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) Validity- teaching the content that we ought to teach

according to national standards explicit in the K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum; teaching the content in order to
realize the goals and objectives of the course.

b.)Significance- what we teach should respond to the
needs and interests of the learners, hence meaningful
and significant.

c.)Balance content includes not only facts but
also concepts and values. The use of the three-level
approach ensures a balance of cognitive,
psychomotor, and affective lesson content.

d.) Self-sufficiency content fully covers the
essentials. Learning content is not mile-wide-and-
inch-deep.The essentials are sufficiently covered and
are treated in depth. This is the case of less is more.

e.)Interest teacher considers the interest of the
learners, their developmental stages and cultural
and ethnic background.

f.) Utility will this content be use to the learners? It
is not meant only to be memorized for the test and
grade purposes. What is learned has a function even
after the examinations are over.

g.) Feasibility The content is feasible in the
sense that the essential content can be covered in
the amount of time available for instruction.

Here are a few ways cited by cognitive psychologists
(Ormrod, 2000) by which you can help your students:

a.) Providing opportunities for experimentation
b.) Presenting the ideas of others
c.) Emphasizing conceptual understanding

Here are some specific strategies that can help you develop
conceptual understanding in your students:

Organized units around a few core ideas and themes.
Explore each topic in depths.
Explain how new ideas relate to students own experiences
and to things they have previously learned.
Show students- through the things we say, the
assignments we give, and the criteria we use to evaluate
Ask students to teach to others what they have learned.
Promote dialogue.
Use authentic activities.

The structure of Subject matter content
1. Cognitive
a.) Fact- is an idea or action that can be verified, are
the basic unit of cognitive subject matter content.
b.) Concept is a categorization of events, places,
people, and ideas.
c.) Principle is the relationship (s) between and
among facts and concepts.
d.)Hypotheses are educated guesses about
relationships (principles).
e.) Theories refer to a set of facts, concepts and
principles that describe possible underlying
unobservable mechanisms that regulate human
learning, development, and behaviour.
f.) Laws are firmly established, thoroughly tested
principle or theory.

2. Skills
a.) Manipulative skills - it begins with nave
manipulations and ends up in expert and precise

b.)Thinking Skills these refers to the skills beyond recall
and comprehension. They are skills concerned with the
application of what was learned (in problem-solving or in
real life)evaluation and critical and creative thinking and

Divergent Thinking

Fluent Thinking
Flexible Thinking
Original Thinking
Elaborative Thinking

Convergent Thinking- it is narrowing down from many possible
thoughts to end up on a single best thought or an answer to a

Problem solving- is made easier when the problem is well-

Problems can be solved by using the following:

-Algorithm- solving a problem by following specific, step-by-
step instructions.

-Heuristics- a general problem solving strategy, for a solution,
these are informal, intuitive, speculative strategies that
sometimes lead to an effective solution.

Metaphoric Thinking it uses analogic thinking, a figure of speech
where are word is used in a manner different from ordinary designation
to suggest or imply a parallelism or similarity.

Critical Thinking it involves evaluating information or arguments in
terms of their accuracy and worth.
Verbal reasoning- an example is evaluating the persuasive
techniques found in oral or written language.
Argument Analysis you are engaged in critical thinking
process when you discriminate between reasons that do and do
not support a particular conclusion.
Hypothesis testing It is evaluating the value of data and
research results in terms of the methods used to obtain them
and their potential relevance to a particular conclusions.
Decision Making we are engaged in critical thinking when
we weigh the pros and cons of each proposed alternative

Creative Thinking- it involves producing something that is both
original and worthwhile It is the process of bringing something new
into birth. It is seeing new relationships and the use of imagination and
Awareness The ability to notice the attributes of things in the
environment so as to build a knowledge base that is the beginning of all
other forms of creative thinking.
Curiosity The ability and inclination to wonder about things
and mentally explore the new, novel, unique ideas.
Imagination The ability to speculate about things that are
not necessary based on reality.
Fluency The ability to produce a large quantity of ideas.
Flexibility- The ability to look at things from several different
perspectives of viewpoints
Originality The ability to produce new, novel, unique ideas.
Elaboration- The ability to add on to an idea; to give details;
build groups of related ideas or expand on ideas.
Perseverance- The ability to keep trying to find an answer; to
see a task through completion.

3. Attitudes and Values
In the three-level approach to teaching, values are at the apex of the
triangle. It is because it is in the teaching of values that the teaching of
facts, skills, and concepts become connected to the life of the students,
thus acquiring meaning.
Cognitive Dimension- when we teach the value of honesty
Affective Dimension- you have to feel something towards
Behavioural Dimension- you practice honesty and so lead an
honest life



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