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Online Cataloging of Manuscripts,

Odisha State Museum,
Government of Odisha
National Informatics Centre (NIC) Bhubaneswar,Odisha

The genesis of the Odisha State Museumgoes back to the year

l!", #hen t#o notable $istorians, %rof& '&C& (aner)ee and %rof&
Ghanshyam *ash of +avensha# College, Cuttack started
collection of archaeological treasures from various places&

The small Museum #as then housed #ithin the premises of the
College in l!,, by a suitable order, the Government of Odisha
transformed this nucleus into the %rovincial Museum of Odisha

Introduction- contd

Govt of Odisha appointed Committee

of Management consisting of the
%rincipal, the $ead of the *epartment
of $istory and three other %rofessors
of the College maintaining close
contact #ith the general public and
the .rchaeological *epartment of the
Government of India and other States,

Odisha is a State of India #ith its reach cultural heritage,

monuments and rare palm leaf , bamboo leaf monuments&

Odisha State Museum is a uni/ue museum of its kind across

the Country having rare manuscripts comprising of palm leaf,
bamboo leaf and other forms of manuscripts&

e-Cataloguing system of Odisha State museum is a genesis of

intellectual re/uirements of various #orld 0ide research
scholars i&e& %ali Te1t Society
2niversity of (ristol, (ritish Museum, Colombia 2niversity,
Cambridge 2niversity, International .ssociation of Sanskrit
Studies, O1ford 2niversity, South .sia Institute,
2niversity of $eidelberg, Germany, 3rench School of .sian
Studies, (udhist 3orum of Sri lanka etc&

The ob)ective is to4

3acilitate researchers, students,

scholars across the Globe to get
online access the rare manuscripts of

spread a#areness among the people

about the Indian culture and heritage&
e-Cataloging of palmleaf

This module is #ork like an online catalog, #here

the visitor can access the monuments like a

& The visitor #ill come to the portal and #hen the
visitor click on the %alm 5eaf Monuments 5inks,
the visitor can see each categories palm leaf set
#ith the first page to read online&

The visitor has facility to buy each categories of

the %alm 5eaf Monuments through credit6debit
Screen Shot of Home page

This is to aim to provide ma1imum

accessibility and usability to its visitors&

It ensure that all information on this #ebsite

is accessible to people #ith disabilities&

The visitor can get latest update

about the publication of books or
article by Odisha State Museum&
The visitor first see the "7 different
palm leaf category as sho# belo#4
The visitor then select a particular categories #ill see
that respective category data as sho#n belo#
This visitor can buy the palm leaf of his choice by
clicking on the add to cart button as sho#n belo#4
This #ill redirect to Shopping cart page as
sho# belo#4

The visitor can buy multiple palm leaf

monument by clicking on the
continue shopping link8under
implementation #ith SMS integration9

They can also checkout by clicking on

the checkout button for further
payment process&
:irtual 0alkthrough

This #ill #ork like a dynamic virtual #alkthrough of the Museum&

It;s like a virtual Museum #here the visitor #ill select #hich area
he6she #ants to visit&

The visitor can move for#ard6back#ard6left6right by moving the

mouse cursor to see the !<=o panorama vie#&

This virtual #alkthrough to the museum #ill bring a realistic feel

for the visitor and they can en)oy vie# of the museum &

This #ill be an e1citing and kno#ledge sharing facility from the

user department to#ards visitors&

It #ill be interesting for a visitor to discover a realistic Odisha

State Museum through cyber space&
:isitor;s Testimonial

The hand #ritten testimonials6feedbacks are given by the honorable

persons6guests to the :isitor;s Testimonial section &
%hoto Gallery

The visitor can vie# photos of different section of

the museum such as archeology, palm leaf,
'atural $istory, >pigraphy and 'umismatic, etc&
3eedback Management

The visitor can give feedback about the museum

#hich #ill be collected online
Inside Site Search

This #ill allo# #ebsite visitors to search for relevant

information #ithin the #ebsite&

Site search #ill #ork based on key#ords and #ill search

the entire database driven content& Search results #ill be
displayed in the form of listing and #ill also have link to
relevant pages #ithin the #ebsite&

The archive section #ill store the older

>vents 6 'e#s ? 'otices 6 %ublications 6
.dvertisements #hich can be accessible by
year #ise&
'e#s and >vents

The :isitor can avail latest updates6Tourism

events about Odisha State Museum&
e-Cataloging system of Odisha State
Museum is a uni/ue and innovative
approach of its kind in India #hich
can facilitate citi@ens, Government
and scholars ? +esearchers across the
This can be rolled out in other
Museums of the Country

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