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Episode :


Ineezz Hunii Amii
General Introduction
s t h a t l ies in
p o f m etal
m a gro u e E a r th
Hello, I a d s c al l m
M y f rie n ll iu m,
II A . B e r y
group c o n s ist of
li n e . I am S t r o n ti um,
Alk a a lcium ,
i u m , C
Magnes dium. p e o p le to
Ra me
Barium, is difficult for so ved me. So,
e t a ls invol
e r w h a tm d g e s y stem
rememb ated donkey br
people c emorizing : n g S eret
ly m a c i
for easi k M a n g an C
R a s a n e r e n a S e ring
Banget o M o g ok Ca
u - ra g u S a r u B anget
g e
Bayar Ra ty Megang Cab
I am so famous
• Paparazzi : Hello, why people calling you
earth alkaline metal???
• Me : Xie xie, Firstly, I am called metal
because I have some metal characteristics
such glossy or shiny solid type. I also have
good capability in transferring heat and
I am so famous
• Paparazzi : Then, what do you mean by
• Me : Another Xie xie. I am alkaline
because I have alkaline characters when I
react with my acid and base friends.
I am so famous
• Paparazzi : Okeeh, can you explain the
“earth” terms??
• Me : The terms “earth” is used by the
chemical experts because of some reasons.
My oxidize is hard to be solute in water,
beside I am easy to be found on the earth
crust’s rocks
Name by Name
• Beryllium comes from Greece “beryllos” means
• Magnesium comes from “Magnesia”, town in Greece
• Calcium comes from Latin “calx/calcis” means lime
• Strontium comes from word “Strontian”, town in
• Barium comes from Greece “barys” means heavy /
• Radium comes from Latin “radius” means light / ray
Where do you can find me???
Unsure Earth Crust Percentage Naturally

Beryllium - Beryl mineral and crysoberyl

Magnesium 7th mostly found (1.9 %) MgCl2 compound in the water sea

Calcium 5th mostly found (3.4 %) Carbonate, phosphate, sulphate compound

Strontium 0.03 % Selestite and strontianite mineral

Barium 0.04 % Baritine and Witerite mineral

Radium 0.33 ppm Pitchlende (Uranium ore)

Beryllium Magnesium


Symbol: Be 
Atomic Number: 4 
Atomic Mass: 9.012182
Melting Point: 1278.0 °C Number of Energy Levels: 2
First Energy Level: 2 
Boiling Point: 2970.0 °C
Second Energy Level: 2
Number of Protons/Electrons: 4 
Number of Neutrons: 5 
Crystal Structure: Hexagonal 
Density @ 293 K: 1.8477 g/cm3 
Color: gray
Date of Discovery: 1798 
Discoverer: Fredrich Wohler 
Symbol: Mg 
Atomic Number: 12 
Atomic Mass: 24.305
Melting Point: 650.0 °C Number of Energy Levels: 3
Boiling Point: 1107.0 °C First Energy Level: 2 
Second Energy Level: 8 
Number of Protons/Electrons: 12 
Third Energy Level: 2
Number of Neutrons: 12 
Crystal Structure: Hexagonal 
Density @ 293 K: 1.738 g/cm3 
Color: grayish
Date of Discovery: 1808 
Discoverer: Sir Humphrey Davy 
Symbol: Ca 
Atomic Number: 20 
Atomic Mass: 40.078
Melting Point: 839.0 °C   Number of Energy Levels: 4
Boiling Point: 1484.0 °C First Energy Level: 2 
Number of Protons/Electrons: 20  Second Energy Level: 8 
Third Energy Level: 8 
Number of Neutrons: 20 
Fourth Energy Level: 2
Crystal Structure: Cubic 
Density @ 293 K: 1.55 g/cm3 
Color: Silvery
Date of Discovery: 1808 
Discoverer: Sir Humphrey Davy 
Symbol: Sr 
Atomic Number: 38 
Atomic Mass: 87.62  
Melting Point: 769.0 °C
Boiling Point: 1384.0 °C
Number of Protons/Electrons: 38 
Number of Neutrons: 50  Number of Energy Levels: 5
First Energy Level: 2 
Crystal Structure: Cubic 
Second Energy Level: 8 
Density @ 293 K: 2.54 g/cm3  Third Energy Level: 18 
Color: yellowish Fourth Energy Level: 8 
Date of Discovery: 1790  Fifth Energy Level: 2
Discoverer: A. Crawford 
Symbol: Ba 
Atomic Number: 56 
Atomic Mass: 137.327
Melting Point: 725.0 °C
Boiling Point: 1140.0 °C
Number of Protons/Electrons: 56 
Number of Neutrons: 81  Number of Energy Levels: 6
Crystal Structure: Cubic  First Energy Level: 2 
Density @ 293 K: 3.51 g/cm3  Second Energy Level: 8 
Third Energy Level: 18 
Color: Silver
Fourth Energy Level: 18 
Date of Discovery: 1808  Fifth Energy Level: 8 
Discoverer: Sir Humphrey Davy  Sixth Energy Level: 2
Symbol: Ra 
Atomic Number: 88 
Atomic Mass: (226.0)  
Melting Point: 700.0 °C
Boiling Point: 1737.0 °C
Number of Protons/Electrons: 88 
Number of Neutrons: 138  Number of Energy Levels: 7
Crystal Structure: Cubic  First Energy Level: 2 
Density @ 293 K: 5.0 g/cm3  Second Energy Level: 8 
Third Energy Level: 18 
Color: silverish
Fourth Energy Level: 32 
Date of Discovery: 1898  Fifth Energy Level: 18 
Sixth Energy Level: 8 
Discoverer: Pierre and Marie Curie  Seventh Energy Level: 2
My Physical Characteristics

What’s increasing &

What’s decreasing

Atomic Characteristics

Generally &
My Physical Characteristics
In the room temperature, earth alkaline
metals are in solid type. Mostly are white
metallic colored, but quickly turn in to dark
when contact with air and water.
My Physical Characteristics

Alkaline earth metal’s atomic characteristics

Element Metal’s Ionic radius 1st Ionisation 2nd Ionisation Electronegati Oxidation
radius(pm) (pm) energy energy vity number
(kJ/mol) kJ/mol)

Berilium 110 27 900 1757 1.5 +2

Magnesium 160 72 738 1451 1.2 +2

Calsium 200 100 590 1145 1.0 +2

Stronsium 220 113 550 1064 1.0 +2

Barium 220 136 503 965 0.7 +2

Radium - 162 509 978 0.9 +2

My Physical Characteristics
• Increasing atomic radius from Beryllium to
• Decreasing ionization energy from Beryllium
to Radium
• Decreasing electro negativity from Beryllium
to Radium
• Maximum oxidation number equal with +2
My Physical Characteristics

Alkaline earth metal’s physical characteristics

Element Density Hardness Melting Boiling Hfus Hv (kJ/mol) Heat Electrocond

(kg/m3) (Mohs) point (ºC) point (ºC) (kJ/mol) conductivity uctivity
Be 1850 5.5 1278 2970 12.2 292 2 0.313

Mg 1740 2.5 649 1107 8.95 127 1.56 0.226

Ca 1540 1.75 839 1484 8.54 154 2.0 0.298

Sr 2620 1.5 769 1384 8.30 144 0.353 0.076

Ba 3510 1.25 725 1643 7.75 142 0.184 0.030

Ra 5000 - 700 1140 - - 0.186 -

My Physical Characteristics

• The increasing of density from Be to Ra.

• The decreasing of hardness from Be to Ra.
• The decreasing of melting point and Hfus from
Be to Ra.
• The decreasing of boiling point and Hv from Be
to Ra.
• The decreasing of electroconductivity and
heatconductivity from Be to Ra.
My Chemical

Elements Electron Configurasi

Berilium [He] 2s2

Magnesium [Ne] 3s2
Kalsium [Ar] 4s2
Stronsium [Kr] 5s2
Barium [Xe] 6s2
Radium [Rn] 7s2
• Every atomic of alkali earth metal has 2
electron valence on sub skin s (the outest)
• Alkali earth metal are reactive if the value of
ionization is low
• Reactivity of alkali earth metal increase from
Be to Ra
Compound Solubility
• The compound of alkali earth metal has small
solubility. It is caused by the bigger charge of
ion, and also the ionic bound
• The example of alkali earth metal that easy to
solute are Nitrate (NO3) and Chloride (Cl-)
I like to make a relationship with….
• My reaction with water
• My reaction with oxygen
• My reaction with nitrogen
• My reaction with halogen
• My reaction with hydrogen
Me & Water
• Formula
M + 2H2O  M(OH)2 + H2
Resulting hydroxide compound

Ca + 2H2O  Ca(OH)2 + H2
Mg + 2H2O  Mg(OH)2 + H2
Me & O2
• Formula :
2M + O2  2MO
M + O2  MO2
Resulting oxide and superoxide compound

2Be + O2  2BeO
Ra + O2  RaO2
Me & Nitrogen
• Formula :
3M + N2  M3N2
Resulting Nitride compound

3Mg + N2  Mg3N2
3Ba + N2  Ba3N2
Me & Halogen
• Formula :
M + X2  MX2
Resulting halide compound

Be + Cl2  BeCl2
Ca + F2  CaF2
Me & Hydrogen
• Formula :
M + H2  MH2
Resulting Hydride compound

Mg + H2  MgH2
Extraction process of Earth Alkaline
Reduction Method Electrolysis Method
– Reduction BeF2 by Mg – Electrolysis of BeCl2 molten
BeF2 + Mg  MgF2 + Be
Cathode : Be2+ + 2e  Be
– Reduction CaO by Al Anode : 2Cl-  Cl2 + 2e
6CaO + 2Al  3Ca + Ca3Al2O6
Application of Earth Alkaline
• When it combines with other metal, it will
create stronger but lighter metal combination
• 17 times better than aluminum for transmitting
X ray
• Fire flameless designed
• Neutralizes the mouth acid and preventing
from damaging teeth
• Neutralizes the stomach acid
• Giving the bright white beam in Fireworks
• Layering the firebox
• Most important unsure for teeth and bones.
Calcium was mostly found in the milk
• Tube glass production for the colored TV and
• Giving the bright green color in fireworks
• Examining the digestion system in our body
• Radium is used to produce “bright in the dark”
• Cancer therapy in medical science
• The Meaning Of Hard Water
• The Kinds Of Hard Water
• The Advantages Of Hard Water
• The Disadvantages Of Hard
• The Way To Disappear The Hardness
>>> Water that
contains many
calsium ion (Ca2+)
and magnesium ion
(Mg2+), and also
anion like Cl-, SO42-,
HCO3- .
The Kinds Of Hard
Hard Water

Temporary Hardness Permanent Hardness

The hardness that not lose

The hardness that lose
with the heating of water.
because the heating.
It’s caused by calsium salt
It’s caused by hydrogen
and magnesium salt,like
carbonat salts, like
calsium sulfate (CaSO4) and
Ca(HCO3)2 and Mg(HCO3)2
magnesium sulfate (MgSO4)
The Advantages Of Hard

The Advantages

Provide calsium that need by the body,

for the example to form bone and tooth

Have the vlafor that more delicious

than soft water

Timbel compound (from water pipe) is

harder to solute in hard water. Timbel
is toxin for body
The Disadvantages Of Hard
The Disadvantages

Wastefull uses of soap

Scum can leave the stain in

the clothes

Form the corral on kettle and

water pipe / radiator pipe
The Way to Clear The Hardness
Distilation It’s relative expensive
Boiling Can disappear temporaray hardness. At high temperature,
Ca(HCO3)2 will loose in order to ion Ca2+ will precipitate as
Add natrium Washing Soda (Na2CO3.10H2O) that added to hard water
carbonate or that contain of Ca(HCO3)2 can precipitate ion Ca2+ became
washing soda CaCO3

Use soft Natrium Heksametafosfat / Na2[Na4(PO3)6] can use to

water change ion Ca2+ and Mg2+ become complecs ion that easy to
solute in order to can’t join with stearat ion from the soap
Use resin The function is to tie all of anion and cation in hard water.
changer ion There are 2 kinds of resin :
>Cation Resin Changer : contain negative group that tie H +
>Anion Resin Changer : contain positive group that tie OH +
Uwis ah
Sing meh takon
Kesel jee ngadeg !!!

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