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Take some time to reflect on what brought
you up the mountain this weekend. What are
you really hoping to accomplish? What
draws you to this work ?
As you write, consider your own personal
What are you passionate about? WHY do you
teach/ advocate/ program build in the ways that
you do? What is your bottom linethe thing that,
if pushed, you really wont compromise on? What
drives you?
Share some highlights of your reflection with a
Make sure that each of you has had an
opportunity to share uninterrupted before you
respond to what youve heard.
Introduce your partner
Share highlights of your conversation

Best and Worst of (Professional)
Shop Class as Soul Craft
Because the stochastic arts diagnose and fix things
that are variable, complex, and not of our own making,
and therefore not fully knowable, they require a certain
disposition toward the thing you are trying to fix. This
disposition is at once cognitive and moral. Getting it
right demands that you be attentive in the way of
conversation rather than assertive in the way of
demonstration. I believe the mechanical arts have a
special significance for our time because they cultivate
not creativity, but the less glamorous virtue of
attentiveness. Things need fixing and tending no less
than creating (82).
Matthew B. Crawford

Expertise Mapping
I am an expert . . . . . . .
My expertise helps me to . . . . . . .
My expertise gets in my way . . . . . . .

I feel like a novice at . . . . . . .
Being a novice helps me to . . . . .
Being a novice gets in my way . . . . . . . .

(Think about your personal identity, your work with
students, your work here at BSILI, and your role in PL
in general)

On Soul Making
Think about your why, think about your
expertise mapping . . . . Have you ever
had an educational experience that you
would classify as soul-making? Describe
the scene. Who was there? What
happened? What tools or props were
involved? Why was this so powerful?
TED Talk Homework
Due by 5:30 am
Angela Duckworth comes to the
conclusion that the best way to develop
grit is by teaching growth mindset. But
surely there are other ways.
For homework, you and your team will
create a 2-3 minute TED talk to share your
brilliant ideas about how best to foster grit,
lead with empathy, and generally engage
in soul-making.
Reflection and Feedback
Before you start working on your
homework , please give us some
reflective feedback to help us plan for

What has worked so far to support your
learning? What questions or concerns
do you have?

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