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skeletal system embryology

Skeletal system derived from embryogenic mesodere

m paraksial layer, lateral plate andneural cells of the
cyst. End of week 3, mesoderem paraksial become a
kind of blockscalled somites.

Somites is divided into two:
a.dorsolateral:called dermomytome, forming part myo
blast myotome, dermatome forms the dermis

b.ventromedial:called skleroton, at the
end mingguke 4 akanmenjadi mesenchymal cells (emb
ryonicconnective tissue), then move and differentiate
into fibroblasts, chondroblasts, andosteoblasts

The skull bone
Consisting of:
a.Neurokranium (protective shell around the brain)
The membranous part consists of flat
bones that protect the brain as a dome.
Derived from:
o The neural crest cells, forming the roof and most of the bones of the skull
o paraksial Mesoderm, forming occipital region and posterior eye socket
o The cartilaginous (kondrokranium) form the base of the skull bones, derived from:
oThe neural crest cells, forming kondrokranium prakordal
o paraksial Mesoderm, forming kondrokranium kordal
b. Viserokranium (frame / facial bones)
Formed by two first pharyngeal arch
o The first arch: The dorsal (processus maxilaris),walk forward under
the eye (os. Maxilaris, os. Zigomatikum, os. Temporalis)
o The ventral (mandibular processus):Meckel's cartilage protecting, kartilagomeck
el condensed mesenchyme around, menulang, and had ossification(ossification)
membranous form of the mandible
o The end of the dorsal process of the mandibular and pharyngeal arch to 2
(incus,malleus, stapes) at month 4
o for the formation of facial mesenchyme derived from neural crest cells.
Extremity bones
- End of week four limb buds starting to look likea sac.
Bud mesenchyme nuclei derived from somatic mesoderm
layer formed bone and connective tissue extremities
- Sunday to six, the terminal shoots so flat plates which then
form the hands and the footplate. The fingers are
formed view of the area of cell death and separating ridge to
5 parts
- Sunday the seventh limb rotates in the opposite direction by
90 degrees to the lateral tothe superior extremity and 90
degrees medial to the inferior extremity
- Endokondral ossification begins in the late embryonic period.
At week 12 is formedprimary ossification centers in diafisis
- At birth ossification diafisis perfect and soon appeared in
the epiphyseal ossificationcenters

Vertebral column
o Derived from cells that migrate sklerotom surrounds the
spinal cord and notokord.
o The caudal part of each sklerotom experience and
solidified proliferation and extends to the network betwee
the segments below, place attachment sklerotom caudal
half withhalf-cephalic sklerotom underneath.
o The cells between the cephalic and caudal discs forming
Ribs and Sternum

Iga: formed from the sklerotom paraksial
Sternum: is formed from somatic mesoderm in the ventral body

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