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Pengantar Ekonomi 2

Departemen Ilmu Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi UI

By Laila

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Unemployment concept: How to measure Unemployment rate Types of unemployment Exercise

Unemploment Concept
Dampak pengangguran bagi perekonomian: - Lost Incomes and production - Lost human capital Case: - PHK yang dilakukan oleh PT Audio Sumitomo Techno Indonesia - 2500 buruh PT Shyang Ju Fu, Tangerang di PHK

Unemploment Concept (2)

Population Labor Force Categories

Unemployment Concept (3)

The Anatomy of Unemployment People become unemployed if they 1. Lose their jobs and search for another. 2. Leave their jobs and search for another job. 3. Enter or re-enter the labor force to search for a job. People end a spell of unemployment if they 1. Are hired or recalled. 2. Withdraw from the labor force.

Unemploment Concept (4)

Indikator Pasar Tenaga Kerja

The unemployment rate Unemployment Rate = Number of People Unemployed/ Labor Force (100). INGAT! Labor Force = Number of People Employed +

Number of People Unemployed

The employment-to-population ratio = Number of people employed/ Working Age population (100)

The labor force participation rate = Labor Force/

Working-age population (100)

Jumlah Angkatan Kerja, Penduduk Bekerja, Pengangguran, TPAK dan TPT, 19862013
140.00 120.00

80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 Februari November Februari Agustus Februari Agustus Februari Agustus Februari Agustus Februari Agustus Februari Agustus Februari Agustus Februari Agustus max min max min max min 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Angkatan Kerja (Juta Orang) Pengangguran (Juta Orang) Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka - TPT (%) 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 67-99 99-04 04-'13 Bekerja (Juta Orang) Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja - TPAK (%)

Types of Unemployment

Frictional Unemployment: pengangguran yang muncul dari normal labor market turnover Structural Unemployment: pengangguran yang muncul karena adanya perubahan teknologi dan foreign competition yang merubah skill yang dibutuhkan atau perubahan lokasi pekerjaan. Cyclical Unemployment: pengangguran yang menganggur akibat imbas naik turun siklus ekonomi sehingga permintaan tenaga kerja lebih rendah daripada penawaran kerja. Natural Unemployment: pengangguran yang muncul dari pengangguran friksional dan struktural ketika tidak ada pengangguran siklikal. Full employment unemployment rate = natural unemployment rate

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the following data for 2010: - Labor Force: 153, 7 million - Employment: 139,1 million - Working-age population: 237,9 million Calculate the: a. Unemployment rate = 9, 49 % b. Labor Force Participation = 64, 60 % c. Employment-to-population ratio = 58,47 %

Exercise (2)
In July 2009, in the Economy of Sandy Island, 10.000 people were employed, 1000 were unemployed, and 5000 were not in the labor force. During August 2009, 80 people lost their jobs and didnt look for new ones, 20 people quit their jobs and retired, 150 unemployed people were hired, 50 people quit the labor force, and 40 people entered the labor force to look for work. Calculate for July 2009: a. Unemployment rate = 9, 09% b. Employmnet-to-population ratio = 62, 5% And calculate for the end of August 2009 c. The number of people unemployed d. The number of people employed e. The unemployment rate

Exercise (3)
1 a. Jelaskan apakah pernyataan di bawah ini benar atau salah! Jumlah pengangguran di negara yang sangat maju yang berada pada kondisi full employment adalah sama dengan nol b. Diketahui bahwa ada 3 jenis pengangguran yaitu pengangguran siklikal, struktural, dan friksional. Berikan penjelasan juga mengapa dikatakan bahwa pengangguran friksional yang terjadi berkepanjangan bisa menjadi pengangguran struktural

-Hakikat Hidup Adalah Proses Belajar Yang Tiada AkhirBy Laila

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