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SUBMITTED BY:Dr.prabhjot Kaur Ms.harjot Kaur Ms.raavi Sharma

According to Edwin B. Flippo, Training is an act of increasing the Knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job. Training involves the development of skills that are usually necessary to perform a specific job. Training is the formal and systematic modification of behavior through learning which occurs as a result of education, instruction, development and planned experience. evelopment is concerned with providing learning experiences to employees so that they may be ready to move in new directions that organi!ational change may re"uire. Training and development deals with the design and delivery of learning to improve performance, skills, or knowledge within organi!ations. #acilitate enhancement of individual knowledge and skills set keeping in mind the vision and corporate objectives.

To increase the knowledge of workers in doing specific jobs. To impart new skills among the workers systematically so that
they learn "uickly. To bring about change in the attitude of workers towards fellow workers, supervisors and the organi!ation. To improve the overall performance of the organi!ation. To make the workers handle materials, machines and e"uipment$s efficiently and thus to check wastage time and resources. To reduce the number of accidents by providing safety training to workers. To prepare workers for higher jobs by developing advance skills in them.


The need for training arises because of the following reasons:-

%hanging Technology& ' Technology is changing at a fast pace. The workers must learn new Technology to make use of advanced technology. (uality %onscious %ustomers: The customers have ecome !uality conscious and there re!uirement keep on changing. To satisfy the customers, !uality of products must e continuously improve through training of workers.

)reater productivity& "t is essential to increase productivity and reduce cost of production for meeting competition in the market. Effective training can help increase productivity of the workers.

*table workforce& Training creates a feeling of confidence in the minds of workers. "t gives them a security at the work place. As a result, la or turnover and A senteeism rates are reduced. +ncreased safety& Trained workers handle the machines safely. They also know the use of various safety devices in the factory. Thus, they are less prone to industrial accidents. ,etter -anagement& Training can e used as an effective tool of planning and control. "t develops skills among workers for the future and also prepares them for promotion. "t helps in reducing the cost of supervision, wastages and industrial accidents. "t also helps increase productivity and !uality.

Contributions of training

+ncreased .roductivity&' An increase in skills usually

results in increment in oth !uality and !uantity of output. #owever, the increasingly technical nature of modern $o demands systematic training to make possi le even minimum levels of accomplishment.

+mproved morale&' Training helps employees to improved

their $o knowledge. "t ena les them to remain up-to-date. They can handle $o operations with relative ease and comfort. They can work more competently. They can now meet the deadlines, achieve the targets and show performance. /educed *upervision&' The trained employee is one who carry perform with limited supervision. Both employee and supervisor want less supervision ut greater independence which is not possi le unless the employee is ade!uately trained. /educed 0ccidents&' %ore accidents are caused y deficiencies in people than y deficiencies in e!uipment&s and working conditions. 'roper training in oth $o skills and safety attitudes should contri ute towards a reduction in the accident rate. +ncreased 1rgani!ational *tability& ' The a ility of an organi(ation to sustain its effectiveness despite the loss of key personnel can e developed only through creation of a reservoir of employees.



(uick 2earning:- Training helps to reduce the

learning time to reach the accepta le level of performance. The employees need not learn y o serving others and waste time if the formal training program e)ists in the organi(ation.

3igher .roductivity:- Training increase the skill of new employee

in the performance of the particular $o . An increase in skills usually helps increase in oth !uantity and !uality of output. Training is also of great help to the e)isting employees.

*tandardi!ation of .rocedure& - *ith the help of training, the

est availa le method of performing the work can e standardi(ed and taught to all employees. +tandardi(ation will make high levels of performance rule rather than e)ception. Employees will work intelligently and make fewer mistakes when they possess the re!uired know-how and have an understanding of their $o s and of the interdependence of one $o on another.

2ess *upervision:- "f the employees are given ade!uate

training, the need of supervision will e lessened. Training does not eliminate the need for supervision, ut it reduce the need for detailed and constant supervision. A well-trained employee is self-reliant in his work ecause he knows what to do and how to do. e a le to make etter and economical use of materials and e!uipment,s. *astage will also e low.

4conomical 1perations: - Trained personnel will

3igher -orale: - The morale of employees is increased if they are given

proper training. A good training program will mould employee&s attitudes towards organi(ational activities and generate etter co-operation and greater loyalty.

.reparation of #uture -anagers: - *hen totally new skills are re!uired

an organi(ation, it has to face great difficulties in the selection process. Training can e used in spotting out promising man and preparing them for promotion.

,etter -anagement: - A manager can make use of training to manage in

a etter way. To him, training the employees can assist improve his planning, organi(ing, directing and controlling.

The of knowledge gained during training. Training at its est works as a knowledge provider or a motivator. *hen you check with people at the end of a training program, they are e)tremely motivated. But when you check with them after a month, very few people have een a le to actually implement the knowledge provided in the training. This happens ecause whatever they are told in the training is not their ha it. To use that knowledge they have to reak old ha its and create new, effective ha its. This is not possi le overnight. This is possi le only if people are made to repeat certain actions again and again in a threatfree environment.

TRAINING METHODOLOGY iggest limitation of training is its effectiveness or the implementation

TYPES OF TRAINING A wide range of training methods and techni!ues have een developed
over the years y various organi(ations and training e)perts. -ifferent training methods are suita le for different categories of personnel in the organi(ation: managerial and non- managerial, technical, administrative, skilled, unskilled, senior, $unior and so on. Each organi(ation has to choose those methods and techni!ues of training which are relevant for its training needs.

ON THE JOB TRAINING METHODS ARE:.o /otation 0oaching .o "nstruction Team Training Apprenticeship


1ecture 0um -iscussions Audio23isuals +imulation 3esti ule 0ase +tudy /ole 'lay

The following criteria may be used to measure the effectiveness of training&


5. /eactions: - Trainees reactions to the o $ectives, contents and methods of training are good indicators of effectiveness. "n case the trainee considered the program worthwhile and liked it, the training can e considered effective. 6. 2earning& - The e)tent to which the trainees have gained the desired knowledge and skills during the training period is a useful asis of evaluating training effectiveness. 7. ,ehavior& ' "mprovement in the $o ehavior of the trainees reflects the manner and e)tent to which the learning has een put to practice. 8. /esults& - 'roductivity improvement, !uality improvement, cost reduction, accident reduction, reduction in la or turnover and a senteeism are the outcomes of training which can e used for evaluating effectiveness.


learning behavior


+eniors managers and +upervisory staff should also have to spend more time with the employees during their Training 'rogram.

There should e proper 9 healthy environment to implement new

ideas and thoughts of the employees which can e gained from his2her training. The organi(ation should invite suggestions from employees a out changes or improvement in Training 'rogram they need. There should e a proper exam or test after Training so that the 4rgani(ation comes to know what employee have learnt during Training. There should e some rewards for the employees who done very well in their Training.

Trained employees happy


Thank ! u o y

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