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Mercury poisoning

Names: Marina, Jan and Monique

At the end of each topic, we will make a
question about what was discussed. The first
one that answers it right will get a little reward.
Mercury poisoning (also known as hydrargyria or
mercurialism) is a disease caused by exposure to
mercury or its compounds. Mercury (chemical symbol
Hg) is a heavy metal that occurs in several forms, such
as contact lens cleaning solutions, seafood, antiseptics,
contraceptives, vaccines, tap water, processed food,
cosmetics, industrial chemicals, thermometers and etc,
all of which can produce toxic effects in high enough
doses. Toxic effects include damage to the brain,
kidney, and lungs. Mercury poisoning can result in
several diseases, including acrodynia (pink disease),
Hunter-Russell syndrome, and Minamata disease.

Mercury is present in... (mention two things)

(Answers may vary)
Contact lens cleaning solutions, seafood, antiseptics,
contraceptives, vaccines, tap water, processed food,
cosmetics, industrial chemicals and thermometers.
Percentage of population affected
Less than 1% of Canadians aged 6 to 79 had blood
lead concentrations in 2007/2008 above current
Health Canada thresholds established for the
general population, and less than 1% of Canadians
aged 20 to 79 had total blood mercury
concentrations above current Health Canada
thresholds for adults. Blood lead concentrations
have fallen substantially since 1978 when national
levels were last measured.

Complete the sentence:
Less than __% of Canadians aged 6 to 79 had blood
lead concentrations in 2007/2008 above current
Health Canada thresholds established for the general

Psychological disturbances
Angry fits, short term memory loss, low self esteem, inability to sleep, loss of self-control,
sleepiness, losing of ability to learn new things, doing things by rote.

Oral Cavity problems
Inflammation of the mouth, loss of bone around teeth, ulcerated gums and other areas in the
mouth, loose teeth, darkening of gums, taste of metal, bleeding of gums.

Digestive tract problems
Cramps, inflamed colon, GI problems, diarrhea and other digestive problems.

Cardiovascular problems
Weak pulse, blood pressure changes, chest pain, or feeling of pressure in the chest

Respiratory problems
Weakness and problems with breathing, emphysema, coughing persistently.

Neurological Problems
Headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, shaking in various areas of the body (eye lids, feet, etc)

What are the symptoms of mercury
poisoning? (mention three)
(Answers may vary)
Angry fits, short term memory loss, low self esteem, inability to sleep,
loss of self-control, sleepiness, losing of ability to learn new things,
doing things by rote, inflammation of the mouth, loss of bone around
teeth, ulcerated gums and other areas in the mouth, loose teeth,
darkening of gums, taste of metal, bleeding of gums, cramps, inflamed
colon, GI problems, diarrhea, weak pulse, blood pressure changes,
chest pain, feeling of pressure in the chest area, weak pulse, blood
pressure changes, chest pain, or feeling of pressure in the chest area,
weakness and problems with breathing, emphysema, coughing
persistently, headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, shaking in various areas of
the body (eye lids, feet, etc).

Causes/risk factors
Mercury Poisoning can be caused by any number of methods of exposure.
Amalgam dental fillings are the main cause. Other causes are eating fish that have been
exposed to mercury in the environment and industrial and work place exposures such
as those in the paint industry. Even in the hospital (and home) setting poses a potential
threat to mercury poisoning because of the mercury in thermometers - dropping or
somehow breaking a single thermometer is a very hazardous situation even without
touching the mercury because of the vapors produced by the mercury.

Some other sources are cosmetics. There have been some cases of mercury poisoning
in the south western states by a company that sold a beauty cream with "calomel" listed
as an ingredient. Calomel is mercurous chloride. This product had mercury levels
around 10%.

In Germany, there were cases of mercury poisoning through the use of over the counter
hair bleaching products that had no warning label concerning the contents. The results
were the classic signs of mercury poisoning - the loss of hair and discolored


What are the of mercury poisoning? (mention two)

(Answers may vary)
Amalgam dental fillings, eating fish that have been
exposed to mercury in the environment industrial and work
place exposures such as those in the paint industry, dropping
or somehow breaking a single thermometer (inhaling
vapors produced by the mercury) and some kinds of
Effects of the disease
Kidney Damage
When a person is exposed to mercuric salts he/she experiences kidney damage. Mercury
damaging the kidneys is particularly disastrous because the kidneys need to operate well to
remove mercury from the body so that is does not cause impairment in other areas.

Extensive System Damage
Elemental mercury can cause a variety of health issues. If you inhale mercury fumes you can
develop flu-like respiratory symptoms. Exposure can also make your heart beat fast, cause
anemia, create lethargy and make you susceptible to easy bruising and bleeding. Death can
occur if the level of toxin is high enough following possible years of exposure or even a very
high level acute exposure.

Mercury toxicity affects the brain and nerves as well. You can experience mental disturbances
and memory lapses due to exposure. Your nerve tracts may be damaged and in cases of severe
poisoning you may become blind, lose coordination and even lapse into a coma.

Unborn infants can suffer extreme effects from mercury exposure. It was found that pregnant
women who consumed highly mercury contaminated fish from the bay gave birth to children
with serious health issues. Among these conditions were mental disabilities, cerebral palsy,
deafness and blindness.

Why is mercury poisoning particularly
disastrous for the kidneys?

Mercury damaging the kidneys is
particularly disastrous because the
kidneys need to operate well to remove
mercury from the body so that is does
not cause impairment in other areas.
Identifying and removing the source of the mercury is crucial. Decontamination requires removal of
clothes, washing skin with soap and water, and flushing the eyes with saline solution as needed. If
mercury poisoning is suspected, the health care provider will measure and monitor the patient's vital
signs, including temperature, pulse, breathing rate, and blood pressure. Each kind of mercury requires
a different treatment.

Inhaled elemental mercury poisoning may be difficult to treat
Humidified oxygen or air
Suctioning of mercury out of the lungs with a breathing tub
Medication to remove mercury and heavy metals from the body

Fluids (into a vein)
Medicines to treat symptoms
Activated charcoal, a medicine that soaks up many substances from the stomach
Medicines called chelators to remove mercury from the blood

Treatment of organic mercury usually consists of medicines called chelators to remove mercury
from the blood and away from the brain and kidneys. Often, these medications will have to be
used for weeks to months.

Name the three kinds of mercury.

Elemental, organic and inorganic mercury.
Some possible complications include, chronic brain
failure, cerebellar syndrome, tremor, personality
change, irritability, hypersalivation, seizures,
memory problems, loss of hearing, loss of speech,
blindness, acrodynia (pink disease), Hunter
Russell syndrome and Minamata disease.

Mention three kinds of possible complications.

(Answers may vary)
Chronic brain failure, cerebellar syndrome, tremor,
personality change, irritability, hypersalivation,
seizures, memory problems, loss of hearing, loss of
speech, blindness, acrodynia (pink disease), Hunter
Russell syndrome and Minamata disease.

Mercury poisoning can be minimized by eliminating exposure to mercury
compounds. There are many ways to prevent mercury poisoning:

Do not eat shark, swordfish or tilefish. They contain high levels of
mercury. Eat only up to 12 ounces a week of a variety of fish and shellfish
that are lower in mercury.

AT HOME Homes can contain many things that may have mercury in it,
like thermometers, medical devices, disinfectants, fluorescent light bulbs
and some cosmetics. Read the label of these products and be aware of
their potential toxicity as well as how to dispose them if broken or non-

Eat only up to ___ ounces a week of a variety of fish
and shellfish that are lower in mercury.

12 ounces

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