, Place, Promotion 5Ps: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People 7Ps: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical Environment, Process


An important element of marketing mix Includes; Direct Marketing Personal Selling Advertisements Sales promotion Publicity Interactive or Internet marketing


Advertisement is an important means to Inform and influence potential customers, of products & services. Part of Promotion Promotion is an important element in the Marketing mix


According to the American Market Association, Advertisement is defined as any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor


Primary Functions Beneficial to the Seller Secondary Functions Beneficial to the buyer Social Benefits



Print Media Newspapers Magazines & Journals Broadcast Media Television Radio Outdoor or Mural Advertising Media Neon sign boards Posters Bus Panes Banners Direct Mail Advertising Media Internet Advertising



It includes all elements of an advertising message, whether printed or broadcast. In print media: it includes the heading, subheads, pictures, captions, slogans, body copy, Trade mark, mascot, company logo, borders, other visual symbols and illustrations In broadcast: Motion, Sight, Sound(words spoken by the characters in the script plus music and sound effects) as well as illustrative materials, actions and even camera cues. Copy refers to written material which is to be set in type for print media or spoken by announcers for broadcast commercials



Usually at the top or bottom of the ad, that attracts attention, communicates a key selling point or achieves brand identification Purpose: Give news about the Brand Emphasize a brand claim Give advise to the reader Simulate the readers curiosity Identify the brand



Fuctions: Establish a link with the target audience Attention Grabber It should move us/propel us to read the further copy It should be the essence of the whole ad
Guidelines: Limit headlines to 6-8 words Inject maximum information into the headline Include brand name, or anything unique about the product in the headline Use simple and common familiar words

It consists of a few words as a short sentence & usually appears above or below the headline. Stimulates a more complete reading of the entire ad In many cases, the subhead is more lengthy than the headline and can be used to communicate more complex selling points.

Body Copy
Textual or the main content of a print ad and tells more complete story about the brand. Can be pictures or words or even a mix of both.

Use the present tense wherever possible Use singular nouns and verbs Use active verbs Use familiar words and phrases Vary the length of paragraphs and lines.

Conclusion..revisiting the slides

Thank You | anas ap presentation

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