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Autolisp Example Programs

Some more functions:

Log function:
log Returns the natural log of a number.
Eg: (log 10) ;Returns 2.30259
(log 20) ;Returns 2.99573
Argument can be real or integer.
Gcd function:
gcd Returns the greatest common denominator of two
integer numbers.
(gcd 12 24) ;Returns 6
Argument must be an integer number.

Some more functions:

Rem function:
Returns the reminder after dividing number 1 by number 2
and so on.
Syntax: (rem num1 num2 ...)
Eg: (rem 10 3) ;Returns 1
(rem 10.7 7) ;Returns 3.7
(rem 10.7 2 3.3 4.2); Returns 0.7
Min and max functions:
min gets the minimum number from a list of numbers.
Eg: (min 3 2 6 8) ;Returns 2
max gets the maximum number from a list of numbers.
Eg: (max 3 2 6 8) ;Returns 8
Argument can be integer or real.

Example Program 1:
Description: To obtain age of the user and convert it into
days and weeks.
(defun C:myProg()
(setq intAge (getint "\n Enter your Age: "))
(setq intDays (* intAge 365))
(setq intWeeks (/ intDays 7))
(princ (strcat "\n You are " (itoa intDays) " Days old!"))
(princ (strcat "\n You are " (itoa intWeeks) " Weeks old!"))

Command: (load "myProg")<enter>
Command: myProg<enter>

Command: Enter your Age: 39<enter>

Command: You are 14235 Days old!
Command: You are 2033 Weeks old!

Example Program 2:
(defun C:myprog1()
(setq pt1(getpoint "\n Pick First Point: "))
(setq pt2(getpoint "\n Pick Last Point: "))
(setq x1 (car pt1)) ;x-coord of point one
(setq x2 (car pt2)) ;x-coord of point two
(setq y1 (cadr pt1)) ;y-coord of point one
(setq y2 (cadr pt2)) ;y-coord of point two
(setq xdis (- x2 x1)) ;distance in x direction between points
(setq ydis (- y2 y1)) ;distance in y direction between points
(setq slpdis (sqrt (+ (expt xdis 2.0) (expt ydis 2.0)))) ;Asq+Bsq=C
(princ (strcat "\n Distance = " (rtos slpdis 4 4)))

Command: (load myprog1)<enter>
Command: myprog1<enter>

Command: Pick First Point:<pick>

Command: Pick Last Point:<pick>
Command: Distance = 3'-4 1/2"

Alternative programs to get distance

between two points:
1)Using distance function:
Measures the distance from two known points.
(setq dist1 (distance pnt1 pnt2)) ;returns the distance
between pnt1 and pnt2 and assigns the distance to a
variable called dist1.

Alternative programs to get distance

between two points:
2)Using getdist user input function:
Needs a value either by picking on the screen or a
number from the keyboard.
(getdist "\nHow long is the line? :") ;Pick two points or
type a length and AutoLisp will return that length.

Alternative programs to get distance

between two points:
3)Using distance command through autolisp:

Eg: (command "dist" pt1 pt2)(princ)

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