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The Case of the Eleventh Graders of Al Hikmah Senior High School
Sirampog-Brebes in Second Semester Academic Year 2013/2014

Presented by
NIM: 2003512156

Background of the Study

1. Many students are still poor in their
grammar, especially active and passive
2. The students do not have motivation and
spirit in studying English.
3. The research will investigate the use of
internet-based materials in teaching Active
and passive voices to students with high and
low levels of motivation.
Reasons of Choosing the Topic

1. The active and passive voices are important
grammatical structure that appears in every form of
written and spoken English. Knowledge of this
construction is vital for reading and writing English in
everyday life (Baldie:1976).
2. Internet-Based in teaching passive voice can give the
significant result to the students, especially, high and
low students of motivation.
3. Target can be reached and also it can compare the
difference between learning process by using
Internet-Based materials and the learning process
without using Internet (Paper-Based materials).

Statement of the Problems
1) How effective is the use of Internet-based materials to teach active and
passive voices to students of high levels of motivation?
2) How effective is the use of Internet-based materials to teach active and
passive voices to students of low levels of motivation?
3) How effective is the use of Paper-based materials to teach active and
passive voices to students of high levels of motivation?
4) How effective is the use of Paper-based materials to teach active and
passive voices to students of low levels of motivation?
5) How significant is teaching active and passive voices with internet-based
materials compared to paper-based materials among students of high
and low levels of motivation?
(Page 6-7)
Objectives of the Study

1) To describe how effective of the use of Internet-based materials to teach
active and passive voice to students of high levels of motivation is.
2) To describe how effective of the use of Internet-based materials to teach
active and passive voice to students of low levels of motivation is.
3) To describe how effective of the use of Paper-based materials to teach
active and passive voice to students of high levels of motivation is.
4) To describe how effective of the use of Paper-based materials to teach
active and passive voice to students of low levels of motivation is.
5) To describe how significant is teaching active and passive voices with
internet-based materials compared to paper-based materials among
students of high and low motivation is.

Review of Related Literature
1. Previous Studies

Bick, Eckhard. 2008. Internet Based Grammar Teaching International English Journal. Volume
37, Nomor1, page. 15-36.
Brandl, K. K. 2002. Taking language instruction on-line: A comparative study of a classroom- and
Web-based language course. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Yildirim, Soner. 2010. Language practice with multimedia supported web-based grammar revision
material. Department of computer education & instructional technology. Middle East
technical university, faculty of education, 06531 Ankara, Turkey.
Shinde and B S Sawant. 2012.Effectiveness of Web based Education in Secondary Schools. IJCA
Proceedings on National Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Applications
(NCACSA 2012) NCACSA (5):4-8. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York,
Seileek , Ali F. Abu. 2007. The effect of computer-based grammar instruction on the acquisition
of verb tenses in an EFL context. The JALT CALL Journal Vol. 3, No. 1-2. University of
Jordan, Jordan.
Quintana, Yuri. 2000. Graduate School of Library and Information Science University of Western
Ontario.London, Ontario,Canada.

Related Literature Review

Based on the World Conference on International
Telecommunications (WCIT), the Russian
Federation proposed to define Internet as:
An international conglomeration of interconnected
telecommunication networks which provides for
the interaction of connected information systems
and their users, by carrying their traffic using a
single system of numbering, naming, addressing,
identification, protocols and procedures that is
defined by Internet Standards.
The Nature of Internet

The Advantages of Using Internet (
Sample of Grammar explanation
Grammar exercises
Limitation of Active and Passive Voices
Simple Present
Modal of Auxiliary
Simple Past
Present Continuous
Present Future
Present Perfect (Page 35-36)

There are two kinds of hypotheses of this research, the hypotheses
are working hypothesis and null hypothesis. The hypotheses as
1) It is effective to use internet-based materials in teaching active
and passive voices to high motivated students.
2) It is effective to use internet-based materials in teaching active
and passive voices to low motivated students.
3) It is effective to use paper-based materials in teaching active and
passive voices to high motivated students.
4) It is effective to use paper-based materials in teaching active and
passive voices to low motivated students.
5) It is significant teaching active and passive voices with paper-
based materials among high and low motivated students.

b. Null hypothesis
1) It is not effective to use internet-based materials in teaching
active and passive voices to high motivated students.
2) It is not effective to use internet-based materials in teaching
active and passive voices to low motivated students.
3) It is not effective to use paper-based materials in teaching active
and passive voices to high motivated students.
4) It is not effective to use paper-based materials in teaching active
and passive voices to low motivated students.
5) It is not significant teaching active and passive voices with paper-
based materials among high and low motivated students.

Theoretical Framework

Method of the Study
Page 43
1. Independent variable is internet-based
2. Dependent variable is Students achievement
in Active and Passive voices.
3. Moderator variable is students motivation.
Population and Sample
Based on Urdan (2010: 1) insists that population
is an individual or group that represents all the
members of a certain group or category of
interest. The population of this research is the
eleventh graders of Al Hikmah senior high school
in second semester academic year 2013/2014.
There are four classes of eleventh grade in
academic year of 2013/2014. Those are XI IPA1
consists of 31, X1 IPA2 consists of 30, X1 IPS1
consists of 31 and X1 IPS2 consists of 32. totally
61 students as the populations in 4 classes.

The researcher only took 32 students who
divided into two groups participated as the
sample in this study for the experimental group
and the controlled group. 16 (8 low levels of
motivation and 8 high levels of motivation)
students are the experimental group and 16 (low
levels of motivation and 8 high levels of
motivation) are the controll group. Where is XI.
IPA 1 consists of 31 students and XI IPA 2 consists
of 30 students, So, the total participant in the
study is 32 students.

Research Instruments
Fraenkel and Wallen, (2001:113) define
instrumentation as the whole process of
preparing to collect data in research. There are
two kinds of instruments which are employed in
this research. They are grammar test and
questionnaires. The scores of the students
grammar test are used to know the
effectiveness of Internet-based materials in
teaching active and passive voices to students
with high and low levels of motivation.

Questionnaires are also administered in this
research. Questionnaire is used to find out
students responses toward their personal type.
The type of the questionnaires are high and low
levels of moivation.
1. High level :The students who have scores
among 2.50 5.00
2. Low level : The students who have scores
among 1.00 2.49
Technique of Obtaining Data

Questionnaire = Gardner and Lambert (1972)

Test (Pre and Post-Test)

Data Analysis

The pre-test and post-test result from the participants was used to
analyze the data. Furthermore the data was tested using ANOVA.
ANOVA is a general technique that can be used to test the
hypothesis that the means among two or more groups are equal,
under the assumption that the sampled populations are normally
The steps as attempts to find out whether the use of Internet-
based materials in teaching active and passive voices to students
with high and low levels of motivation are mentioned below.
Stating the null hypothesis in a sentence and setting the level of
significance at 0.05 (two tailed significance).
Calculating two way ANOVA.
Comparing the p value to 0.05 for testing the null hypothesis. If the
p value is less than 0.05, the null hypothesis is safely rejected and
the alternative hypothesis is accepted.
The Examination of Average Differential
At non parametric statistical analysis which is used
for examining the difference of average which has
more than 2 samples, the analysis which is used is the
analysis of Kruskall-Walis. The examination was done
on post test data because on the experimental class,
they have been given different treatment that was the
use of Internet-based. While in control group both was
treated with different treatment, that was use of

From the examination result of kruskal-
walis it is got the conclusion that there is
difference of treatment average of four
samples, but the resercher does not know
which samples are actually different, therefore
it needs to do continuity examination, that is
by using Post-Hoc Anova.

Post-Hoc Anova
Post-Hoc Anova examination which is used
Dunnet T3 which has Purpose knowing
different variables. The homogeneity of
variance test needs to be conducted before
calculating the result. In determining the
homogeneity of the variance of each class,
SPSS for windows version 21 was employed in
this computation. (Page 76 78)

The Data from Questionnaire:
The calculation was aimed to know to which motivation level
the students have to be placed i.e. low or high
Experiment Class : Highly Motivated Group
Low Motivated Group
Control Class : Highly Motivated Group
Low Motivated group
High level of motivation: 2.50 5.00
Low level of motivation :1.00 2.49

The Data from Pre and Post-test:
Internet-based materials is more effective than paper-based in teaching
active and passive voice to high motivated students. (I: 11.69 , P: 5.31)
Page 86.
Internet-based materials gives more effective result than paper-based
materials in teaching active and passive voice to low motivated students.
(I: 11.56 P: 5.44) Page 87.
Internet-based materials gives more effective result than paper-based
materials in teaching active and passive voices to high motivated students.
(I: 12.31, P: 4.69) Page 87.
Internet-based materials gives more effective result than paper-based
materials in teaching active and passive voices to low motivated students.
(I: 11.56 P: 5.44).
it can be seen that F value = 25.712 at the level significance 0.000.
Because Sig. (0.000) < 0.05, it means that there is significant difference in
students test score between low and high motivated students.

This study concerns with the comparison of two medias in teaching active and passive
voices: the use of Internet-based materials and Paper-based materials. In the preceding
chapter, the obtained data from the performance of the experimental and control groups has
been analyzed. The findings of this study are mentioned as follows.
First, Internet-based materials has shown a significant and different result in the students
competence of active and passive voices compared with Paper-based materials to high
motivated students. Highly motivated students in experimental class had achieved better test
score rather than high motivated students in control class
Second, Internet-based materials also indicated significant difference in the result compared
with Paper-based materials to low motivated students. The low motivated students in
experimental class taught with Internet-based materials gained better result that control
class taught with Paper-based materials.
Third, from the statistical calculation showed that Internet-based materials in experimental
class is more effective to high motivated students to improve the competence in teaching
active and passive voices.
Fourth, the competence of teaching active and passive voices to the students taught with
Internet-based materials showed that media is more effective to high motivated students
rather than low motivated students.
The fifth is teaching active and passive voices in experimental group. The data shows that
experimental group used internet-based as the media of teaching active and passive voices.
The result found that the use of internet-based materials is more effective than Paper-based
materials. It is on both motivated students, they are high and low levels of motivations.


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