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Year 3 and 4

Learning objective of this unit:
We can write an instructive text.
Time connectors (First, Second, Third, Next, Then, After
that, Before, Later and Finally)
Imperative form
How to write a list (ingredients, materials)
English speaking countries festivities (Halloween and
Bonfire night)

In year 4 we had a visitor in our class: one of
our students mom came to show us how to
make Catherine Wheel cookies.


First, we measured all ingredients

Second, we mixed the butter and the

sugar with a spoon until it was softer.

Third, we beat the egg and the vanilla


Then, we put together the butter and

sugar with the egg and we mixed.

Next, we added the flour and mixed it

until it had a soft consistency.

Before adding the food colouring, we

divided the mixture in two parts.

After that, we added some red food

colouring in one part and some green
food colouring in the other part.

Later, we did a ball with one part and

we rolled it on a cooking piece of
paper. We did the same with the other

After that, we placed one on the top of

the other and we rolled together.

We left it in the fridge for one hour to

get hard.

Then, we sliced the dough with a knife

and we put it on a tray. Finally, we
scattered some sprinkles over the
cookies and baked them for 15
minutes 160-180.

They were delicious!

Some children baked some cookies

with their families at home.


In year 3 we read an exciting story:

Mr Wolfs pancakes. We wrote the
recipe and we cooked them as well!



Year 3 and 4 classes did
different Halloween
crafts in Arts and Crafts

A Pumpkin notebook
Ghostly goggles
A Halloween mobile
A Finger box

First, we did the craft in Arts class.

Later, we wrote the instructions about

how to do the craft.

The day before Halloween we did

some workshops at school. We went
to another class and explained how to
do the crafts.


Los huesos de santo es un postre tpicamente espaol y caracterstico de la celebracin

del Da de Difuntos.
El pap de una alumna de 4, chef de un restaurante de Fraga, vino a explicarnos cmo
se hacen. Y nosotros le ayudamos a prepararlos!

Primero nos explic un poquito la tradicin y

nos dijo que es el dulce tpico de las zonas de
Espaa que slo utilizan la lengua castellana.

Luego nos dio la lista de los ingredientes

que hacen falta para elaborar la receta.

Para el mazapn:
200 gr. de azcar
150 gr. de almendra molida
100 ml. de agua

Para la crema de yema:

100 grs. de azcar
4 yemas de huevo
50 gr. de agua

Para espolvorear:
Azcar glas.

1. En primer lugar preparamos un almbar con el agua y el
azcar. Poco a poco aadimos la almendra hasta formar
una masa. Dejamos enfriar.
2. A continuacin cogemos el mazapn y lo estiramos con
un rodillo sobre una superficie espolvoreada de azcar
glas hasta un espesor de unos 2 mm. Cortamos tiras con
un cuchillo de 5-6 cm de ancho. Estas tiras las cortamos
en cuadrados de 6-7 cm.
3. Despus enrollamos cada cuadrado en un palo de 1 cm.
de grosor (puede valer un lpiz o palillos chinos) y
pegamos la masa con los dedos. Nos aseguraremos de
espolvorear cada canutillo con el azcar glas para evitar
que la masa se pegue al palo. Se saca la masa del palo y
se deja secar hasta que endurezca un poco.

4. Por otro lado, hacemos otro almbar con el agua y el azcar

para preparar la crema de yema. Cuando est listo, le
incorporamos poco a poco las yemas batidas y removemos
sin parar. Lo ponemos al bao mara; seguimos
removiendo hasta que espese. Ojo el agua no puede
hervir, sino la yema se corta! Dejamos que se enfre.
5. Por ltimo, con la manga pastelera, se rellena cada canutillo
con la crema de yema.



En Catal hem escrit la recepta dun dol tpic de la zona.

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