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Crisis in the Middle East

By: Christian Gomez


Table of Contents

Slides 3-8: Intro to the Crisis

Slides 9-14: Going in Depth of the Protests
Slides 15-20: The Aftermath of the Crisis

Intro to the Protests

A few months ago, people protested the
dictatorship of their leaders. This drama all
started in Tunisia. People did not admire
their leaders for their total control. The
middle eastern people felt they did not have
enough freedom. These protests caused
many problems for people to deal with.

To historians, the protests in the Middle East

are known to them as the Jasmine

Ben Alis Problem

In Tunisia, the president Ben Ali was a bad
ruler but was supported by the United
States and France. The Tunisians felt no
appreciation from the president and rioted.

Tunisian Riots
Riots have broken out in Tunisia. Tunisians
took their protests to the streets. They did
not stop until the president resigned.

Hosni Mubarak
People in Egypt had the same problem.
Egyptians wanted Hosni Mubarak out of
office because he was a bad ruler.

The Reign of Mubarak

People felt Mubarak had ruled Egypt for far
too long. Mubarak was not a very effective
president. He too was forced to resign from

The Protests
The middle eastern people were rallying on
the streets to state their cause. The police
were not able to calm the people down. It
was a battle between the government and
the protestors.

As the protests went on, news reporters
were giving the news on the progress. The
news reporters ended up getting caught in
the protests and got hurt.

Health of the Protestors

The protestors themselves got hurt by the
police. The police beat them with their own

Horror of the Protests

People were not to able to be on the streets.
The protests are so bad that they have to
stay in their apartment buildings.

Weapons Used
The protestors used weapons that starts
fires. The streets ended up burning. The
fires could be seen from away.

Spread of Chaos
The protests that started in Tunisia and
Egypt spread all over the Middle East. A lot
of middle eastern people were influenced to
overthrow their leaders.

Effect on Hollywood
The protests affected Hollywood because a
lot of movies shoot in Egypt and because of
the protests there was no shooting in Egypt.

The Length of the Protests

The protests took about a month to be done.
It took such a long time for a leader to
resign from office.

The Start of War

The protests did not end in Libya. The rebels
chose to have a civil war to overthrow the

Moammar Ghadafi
A man named Moammar Ghadafi refused to
step down from office. He thought the
people would be loyal to him and respect

USA Takes Action

After seeing what was going on in Libya, the
U.S. decided to intervene. The U.S. made a
coalition with other countries to go against

Libyan War
Ghadafi actually went to war with his people.
Each side had their own group of army men.
Neither side wanted to stop until they got
what they wanted.

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