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Mineral Resources of Pakistan

A Thorough Explanation
Applicable to O-Level and IGCSE
studying Pa-Studies! Students o"
both Edexcel And Ca#bridge
What Industry?

$ineral resources belong to the Pri#ary

Industry o" occupations as this sector is
tased %ith obtaining ra% #aterials
&#inerals' "ro# underneath the earth! So#e
other pri#ary industry occupations are
"ar#ing( "ishing and "orestry!
Renewable or Non-Renewable?

$ineral )esources are *on-)ene%able as

they are "or#ed so#e #illions o" thousands
years ago and %ill tae lie%ise ti#e to "or#
Types of Minerals

$inerals are divided into t%o types+

$etallic $inerals

*on-$etallic $inerals

These have di""erent ,ualities and "eatures

%hich help us to distinguish the# "ro# each
Metallic Minerals

They rese#ble #etals and have

characteristics o" #etals e!g!

They are shiny( hard and s#ooth!

They are good conductors o" electricity

They can be #olded into di""erent shapes!

Non- Metalic Minerals

They are so"ter and rougher!

They brea a%ay %hen their shape is


They cannot be stretched or co#pressed!

They are poor electrical conductors!

Importance Of Minin Industry

They contribute to the G-P &Gross -o#estic Product' and the G*P
&Gross *ational Product'

They provide ra% #aterial "or di""erent industries!

They can be exported to "oreign countries e!g! #arble( roc salt!

They earn "oreign exchange "or the country by their export and i" they
are #ined the do#estic re,uire#ents are "ul"illed %hich prevents
i#port thereby saving "oreign exchange!

They i#prove .alance o" Trade and Pay#ent!

)educes rural-urban #igration as they are "ound in re#ote areas and

%hen people get /obs in #ines then they do not #igrate!

It provides e#ploy#ent "or the people!

They attract "oreign invest#ent "or exploration and exploitation!

Problems of The Minin Industry

Lac o" Capital( so #odern #achinery cannot be bought %hich

%astes ti#e and decreases #ineral ,uality!

Lac o" experts so it is di""icult to explore and exploit #inerals

and so "oreign exchange is spent to bring these people to our
country %hich adversely e""ects the .alance o" Pay#ents and
.alance o" Trade!

Lac o" Govern#ent attention0 lo% priority so slo%


Inaccessible #ineral deposits( di""icult to explore!

Lac o" security( terroris#( due to this "oreign investors are

reluctant to invest in these areas!

$any institutions have been set up e!g! Geological

Survey o" Paistan "or investigation and #apping o"

Give incentives to "oreign and local investors in order

to attract the# to%ards this sector e!g! tax holiday!

Attracting #ultinationals to explore #inerals by

o""ering the# a share in the produce!

I#prove#ent in education sector "or producing

silled labor %hich %ill %or in these industries!
Main Non-Minerals of Pakistan

Li#estone+ $ain ra% #aterial "or ce#ent

industry! 1sed to #ae bleaching po%der(
soap( glass( paper( paints and li#e( used as
"lux in iron and steel industry!

Li#e is used to reduce salinity o" soil!

Li#estone is painted on bars o" trees to

protect the# "ro# ter#ite attacs!

Also used in "ertili2er industry!

Main Non-Metallic Minerals of Pakistan

)oc Salt+ 1sed in cooing and #aing

preservatives! 1sed in "ood( tanning and
textile industries!

1sed in the processing o" Sodas( Soda ash(

carbonates and bicarbonates o" soda and
caustic soda!
Main Non-Metallic Minerals of Pakistan

Gypsu#+ 1sed in #aing plastic o" paris(

ce#ent( paper( "ertili2ers( paints and rubber!
Main Non-Metallic Minerals of Pakistan

$arble+ 1sed in #aing "looring and decorative pieces!

Clays+ There are three types o" clays+

China Clay+ 1sed in #aing ce#ent!

3ire Clay+ 1sed in #aing "ire resistant brics and potter!

3ullers Earth+ 1sed in the steel industry!

.rine &$ixture o" roc salt and %ater'+ 1sed in #aing


Po%er Producing $inerals i!e! Coal( Oil and *atural Gas have
not been discussed as they constitute the topic 4Po%er
Main Metallic Minerals of Pakistan

Chro#ite+ 1sed in #aing stainless steel(

#aing bridges and rail%ay carriages!

.auxite+ 1sed "or the extraction o" Alu#inu#

%hich is used in #aing cans( utensils and

Copper+ 1sed in #aing copper %ires and


Iron Ore+ 1sed in steel #aing!

" #ittle More On #imestone

Li#estone is heavy and buly!

Is di""icult to transport!

*ot o" great value &cheap #ineral'

As it is expensive to transport any li#estone

dependant industry should be #ade closer to
its deposits to save ti#e and #oney!

In this case rail%ay is the cheapest "or# and

should be used "or its transportation!
#imestone $uarryin

6hen li#estone outcrops on sur"ace!

It is extracted by open excavation!

7and tools e!g! ha##ers( drills etc are

#ostly used!

Other e,uip#ent &i" re,uired' is also used

e!g! explosives( po%er sa%s etc!
%ffects of Minin on the %n&ironment

It causes noise pollution!

It causes land pollution due to de"or#ation and

%astes o" the "actories( land is not leveled a"ter
#ining and due to poor %aste disposal!

6ater pollution as the %astes produced in these

#ines are du#ped in rivers and this constitutes our
%ater supply!

Air pollution due to s#oe( dust etc( this also causes

so#e diseases such as tuberculosis and lung
Protection of the 'a(ards produced
due to Minin

Scienti"ic #ining "or e""iciency!

Treat#ent o" %astes to avoid its har#"ul e""ects!

6ater treat#ent plants to clean %ater "or #iners!

A""orestation0 re"orestation to reduce air pollution!

Protective clothing and #ass "or #iners!

Sustainable develop#ent o" #ining to avoid %astage o" #inerals!

Land #ust be leveled a"ter #ining is co#plete "or its e""icient use

Strict i#ple#entation o" environ#ent la%s to avoid air and %ater


A%areness through #edia and *GO5s to the local people to protect the
Important #ocations of Minerals

Li#estone+ $anghopir( Gan/otaor( $urli 7ill( Poto%ar Plateau

)oc Salt+ Salt )ange& 8he%ra( 6archa '

Gypsu#+ -andot( 8he%ra( 6archa

Sulphur+ 8oh-e-Sultan

China Clay+ Shah -eri

$arble+ $ardan( S%at

Chro#ite+ $usli# .agh

Copper+ Sainda

.auxite+ $u2a""arabad

Iron Ore+ 8alabagh

.rine+ Sa#e as rocsalt!

)redits and Info

These notes are #ade "or the ease o" #y "ello%

students and I have le"t out all unnecessary details
and have presented it in a %ay %hich is easy to

This applies "or both O-Level and IGCSE students o"

both Ca#bridge and Edexcel Strea#s!

$ade .y+ 3asih-1r-)eh#an

Country+ )a%alPindi

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