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Minggu 5-6

1. Menghuraikan pelan
kerangka satu unit

1. Menunjukkan
Analisis cara mengajar 1

Kerangka pelan pengajaran

1. Penulisan hasil
2. Penentuan kaedah
3. Penyediaan latihan pelajar
dan pengelompokan
4. Pentaksiran
5. Pemulihan dan
8 Komponen utama dalam merekabentuk
pengajaran UPSI 2009 (adaptasi Tyler)
1. Kenal pelajar anda,
kesediaan mereka, dan
konteks pembelajaran
5. Pilih kaedah &
teknik pengajaran &
6. Latihan murid
7. Pilih alat bantu p & p
: buku, modul, VCD,
CD dan sebagainya yg
3. Objektif (hasil
pembelajaran yang
4. Buat susunan unit-unit
p& p secara sequential-
guna Jadual Penentuan
Kandungan (JPK)
2. Guru kuasai content
topik: buat analisis
(i) Pengetahuan
(ii) Kemahiran
8. Penilaian ( alat dan
kaedah penilaian yang
sah dan boleh
1. Membuat analisis keperluan dan kesediaan murid dalam konteks
pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan
2. Membuat analisis kandungan kurikulum : kandungan topik yang
hendak di ajar, dari segi pengetahuan di dalamnya: fakta,
prosedur, klasifikasi, prinsip dan teori, dan kemahiran seperti
membuat eksperimen, mencari maklumat dalam internet, menulis
laporan dan sebagainya.
3. Berdasarkan (1) dan (2) diatas guru menentukan objektif
pengajaran iaitu tahap hasil pembelajaran yang realistik yang perlu
dicapai oleh murid.
4. Menyusun turutan (sequence) unit-unit pengajaran supaya beransur
maju, bersambungan dan berkembang
5. Memilih dan mengguna kombinasi pendekatan, kaedah, dan teknik
pengajaran yang sesuai dengan kesediaan murid dan sifat isi
kandungan topik berkenaan
6. Membina, memilih dan mengguna alat dan media bantu pengajaran
dan pembelajaran yang sesuai untuk memudahkan proses
pengajaran pembelajaran
7. Menyedia latihan yang sesuai dan mencukupi untuk semua murid
supaya pembelajaran mereka berkesan dan mencapai Masteri
Jadual Penentu Kandungan
Aras taksonomi Bloom
Pengetahuan Kefahaman Aplikasi Analisis Sintesis Penilaian
Topik 1 RPH 1 X X
Topik 1 RPH 2 X
Topik 6
Topik 7
Topik 7 RPH 8 X X
Aras taksonomi Bloom
Pengetahuan Kefahaman Aplikasi Analisis Sintesis Penilaian
Fotosintesis Mekanisme
kadar fotosintesi
tidak cekap
Peningkatan kadar
fotosintesis. Pengkomersilan
sistem fotosintesis
Contoh konsep fotosintesis dalam
pelbagai aras
Sebelum tamat pengajaran, murid dapat:

1. Menyatkan fotosintesis? Apakah yg dimaksudkan
dengan fotosintesis
2. Menerangkan mekanisma fotosintesis.- Terangkan
mekanisma fotosintesis
3. Mengaplikasikan faktor-faktor yang boleh meningkatkan
kadar fotosintesis (diberi situasi) untuk menangani
pelbagai masalah persekitaran, bagaimanakah
meningkatkan kadar fotosintesis? Prinsip faktor2 yang
mempengaruhi kadar fotosintesis

Contoh konsep fotosintesis dalam
pelbagai aras
Sebelum tamat pengajaran, murid dapat:

4. Mengenalpasti punca tumbuhan tidak berfotosintesis ( Diberi
situasi) kenalpasti punca tumbuhan tidak berfotosintesis
dengan cekap.
5. Mencadangkan satu sistem untuk mengatasi masalah cuaca
untuk meningkatkan fotosintesis cadangkan satu sistem untuk
mengatasi masalah cuaca untuk meningkatkan fotosintesi
6. Menjustifikasi bagaimana sistem cadangan mereka patut
dikomersialkan Bagi sistem yang anda cadangkan, justifikasi /
terangkan bagaimana kenapa ia patut dikomersialkan

Bagi satu isi pelajaran tertentu, kenalpasti profil akhir
pelajar (hasil akhir boleh pamerkan) yang menunjukkan
mereka :

1. Kognitif- Berpengetahuan dalam.
2. Psikomotor- Berkemahiran dalam.
3. Afektif- Mempunyai sikap.

Susun atur pelan perancangan hingga ke hasil akhir dalam JPK
dan boleh diuji dengan JPU
Jadual Penentu Ujian

Instructional events

Pengalaman pembelajaran
Aktiviti pembelajaran
Hunters Lesson Cycle Design Model (1976)
1. Set induksi (Anticipatory set or Set Introduction)
2. Maklumkan objektif pembelajaran (Standards)
3. Input pengajaran (Input)
4. Permodelan (Modeling)
5. Semak kefahaman murid (Checking for Understanding)
6. Pantau dan ubah suai (Monitoring)
7. Praktis terbimbing (Guided practice)
8. Praktis bertempoh (Independent practice)
9. Penutup (Closure)
Hunters Lesson Cycle Design Model (1976)
1. Set
Sometimes called a hook to grab the students attention :
actions and statements by the teacher to relate the experience of
the students to the objectives of the lessons. To put students into
a receptive frame of mind, to focus student attention on the
lesson, to create an organizing famework for the ideas,
principles or information that is follow (c.f, the teaching
strategy called advanced organizers.)
To extend the understanding and the application of abstract
ideas through the use of the example or analogy.. Used any time
a different activity or new concept is to be introduced.
2. Maklumkan

Before the lesson is prepared, the teacher should have a clear
idea of what the lesson outcomes are. What specifically, should
the stydent be able to do, understand, care about as a result of
the teaching. Blooms Taxonomy of Magers Educational
Hunters Lesson Cycle Design Model (1976)
3. Input
The teacher provides the information
needed for students to gain the knowledge
or skill through lecture, film, tape, video,
pictures, ect
4. Permodelan
The teacher provides the information
needed for students to gain the knowledge
or skill through lecture, film, tape, video,
pictures, ect

5. Semak
Determination of whether students have got it before
proceeding. It is essential that practice doing it right so the
teacher must know that students understand before proceeding
to practice. If there is any doubt that the class has not
understood, the concept / skill should be retaught before
practice begins. Usually through questioning
6. Pantau dan
ubah suai
If required, reteach
7. Praktis
An opportunity for each student to demonstrate grasp of new learning
by working through an activity or exercise under the teachers direct
supervision. The teacher moves around the room to determine the level
of mastery and to provide individual remediation as needeed. Guided
practice ( in class seat work). With the teacher circulating (e.g,
praise, prompt and leave). Monitor students work, providing corrective
feedback as necessary and assess performance of the group in
determining whether the class is ready for the next instruction.
Additional time for those whose aptitude calls for adorgen learning
period can be provided by giving extra credit assigment
Hunters Lesson Cycle Design Model (1976)
8. Praktis
Once pupils have mastered the content or skill, it is time to provide
for reinforcement practice. It is provided on a repeating schedule
so that the learning is not forgotten. It may be class formative
testing, homework or individual work in class. It can be utilized as
an element in a subsequent project. It should provide for
decontextualization : enough different contexts so that the skill /
concept may be applied to any relevant situation .. Not only the
context in which it was originally learned. The failure to do this is
responsible for most student failure to be able to apply something
learned. Independent practice ( additional class time or homework)
begins when students have achieved an 85 to 90% accuracy level.
To insure retention and develop fluency, students practice on their
own without assistance and with delayed fluency, students practice
on their without assistance and with delayed feedback (eg,
comments on graded paper). Five or more brief practice activities
distributed over a month or more may be required to fix the new
concept / skill.
Hunters Lesson Cycle Design Model (1976)
9. Penutup
Penutup Those actions or statements by a teacher that are
designed to bring a lesson to bring a lesson presentation to an
appropriate conclusion. Used to help students bring things together
in their own minds, to make sense out of what has just been taught.
Any questions? No. OK, lets move on is not closure. Closure is
used : to cue students to the fact that they have arrived at an
important point in the lesson or the end of a lesson, to help
organize students learning, to help form a coherent picture, to
consolidate, eliminate confusion and frustration, etc,
To reinforce the major points to be learned.. To help establish the
network of thought relationships that provide a number of
possiblities for cues for retrieval. Closure is the act of reviewing
and clarifiying the key points of a lesson, tying them together into
a coherent whole and ensuring their utility in application by
securing them in the students conceptual network
Gagnes Instructional Events Model (1988)
1. Tarik perhatian murid
2. Maklumkan objektif pembelajaran
3. Imbas kembali apa yang telah dipelajari
4. Penyampaian yang jelas
5. Bimbing pembelajaran
6. Dapatkan / galakan respon
7. Beri maklumbalas
8. Tafsir prestasi
9. Susun atur praktis untuk tingkatkan ingat kembali dan
pemindahan ke situasi lain.
Rosenshine & Stevens Intructional Functions
Model (1986)
1. Semak pemahaman murid (semak kerja yang diberi sebelum ini.
Ajar semula jika perlu)
2. Ajar konten baru (beri kerangka, hurai dengan terperinci, kaitkan
konten baru dengan konten yang murid telah pelajari)
3. Praktis murid (murid diberi tugasan untuk praktis, bersoal jawab,
beri maklum balas, pantau praktis, semak pemahaman murid)
4. Maklumbalas / pembetulan ( maklum balas berterusan, perhatikan
ralat-ralat yang kerap dilakukan oleh murid, terangkan semula jika
5. Praktis bebas (pantau)
6. Semak semula pemahaman (semak secara berkala-ajar semula jika
Prior Knowledge
Whats the big deal?

Its all about memory files.
Cataloging and retrieving
Way to Gather Prior Knowledge
Anticipation Guides
Agree/Disagree Statements
Fleksibiliti pengelompokan
Saling berubah-ubah mengikut kesesuaian
Grouping Strategies
Young: student choice, last name, food preferences,
birthday, color of clothes
Older: goals, jobs, location, experience, familiarity
with task
Keseluruhan kelas
Kumpulan kecil
Satu mentor satu mentee
Sistem stesyen dengan kumpulan kecil
Flexible Grouping
Homogenous/ Ability Individualized or
- Cluster students of similar Independent Study
abilities, level, learning style, or -Self paced learning
interest. - Teaches time management and
- Usually based on some type of responsibility
pre-assessment - Good for remediation or
Heterogeneous Groups Whole Class
- Different abilities, level or - Efficient way to present new
interest content
- Good for promoting creative -Use for initial instruction

Differentiation Blends Several Types of
Whole-class instruction
Individual instruction
Flexible grouping
Cooperative/ collaborative learning
Pelajar praktis, proses, mengaplikasikan dalam
Kumpulan kecil mengikut keperluan, gaya
The football metaphor comes from the way we think about the
Lessons sequence : a narrrow. Whole class experience in the
beginning, then narrowing it back as we re-gather tp process what
weve learned
Aras Hasil Pembelajaran Pusat Perkembangan
Kurikulum, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
Aras 1 adalah aras yang asas dan perlu dikuasai oleh semua
murid. Pada aras ini murid perlu menguasai beberapa konsep
Ini dapat ditunjukkan melalui objektif perlakuan ternyata murid
seperti mengenal pasti, menyenaraikan, menyatakan,
menamakan dan memadankan.

Aras Hasil Pembelajaran PPK
Aras 2
Aras 2 pula adalah aras yang lebih tinggi daripada Aras 1
dalam urutan pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Pada aras ini murid
boleh menguasai beberapa perlakuan ternyata seperti
menerangkan, menjelaskan, menghuraikan dan

Aras Hasil Pembelajaran PPK
Aras 3
Aras 3 pula adalah aras yang tertinggi dalam urutan pengajaran
dan pembelajaran. Pada aras ini, murid mampu menguasai
beberapa lagi perlakuan ternyata pada tahap yang lebih tinggi
seperti merumus, membandingkan dan membezakan,
menganalisis dan mencadangkan.
Ada kemungkinan tidak semua murid berkemampuan
menguasai aras 2 dan 3. walau bagaimanapun guru hendaklah
meneruskan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran hingga ke
aras 3 untuk semua murid.
Tidak semua hasil pembelajaran mengandungi semua aras 1, 2
dan 3. Sebaliknya terdapat juga sebahagian hasil pembelajaran
yang hanya setakat aras 2 sahaja. Ini kerana pada aras 2
tersebut murid telah pun dapat menguasai sepenuhnya objektif
pembelajaran yang hendak disampaikan.
Nilai-nilai murni dan unsur-unsur patriotisme harus diterapkan
dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran.

Kategori objektif
1. Domain Kognitif-aspek pengetahuan.
Berbeza mengikut kompleksnya
2. Domain Afektif- sikap perasaan, emosi.
Berbeza mengikut aras penghayatan
3. Domain Psikomotor-perkembangan kemahiran
motor-berbeza mengikut kepakaran pelaksanaannya.

Taksonomi Pembelajaran

Types (domains) of learning objectives
Cognitive objectives
- Describe the knowledge that learners are to acquire
Affective objectives
- Describe the attitudes, feeling and dispositions that
are expected to develop
Psychomotor objectives
- Relate to the manipulative and motor skills that learners
to master
Taxonomy / taksonomi

Principles of classification
The study of the rules and practice of classifying
Domain Kognitif (Bloom)
1. Pengetahuan
2. Kefahaman
3. Aplikasi
4. Analisis
5. Sintesis
6. Penilaian

( Moore menggabungkan sintesis dan penilaian menjadi aras crection)
Aras domain kognitif
Reseach over the last 40 years has confirmed the taxonomy as a hierarchy, with the
exercise the last two levels. It is uncertain whether synthesis and evaluation and the
same level of difficulty but use different cognitive processes.

Pemikiran kreatif Pemikiran kritis
Sintesis Penilaian
Original Terms ANDERSON ET AL New Terms
Evaluation Creating
Synthesis Evaluating
Analysis Analysing
Comprehension Understanding
Knowledge Remembering
Aras Huraian deskriptif K/Kerja Hasil
remember and
recall factual
At the knowledge level, the student can
recognizes, defines or recall specific
information. This might include
remembering important names, dates,
capitals or even the equation for a
Senaraikan aras
domain kognitif
of ideas,
The level targets whether students
understand content. Ways of
demonstrating comprehension include
summarizing, translating or providing
examples of a concept
Terangkan tujuan
domain kognitif
to unfamiliar
The application level focuses on
whether students can use information
to solve problems.Eg. Of application-
level- goal include having students
solve maths word and using
pronounciation properly in written
Kira, guna
Tulis hp bagi aras2
domain kognitif
Aras domain kognitif
Aras Huraian deskriptif K/kerja Hasil
Break down
concepts into
This level involves asking students to
break something down to reveal its
organization and structure. Students
perform analysis whwn they discuss why a
short story works or when they identify the
component parts of science experiment
domain kognitif
dan domain
combine ideas
to create
something new
Students employ synthesis when they
create a unique (for them). This might
include writing a poem, painting a picture,
creating a computer program
Reka, susun,
Reka satu hp
Think critically
about ang
defend a
In the highest level of the taxonomy,
students judge the value or worth of
something by comparing it to a pre-
determined criteria.
penulisan hp
Blooms Taxanomy of Learning
1. Factual Knowledge : remember and recall factual information Define, List,
State, Label, Name, Describe
2. Comprehension : demonstrate understanding of ideas, concepts, Describe,
Explain, Summarize, Interpret, Illuustrate
3. Application : apply comprehension to unfamiliar situations, Apply,
Demonstrate, Use, Compute, Solve, Predict, Construct, Modify
4. Analysis : break down concepts into parts, Compare, Contrast, Categorize,
Distinguish, Identity, Infer
5. Synthesis : transform, combine ideas to create something new, Develop ,
Create, Propose, Formulate, Design, Invent
6. Evaluation: think critically about and defend a position, Judge, Appraise,
Recommend, Justify, Defend, Criticize, Evaluate

These levels expect deeper conceptual understanding
Understanding Levels of Thinking using :

(after Biggs and Collis 1982)

SOLO Taxonomy
Structure of the observed learning outcome (Biggs 2003)

1. Prestructural
2. Unistructural
3. Multistructural
4. Relational
5. Extended abstract
1 pre-structural
Here students are simply acquiring bits of
unconnected information, which have no
organisation and make no sense
What does it mean?
Really theres not much there.

For example:

2 Unistructural :
Simple and obvious connections are made,
but their significance is not grasped.
What does it mean?
Theres one idea there.
For example :
Do Simple


3 Multistructural
A number of connections may be made, but
the meta-connections between them are
missed, as their significance for the whole.
What does it mean?
There are a number of ideas.
For example :
Do algorithm


4 Relational level
The student is now able to appreciate the
significance of the parts in relation to yhe
What does it mean?
Explain causes
Sequence There are a number of ideas and links are be made between these
Classify For example :
Formulate questions


5 At the extend abstract level, the student is making
connections not only within the given subject area,but
also beyond it, able to generalise and transfer the
prinsiples and ideas underlying the specific instance.
What does it mean?
Generalise There is a range of ideas which are linked
Predict together plus some knew or extend thinking is added
Create For example :

so, How do they match up?
Aras Domain afektif
Aras Huraian deskriptif k/kerja Hasil pemb.
Sedar akan sesuatu ransangan di
Dengar penerangan
berkaitan badminton.
(memberi respon)
Tunjukkan t/t baru akibat
pengalaman yang dilalui
Ikut, akur Secara sukarela,ikut
gantung jaring
Pamerkan tingkahlaku tertentu
atau komitmen
Hadir permainan
badminton tanpa
dipaksa (optional
badminton match)
Integrasikan nilai baru ke dalam
nilai-nilai sedia ada dalam diri
berbanding lain2 keutamaan
Pilih untuk beli raket
Bertindak tekal dengan nilai baru,
dikenali kerana nilai barunya
Main badminton
secara tekal 3 kali
Domain Afektif (Krathwohl)
1. Menerima (Receiving)
2. Memberi respon (Responding)
3. Menghargai (Valuing)
4. Komitmen (commitment)-menggabungkan
aras 4 organisation dan aras 5-
characterization (moore)

Behavioral Domains
The Affective Domain (Bloom, 1964)
Emotions, feelings & values
- Receiving Willing ti listen or see
- Responding Active participation
- Valuing Internalize the worthiness
- Organization Ability to see the value
- Characterization by a value Behavior
consistent with a value system
Aras domain Psikomotor
Aras Huraian deskriptif Eggen&Kauchak (2007). Pg91 The
psychomotor taxonomy ( Harrow, 1972)
1.Reflex movements Behaviors outside the conscious control of the learner
2.Basic fundamental movements Behaviors learned at an early age(eg grasping,walking)
3.Perceptual abilities Coordinations of muscular movements with the outside world
through feedback with sense organ
4.Physical abilities The development of strength, endurance,flexibility and agility
5.Skilled movements Complex physical skills (eg skipping role, shooting a basket
that use the first four levels
6.Non-discursive communication The use of our body to express feeling ideas
Aras domain Psikomotor
Aras Huraian deskriptif k/kerja Hasil pemb.
1.Perceiving Recognizing movement position or
Discover headstand
movement prinsiples
2.Patterning Reproducing movement position or
Perform headstand
following modeling
3.Accommodating Using or modifying movement
position or pattern
Use headstand in routine
4. Refining Demonstrating efficient control in
performing pattern
Perform headstand with
pointed toes
5. Varying Performing movement pattern in
different ways
Perform headstand in
three positions
6. Improving Originating novel movement or
movement combinations
Combine headstand with
new skill
7.Composing Creating unique movement pattern Create
Create new floor
exercise routine
involving headstand
Behavioral Domains
The Psychomotor Domain
Muscular, motor skills, hands-on
Readliness-willingness for an activity
Observation-watches & is interested
Perseption-senses & becomes able
Response-practise a skill
Adaptation-develops and masters a skill
Behavioral Domains
The Affective Domain (Bloom, 1964)
Emotions, feelings & values
- Receiving Willing ti listen or see
- Responding Active participation
- Valuing Internalize the worthiness
- Organization Ability to see the value
- Characterization by a value Behavior
consistent with a value system

Behavioral Domains
The Psychomotor Domain
Muscular, motor skills, hands-on
Readliness-willingness for an activity
Observation-watches & is interested
Perseption-senses & becomes able
Response-practise a skill
Adaptation-develops and masters a skill
Domain Psikomotor (ringkas)
Imitasi (imitation)
Ketepatan (precision)
Aras Domain Psikomotor
Aras Huraian deskriptif Borich (2007) pg 100-pg 91
Imitation Require learner be exposed to an observable action and them overtly imitate it. Lacks
neuramuscular coordination. Behavior generally is crude and imperfect after being shown a
safe method for heating a beaker of water to boiling temperature, the students will be able ti
repeat the actions
After being shown a freehand drawing of a triangle, the will be able to produce the drawing
Manipulation Require the students to perform selected actions from written or verbal directions without
the aid of the visual model or direct observations, as in the previous(immitation)
level.students are expected to complete the action from reading or listening to
instructions,although the behavior still may be performed crudely and without
neuromuscular coordination.verbs are used similar to level imitation such as
align,grasp,repeat,balance,hold,rest(on),follow,place,step(here) except they are performed
from spoken or written instructions.
1.Based on the picture provide in the textbook,type s situation to a prospective employer
using the format shown.
2.With the instruction on the handout in front of you,practice focusing your microscope until
you can see the outline of the specimen.
Precision Requires students to perform an action independent of either a visual or a written set of
directions. Proficiency in reproducing the action at this level reaches a higher level of
refinement.accuracy,propotion,balance and exactness in performance accompany the
action. Students are expected to produce the action with control and to reduce errors to a
minimum. Expressions that describe outcomes-accurately,independently,with control,with
out error,profidently,with balance
Banyak mana seseorang belajar bergantung
Masa yang diluangkan(time spent)
Masa yang diperlukan(time needed)
Degree of learning = f (time spent)
(time needed)
Suatu model/sistem untuk merancang dan
melaksanakan pengajaran bagi memastikan
semua murid menguasai hasil pembelajaran yang
dihasratkan dalam suatu unit pembelajaran
sebelum berpindah ke unit pembelajaran
Model Pembelajaran Masteri
Ciri-ciri Pembelajaran Masteri
1. Hasil pembelajaran akhir perlu ditentukan.
2. Hasil pembelajaran disusun mengikut hairaki
taksonomi Bloom.
3. Penilaian berasaskan Ujian Rujukan Kriteria/
taksiran formatif/ diagnostik
4. Murid perlu menguasai 80% aras masteri yang
ditetapkan setiap unit pembelajaran sebelum
berpindah ke unit pembelajaran yang baru
5. Latihan pembetulan/ pemulihan dilaksanakan untuk
murid yang belum menguasai aras masteri. Beri
masa tambahan.
6. Aktiviti pengayaan diberi untuk murid yang telah
mencapai aras masteri.
7. Bahan p&p yang sesuai dengan objektif
8. Aktiviti p&p hendaklah bermakna, menarik dan
Mengapa perlu Pembelajaran
Kerana :
1. Murid mempunyai kebolehan dan keperluan
yang berbeza.
2. Murid memerlukan masa dan akedah p&p yang
sesuai dengan mereka untuk mencapai hasil
pembelajaran yang diharapkan.
3. Murid perlu menguasai pengetahuan,kemahiran
dan sikap yang diajarkan.
Susunatur pembelajaran
1. Tujuan pembelajaran yang terakhir sekali
dinyatakan secara spesifik iaitu seorang murid
yang kompeten dalam
2. Tujuan pembelajaran yang terakhir ini dianalisa
untuk mengenal pasti langkah-langkah yang perlu
untuk tiba ke tujuan itu
3. Langkah-langkah disusunatur untuk memudahkan
perkembangan ke arah tujuan pembelajaran itu.
Soalan dalam JPK
Apa yang murid patut belajar dari unit ini?
Apakah yang murid boleh buat dengan apa yang
Penulisan hasil pembelajaran

Topic-level learning goals (2-3 per class period)
check-list for creating topic-level learning
1. Is goal expressed in terms of what the student will
achieve?does it identify what students will be able to do
after the topic is covered?
2. Is the Blooms level of the aligned with your expectations
for students learningis this what students will be able to
do if they understand the topic at the level you want?
- if you expect reasoning for why,does it convery that?
- could you expect a higher level goal?
3. Is it well-defined?is it clear how you would test
4. Do chosen verbs have a clear meaning?
5. Is terminology familiar/common?if not,is the terminology a
goal? Not every goal can achieve the following,but it is
better if you can
6. Is it relevant and useful to students?(e.g. connected to
their everday life, or does it represent a useful application
of the ideas)

Hasil pembelajaran
Sebelum tamat pengajaran,dalam masa 5
minit(c),murid Tingkatan 2Z(A) dapat menghuraikan
(B-aras) 10 (D) sebab berlakunya.(B-isi pelajaran)
B-Behavior aras-isi pelajaran
D-desired criteria

LATIHAN-tulis satu hasil pembelajaran bagi
setiap aras bagi konsep yang sama
Kesesuaian hasil pembelajaran
1. Adakah ia jelas-memberi satu makna sahaja?
2. Adakah ia boleh dicapai dalam masa yang ada?
3. Adakah keadaan dan kriterianya sesuai?
4. Adakah dalam turutan yang sesuai?
5. Adakah ia selari sengan matlamat/tujuan mata
pelajaran keseluruhannya dan tajuk berkenaan?
6. Adakah selari dengan niat kurikulum?
7. Bolehkah dikenal pasti instrumen taksiran yang

Kaedah Gronlund
Format contoh
Objektif am-memahami dan menghargai
kepelbagaian pelajar yang wujud dalam sistem
pendidikan di Malaysia
Hp 1-boleh mendefinisikan kepelbagaian
Hp 2-boleh memberi contoh-contoh bagaimana
kepelbagaian boleh.
Hp 3-boleh menganalisa sejauh mana
Sebelum tamat pengajaran, pelajar boleh :
1. Menyatakan apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan
Teori Pelbagai Kecerdasan
2. Menghuraikan jenis kecerdasan yang terdapat
dalam Teori Pelbagai Kecerdasan
3. Diberi contoh, pelajar boleh mengenalpasti aktiviti-
aktiviti yang berkaiatan dengan sesuatu
4. Menghubungkait sunbangan aktiviti berteraskan
Teori Pelbagai Kecerdasan yang manakah yang
menyebabkan kejayaan proses pengajaran dan
5. Menghasilkan pelan pengajaran yang
menggunakan aktiviti berasaskan Teori Pelbagai
6. Menentukan asas pemilihan aktiviti berlandaskan
Teori Kecerdasan Pelbagai bagi mencapai sesuatu
hasil pembelajaran
Penulisan hasil pembelajaran
Kaedah Gronlund
Sebelum tamat
pengajaran, dapat
menghuraikan jenis
kecerdasan yang
terdapat dalam Teori

Kaedah Mager
Sebelum tamat
pengajaran, dalam
masa 15 minit (C)
pelajar Tingkatan 4
Waja (A) dapat
menghuraikan (B-
aras) kesemua tujuh
(D) jenis kecerdasan
(B-isipelajaran) yang
terdapat dalam Teori
A Audien
B Behavior
C Condition
D Desire criteria

perkaitan matlamat hingga hasil pembelajaran
[aim, goals, objective and learning outcomes]
Matlamat/tujuan Am(jangka masa

Objektif pengajaran/hasil pembelajaran Spesifik
[ Instruction objectives/learning outcome]
Perbezaan pernyataan tujuan dan
objektif pengajaran/penerangan
1. Matlamat pendidikan : pelajar akan menjadi
warga negara yang berpengetahuan.
2. Tujuan/Objektif Pelajar akan memadankan
industri utama dengan kawasannya.
3. Hasil pembelajaran [learning outcomes] :
Dalam masa 5 minit [C] bila diberi senarai
kawasan industri di Malaysia[C], pelajar Ting.4
Wira [A] boleh memadamkan [B- aras] setiap
industri kepada kawasan [B-isipelajaran]
dengan ketepatan 90% [D]
Cara Matlamat/Tujuan pendidikan
Pelajar akan
1. belajar cara membaca
2. menjalani kehidupan sihat
3. menghayati seni dan muzik
4. tahu bagaimana menyelesaikan masalah
5. Berfikir dengan lebih jelas dan rasional

6. Faham kehedak negara

Sifat matlamat/tujuan pendidikan
1. tidak boleh diukur atau dilihat
2. pernyataan kabur walaupun ia memenuhi hala
tuju untuk pengajaran
3. skopnya luas dan jangka masa panjang
faham, tahu, hargai, hayati
menyenarai, menerangkan,
Tidak perlu SMART
S specific [well defined]
M- measurable [ supaya boleh dipantau
A- action oriented
R realistic [ challenging but doable]
T- time oriented [ include deadlines]
Ramsey, RD [1999]. Lead follow or get out of the
way LB2831.82.R36
Hasil pembelajaran
Hasil pembelajaran yang baik mempunyai EMPAT
(4) ciri :
1. Berorientasikan murid
2. Menghuraikan hasil pembelajaran
3. Adalah jelas dan boleh difahami
4. Boleh terlihat [observable]
1. Berorientasikan murid
1. Murid boleh menyelesaiakan masalah
berkaitan operasi bahagi dengan
menggunakan sekurang-kurangnya dua cara
2. Murid boleh menyenaraikan lima peraturan
nahu yang dibincangkan dalam Bab 3
3. Bila diberi huraian mengenai bentuk kerajaan,
murid boleh mengklasifikasikan bentuk
kerajaan itu
1. Berorientasikan murid
Memberi kuliah
berkaitan langkah
asa dalam kaedah
kepada murid cara
membaca pantas
sesuatu bahan
penyiasatan dengan
kaedah saintifik
Menulis satu sajak

1. Berorientasikan murid
A- aktiviti guru B aktiviti murid
Memberi kuliah
berkaitan langkah
asas dalam kaedah
kepada murid
membaca pantas
sesuatu bahan
penyiasatan dengan
kaedah saintifik
Menulis satu sajak
2. Menghuraikan hasil pembelajaran
Hasil pembelajaran Aktiviti pembelajaran
Diberi rajah bunga
yang tidak berlabel
(C), dalam masa
tidak lebih 2minit
(C), murid Tg 1 Biru
(A) dapat
melabelkan (B-aras)
8(D) bahagian
bunga (B-
1. Set induksi
2. Baca ms 17-22 buku
teks sains
3. Teliti rajah bunga
4. Gunakan rajah
bunga yang tidak
dilabel, praktis
melabel. Semak
label yang terdapat
dalam buku teks.
5. Kuiz labelkan rajah
6. Taksir- label
bahagian bunga.

2. Menghuraikan hasil pembelajaran
Hasil pembelajaran Aktiviti pembelajaran
Dalam masa 5minit
(C), murid Tg 1Z(A)
mengenal pasti (B-
aras) tidak kurang
dari 10(D) contoh
komponen ayat (B-
katanama dan kata
kerja] dalam ayat
1. Dengar penerangan
guru mengenai
katanama dan kata
2. Lengkapkan ms 75-
78 buku kerja
3. Main silangkata
nahu dengan rakan
4. Pilih satu perenggan
dari buku bacaan.
katanama dan
5. Semak jawapan
bersama pasangan.
2. Menghuraikan hasil pembelajaran
Hasil pembelajaran Aktiviti pembelajaran
1. Menerangkan fungsi
2. Mengidentifikasi dari
peta topo kawasan
yang sesuai
3. Mengenalpasti
instrumen yang
sesuai untuk tugas.
4. Menghuraikan
sistem dua parti
1. Membaca Bab 6
2. Meneliti rajah
struktur atom
3. Praktis mendengar
perbezaan frekuensi
yang berbeza
4. Menonton Star Wars
5. Mengulangkaji nota
kuliah semalam
6. Main dadu lagu
7. Melakonkan watak
Murid Ting 2 Biru [A]
Prestasi pelajar/aras-B Buat apa? Tulis-label
Produk prestasi
Apa hasilnya? 3 ayat 10 bahagian
Keadaan/condition-C Apa keadaannya
semasa pelajar
menghasilkan produk
Diberi 3 katanama-
diberi 2minit
Sebaik-sebaik hasil
Tidak lebih dari 1
kesalahan-> 8betul,
mengikut kepuasan
hati guru
Komponen hasil pembelajaran
1. Prestasi [performance]-B
2. Hasil / produk/isispelajaran [product-content]-B
3. Keadaan/syarat[condition]-C
4. Kriteria [criteria]-D
A- audience[siapa yg diajar] cnth murid tingkatan
B-behaviour[tingkahlaku yang diperhatikan],cth
menyenaraikan [prestasi + konten produk]
C- condition [keadaan dimana behaviour
didemostrasikan] cth dalam masa 10saat, tanpa
bantuan alatan, dalam kumpulan 4orang
D- desired criateria [aras prestasi yang diterima]
cth 8 dari 10 betul, tiada yang salah, kesemua
Komponen pertama hp-[1]Audien
1. Pelajar tingkatan 6 atas
2. Pelajar perempuan
3. Pelajar asrama harian
4. Pelajar bermasalah pembelajaran
5. Kanak pra sekolah
6. Ibu tunggal
7. Belia sukarelawan
Komponen kedua hp-
[2] behaviour aras atau prestasi dgn
Pelajar dapat
1. Menulis angka hingga 10
2. Menggariskan katanama dalam ayat
3. Menyenaraikan idea utama dalam cerpen
4. Mengkategorikan daun mengikut tekstur daun
5. Menyelesaikan masalah berkaitan pendaraban
Komponen ketiga hp- [3] condition
[syarat/ keadaan]
Batasan masa, bantuan alatan/sumber tenaga
1. Diberi satu senarai yang mengandungi 20
2. Setelah membaca Bab 2
3. Dengan menggunakan buku teks
4. Diberi pembaris dan protraktor
5. Tanpa menggunakan sebarang rujukan
6. Dalam masa 10 minit
7. Sebelum minggu ke 10
8. Dalam kumpulan 3 orang
Komponen ke 4 hp- Kriteria
1. Aras minima yang diterima: sekurang-
kurangnya 3 sebab, kesemua 5 langkah
2. Peratus atau kadar yang diterima : 80% tepat,
90% daripada 20 masalah, 9 dari 10 kes
3. Toleransi keralatan yang diterima : +/- 10%,0.1
terdekat, peratus terdekat
4. Had batasan masa : dalam 10 minit, kurang dari
5 minit
5. Gabungan: sekurang-kurangnya 2 masalah
dalam masa 5minit, dalam masa 20 minit
dengan 90% ketepatan
3. Hasil pembelajaran adalah jelas
dan boleh difahami
Ia eksplisit
Mempunyai katakerja [clearly stated verb that
describe a define action or behaviour]
1. Melabel bahagian jantung
2. Mengukur panjang tali
3. Mengenalpasti unsur dalam sebatian
4. Menyenaraikan komponen surat rasmi
5. Mengucapkan petikan dalam Bahasa Jerman
4. Hasil pembelajaran boleh
Implisit Eksplisit
Domain Afektif [krathwohl]
1. Menerima [receiving]
2. Memberi respon [responding]
3. Menghargai [valuing]
4. Komitmen [ comitment]- menggabungkan aras
4-organization dan aras 5-characteriszation

Aras Afektif 1-
Menerima [receiving]
Sedar menerima rangsangan
Kata kerja pilih, dengar
Berada dalam kelas semasa guru mengajar
Aras Afektif 2-
memberi respon [responding]
Memberi respon kepada ransangan
melibatkan diri dengan lebih aktif [ pergerakan
Secara sukarela memberi respon
Katakerja menjawab, mengucapkan
Kedudukan murid mengadap guru dengan
bahagian atas badan condong ke depan sains

Aras Afektif 3-
Menghargai [valuing]
Secara sukarela menunjukkan penghargaan
Kata kerja bertanya, menyoal, mengajak
Menbuat catatan, angkat soalan untuk kemukakan
Aras Afektif 4-
komitmen [ commitment]
Mempunyai sistem nilai yang tekal dan
mengamalkan nilai-nilai tersebut
Kata kerja mempertahankan, mempengaruhi
Mengamalkan tingkahlaku tersebut secara tekal
Domain Psikomotor [ringkas]
1. Imitasi [ imitation]
2. Manipulasi [ manipulation]
3. Ketepatan [ precision]
Aras psikomotor 1-
Imitasi [Imitation]
Melaksanakan kemahiran asas dengan arahah
dan dibawah penyeliaan
Koordinasi dan pelaksanaan tidak kemas
Kata kerja latih tubi, menggunakan
Pelajar boleh meniru pergerakan guru
menggembur tanah

Aras psikomotor 2-
Manipulasi [manipulation]
Melaksanakan sesuatu kemahiran tanpa
sebarangan arahan atau penyeliaan tapi belum
menunjukkan kemahiran
Kata kerja mengenakan, mengetatkan,
Dapat menggembur tanah secara bersendirian
tetapi masih wujud batas-batas yang padat
Aras psikomotor 3-
ketepatan [precision]
Melaksanakan sesuatu kemahiran dengan tepat,
cekap dan secara harmoni
Koordinasi telah sempurna
Kemahiran telah dihayati [ can be performen
Kata kerja mensejajarkan, mengkalibrasi,
menipulasi, membina
Cth : murid dapat menggemburkan secara
sendirian dan dapat mengubahsuai kekuatan dan
sudut anyunan cangkul untuk menggembur tanah

Aras Pengalaman
1. Pengalaman lisan
2. Pengalaman visual
3. Pengalaman vikarios
4. Pengalaman simulasi
5. Pengalaman terus
Aras Pengalaman
1. pengalaman lisan
Apa yang dilisankan oleh guru, melibatkan satu
pancaindera sahaja, menggunakan simbol yang
abstrak, murid tidak aktif secara fizikal.
Contoh : bagi tajuk bagaimana parlimen
menggubal undang-undang, murid-murid
mendengar ceramah bagaimana parlimen
menggubal undang-undang.
Aras Pengalaman
2. pengalaman visual
Melibatkan gambar pegun, rajah, carta, murid,
tidak aktif secara fizikal.
Contoh : mendengar ceramah bagaimana
parlimen menggubal undang-undang sambil
menonton slaid yang berkaitan.
3. Pengalaman vikarios
Program video / murid secara tidak
langsung melakukannya walaupun
mungkin pergerakan fizikal adalah
Contoh: Melakukan lawatan untuk
melihat sendiri bagaimana parlimen
menggubal undang-undang.
Aras Pengalaman Pembelajaran
Aras Pengalaman Pembelajaran
4. Pengalaman Simulasi
Main peranan, melakukan eksperimen, simulasi,
melibatkan sebahagian besar panca indera,
aktiviti mengintegrasi pelbagai disiplin,
menghampiri keadaan sebenar.
Contoh: Mensimulasikan proses penggubalan
undang-undang di kelas.
Aras Pengalaman Pembelajaran
5. Pengalaman Terus
Murid sebenarnya melakukan apa yang
dipelajarinya, inkuiri tulen, melibatkan kesemua
panca indera, menggabungkan pelbagai disiplin,
perkara yang sebenar.
Contoh: Memilih jawatan kuasa untuk memantau
satu program sekolah. Pemilihan adalah
bermodelkan parlimen.
Kaedah pengajaran
berpusatkan guru-berpusatkan
Kawalan Guru
Banyak Kuliah, modelling
Sdh Ke Byk Kuliah dengan sj, demonstrasi
Sederhana (Sdh) Sokratik
Sdk Ke Sdh Perbincangan, penemuan, individualised instruction
Sedikit (Sdk) Debat, main peranan, simulasi, permainan, inkuiri,
pembelajaran koperatif, kajian bebas
Pendekatan/ strategi/ kaedah/
model/teknik p&p
Kaedah debat, deduktif, demonstrasi, drama,
eksperiman, induktif, inkuiri, kajian kes,kerja
amali, kerja lapangan, kuliah, main peranan,
membuat keputusan, metakognisi, pembelajaran
koperatif, pembentangan, penyelesaian masalah,
perbincangan, permainan, projek, simulasi, soal
jawab, sumbangsaran.
Taksiran formatif
Latihan (praktis terbimbing/ bertempoh) soalan
objektif betul salah, aneka pilihan, aneka
lengkap, padankan, cloze test
Learning Framework
but have you answered the questions all learners
need to know?
where do I need to go?
Why should I gi there?
How will I get there?
How will I know when Ive arrived?
Design of Engaging Work
Clear criteria
Relevant content
Affirmation & Affiliation
Novelty &Variety

Design Elements of Engaging
Affirmation Recognition of work and worth
Affiliation Working with others towards a common
Safe no fault practice
Clear criteria Clear description of quality
Choice Sharing decision making (empowerment)
Authenticity Real life expectations- meaningful,
valuable relevant content enduring, necessary for
future learning, important in real life
Organization of learning how/ where learning fits
Novelty & variety -Brain is hard- wired to pay
attentation to anything new

What does brain research tell us is
necessary of engagement?
Novelty brains are wired to pay attention to new
Challenge proximal zone
Feedback descriptive, within thirty minutes
Coherence fits with what is known
Sufficient time to go deep, construct new
Design Elements of Engaging
Affirmation Recognition of work and worth
Affiliation Working with others towards a common
Safe No fault practice
Clear criteria Description of quality
Choice Sharing decision making (empowerment)
Authenticity Real life expectations- meaningful,
valuable relevant content enduring, necessary for
future learning, important in real life
Organization of learning how/ where learning fits
Novelty & variety -Brain is hard- wired to pay attention
to anything new
Remember that the person doing
the work is growing the dendrites
Pat Wolfe, 2001
Essentials of Classroom Based
Research shows increases in student
achievement and motivation when students

Are involved
Know criteria for
Receive and use
descriptive feedback
Understand learning
14 Behaviors Teachers Use that
Increase Student Achievement
The teacher.
1. Calls on everyone in the room equitably.
2. Provides individual help.
3. Gives wait time.
4. Asks questions to give students a clue to the answer.
5. Ask questions that require more thought.
6. Tells students whether their answers are right or wrong.
7. Gives specific praise.
8. Gives reasons for praise
9. Listens.
10. Accepts feeling of student.
11. Gets within arms reach of each student each day.
12. Is courteous to students.
13. Show personal interest in students.
14. Does not call attention to every negative behavior.

Guidelines for Effective Praise
Ineffective Praise
1. Is delivered randomly
or unsystematically.
2. Is restricted to global
positive reactions.
3. Shows a bland
uniformity that
suggests a conditional
response made with
minimal attention.
Effective Praise
1. Is delivered
2. Specifies the
3. Shows spontaneity,
variety, and other
signs of credibility;
suggests clear
attention to students
Guidelines for Effective Praise

Ineffective Praise
4. Rewards mere
participation, without
consideration of
performance, process, or
5. Provides no information at
all or gives students no
information about their
6. Orients students toward
comparing themselves
with others and thinking
about competing.

Effective Praise
4. Rewards attainment of
specified performance
5. Provides information to
students about their
competence or the value of
their accomplishments.
6. Orients students toward
better appreciation of their
own task-related behavior
and thinking about problem
Guidelines for Effective Praise
Effective praise
7. Uses students own
prior accomplishments
as the context for
describing present
8. Is given in recognition
of noteworthy effort or
success at difficult (for
this student) tasks.
9. Attributes success to
effort and ability,
implying that similar
successes can be
expected in the future.

Ineffective praise
7. Uses accomplishments
of peers as context.
8. Is given without regard
to effort expended or
the meaning of the
9. Attributes success to
ability alone or to
external factors such as
luck or low task
Guidelines for Effective Praise
Effective praise
10. Fosters endogenous
attributions (students believe
that they expend effort on a task
because they enjoy the task
and/ or want to develop task-
relevant skills.
11. Focuses students attention on
their own task-relevant behavior.
12. Fosters appreciation of, and
desirable attributions about,
task-relevant behavior after the
process is completed.
Ineffective praise
10. Foster exogenous attributions
(students believe that they
expend effort on a task for
external reasons to please the
teacher, win a competition or for
a reward.
11. Focuses students attention on
the teacher as and external
authority that is manipulating
12. Intrudes into the ongoing
process, distracting attention
from task-relevant behavior.
Pendekatan/strategi/ kaedah/ model/
teknik p&p
Kaedah debat, deduktif, demonstrasi, drama,
eksperiman, induktif, inkuiri, kajian kes,kerja
amali, kerja lapangan, kuliah, main peranan,
membuat keputusan, metakognisi, pembelajaran
koperatif, pembentangan, penyelesaian masalah,
perbincangan, permainan, projek, simulasi, soal
jawab, sumbangsaran
Thinking About The Sternberg Intelligences
Analytical linear schoolhouse smart - sequential
Show the parts of _____and how they work.
Explain why __________works the way it does.
Diagram how _______affects___________.
Identify the key parts of______________.
Present a step-by-step approach to_____________.
Practical street smart contextual focus on use
Demonstrate how someone uses _________ in their life of work.
Show how we could apply ______to solve this real life problem ________
Based on your own experience, explain how _____ can be used.
Heres a problem at school, _____. Using your knowledge of _____________, develop a plan to
address the problem.
Creative innovator- outside the box what if - improver
Find a new way to show __________
Use unusual materials to explain __________________
Use humor to show___________________
Explain (show) a new and better way to ____________________
Make connections between ___________and _______to help us understand _______________
Become a __________and use your new perspective to help us think about __________________.
Practical: using this 8 given cities, (or you may choose
other cities after approval by teacher), demonstrate how
landforms and bodies of water contributed to the
development and movement of people to this site over of
the period of time. You may use overlay transparencies or
models to show the areas and growth.
Creative: develop a map of a new world that has at least 8
different types of landforms and /or bodies of water. Using
labels, etc., determine how these sites would grow due to
economic possibilities of these geographical features, and
predict population growth over a period of time.
Analytical : create clues or a set of directions to help us
identify and locate at least 8 landforms on the map (given
in the textbook, or a map provided by the teacher). Clues/
directions should also be based on population and
economic growth and changes.
Learning Style Social Studies Lesson on Landforms
Based on Sternbergs Intelligence Preference
Know : geographical terms (isthmus, delta, peninsula,
river, island)
Understand : landforms and bodies af water effect
human movement and influence the development of
Do : locate and label specific landforms
analyze how landforms produce economic
advantages that establish settlements.
After student have read and taken notes on the
chapter, the teacher reviews with the whole class the
basic information on landforms. Then, students are
given a choice of three assignments to be done
individually or in groups of two or three.
Partial List of Learning Modality Tasks/ Skills

model demonstrate build
Act out Use tools to dance
produce simulate craft
transform Show in lab make
diagram overlay Map
Chart Timeline Web
Illustrate Cartoon Model
graph Video Pop-up
recite Broadcast Speech
Discuss Question Interview
Debate Cook/taste Sing
Argue converse perform
radiocast soundscape Music
Preach commercial Chant
Persuade Ad/jingle Rhythm
compose Speech phone
Social Studies Chapter Review: Differentiation by Learning Modality
Students are asked to a read a textbook chapter, using a graphic organizer for
note-taking. They then prepare a review/response using learning modality
preferences. They may work in learning style alike partnerships to prepare the
response. In class, they will debrief in groups of 4 with each modality
represented in each group.

Using your notes, create a set of overhead
transparencies, 1-3 minute simulation,
cardboard puppet theater, or short drama that
helps us link the big ideas, crucial moments,
and important people in this chapter.
Using your notes, create a set of 5-8 open-
ended questions that are designed to be
asked of the important people in this chapter.
The questions responses should reveal the
big ideas, crucial moments, and other
important people. You will be the responder as
someone else reads at least two of the
interview questions.
Using your notes, create a power point (4-5
slides), timeline, or concept map that helps us
understand the main ideas, crucial decisions,
and important people in this chapter.
Using your notes, create a 1-3 minute news
item that summarizes the essential ideas,
crucial decisions, and people. You may tape
or videotape this, using your voice and others.
Differentiation by Learning Modality Preference
Sewing Project Choices in Consumer Education Class

students will all create a small, original product using skills of: sewing,
design & layout, fabric selection, color choice, embellishment choices
Create a cloth book or baby blanket
made of varying textures of fabric that
would allow a child to feel rough,
smooth, thick, thin, soft, hard, etc. be
prepared to justify your choices.
Create a quilt square or small wall-
hanging that tells a story or responds
to a question. For example, when I
am joyful, I prepared to justify
you choices
Create a fabric illustration, college, or
pillow that sets a strong, visible mood.
Be prepared to justify your choices.
Create a fabric collage or pillow using
a particular piece of music as
inspiration for fabric and color
selections. Be prepared to justify your

Primary Transportation by learning modality continued
Construct/build a vehicle
using classroom materials
Demonstrate how it goes,
use vocab words to describe.

Identify a vehicle and its
parts as you tell a story
Describe what makes it
move and how it goes;use
Draw a picture of a vehicle
and label its parts
Show how you made your
vehicle and how it goes by
making a poster
Identify a vehicle through the
sound that it makes using
sound effects tape; use
Use a sound or song with a
vehicle to show how it moves
and goes
Possible formats to use with RAFTS
Written Visual Oral Kinesthetic
Diary entry Cartoon/comic song model
Bulleted list Crossword puzzle Set of discussion? cheer
obituary map conversation mime
Invitation Scale plan or
monologue reenactment
Product guide Graphic org. sermon Wax museum
Game rules Concept web radiocast Demonstration
Recipe illustration Museum guide Sales pitch with
demo elements
Movie critic Print ad commercial Physical analogies
Freq Ask Ques photograph Readers theater Taste tests
Editorial Power point interview how to video
how to diagram Tasting game
Job application Fashion design political speech Sew, cook,build
Gossip column Puppet show Design a.
Mag. article Story tell
Three Common Types of
Well- structured problems
- Clearly formulated, solved by specific procedure,
solution evaluated against agreed upon
III- structured problems
- Complex, few clues to solution procedures, less-
definite criteria for measuring solution
- III- structured problems that arouse strong

Five Step Approach to Problem
Realize that a problem exists.
Understand the nature of the problem.
Compile relevant information.
Formulate and carry out a solution.
Evaluate the solution.

Study worked examples.
Work on a simpler version of the problem.
Break the problem into parts.
Work backward.
Solve an analogous problem.
Create an external representation of the problem.
Systematic Framework for
Ask and answer a set of basic questions (who,
what, where, when, how).
Identify imperfections and complications.
Anticipate possible negative reactions from other
Devise improvements.
What is transfer of learning?
Transfer of learning is..
- students independently apply knowledge and
skills to similar but new information.
Types of Transfer
Positive transfer
- A situation in which prior learning aids subsequent
Negative transfer
- A situation in which prior learning interferes with
subsequent learning.
Zero transfer
- A situation in which prior learning has no effect on
new learning.
Types of Transfer
Specific transfer
- Situation in which prior learning aids subsequent
learning because of specific similarities between
two tasks.
General transfer
- Situation in which prior learning aids subsequent
learning due to the use of similar cognitive
Type of Transfer
Near transfer
- knowledge domains are highly similar, the settings in
which the original learning and transfer tasks occur are
basically the same, and the elapsed time between the
two tasks is relatively short.
Far transfer
- knowledge domains and settings are judged to be dissimilar
and the time between the original learning and transfer
tasks is relatively long.

Types of Transfer
Low-road transfer
- situation in which a previously learned skill or idea is
almost autimatically retrieved from memory and
applied to a highly similar current task.
High-road transfer
- situation involving the conscious, controlled,
somewhat effortful formulation on an abstaction that
allows a connection to be made between two tasks.

Teaching for Low-Road and
High-Road Transfer
Provide students with multiple opportunities for varied
practice to help them develop a rich web of
interrelatead concepts.

Give students opportunities to solve problems that are
similar to those they will eventually have to solve

Teach students how to formulate for a variety of tasks
general rules, stratrategies, or schemes that can be used
in the future with a variety of similar of problems.
Teaching for Low-Road and
High-Road Transfer
Give students cues that will allows to retrieve
from memory earlier-learned information that can
be used to make current learning easier.

Teach student to focus on the beneficial effects of
creating and using rules and strategies to solve
particular kinds of problems.
Technology Tools for Knowledge
Construction and Problem Solving
Multimedia simulation
Computer-supported intentional learning
Learning through collaborative visualization
Jasper Woodbury and anchored instruction
Constructivist-oriented web sites
Curriculum Enrichment Techniques
Type I enrichment
- involvels exploratory activities that are designed to
exposed student to topics not ordinarily covered in the
regular curiculum
Type II enrichment
- involves instuctional methods and materials aimed at the
development of thinking and feeling processes.
Type III enrichment
- consists of activities in which students investigate and
collect data about a real topic or problem.
STAGE 1: Motivation/watch, have to, shown,interest
STAGE 2: Start to practice/practise,trial, & errors, ask ?s
STAGE 3: Advanced Practice/practice, lessons, read,
STAGE 4: Skillfulness/some success, enjoyment, sharing
STAGE 5: Refinement/improvement, natural, pleasure,
STAGE 6: Mastery/teach, recognition, higher challenges

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