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Perbandingan Sistem Ekonomi

Pokok Bahasan 8

8 March 2015

Perekonomian di Asia :
Copyright 2014 by Achmadi

Tujuan Pembelajaran 8

Menjelaskan Perekonomian
Asia (HPAEs) :


* Menjelaskan Perekonomian di
Jepang : Pasar Kapitalistik Berencana.
* Menjelaskan Perekonomian di
Korea Selatan : Industrialisasi.
8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi

Perekonomian Asia : Menuju FTAAP

Pertumbuhan GDP Riil di Asia

Kinerja Negara HPAEs

HPAEs (High Performing Asian Economies) :

Japan, Asian / Four Tigers (Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore,
Taiwan), three NIEs in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand).

Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Cepat & Berkelanjutan :

Tumbuh sekitar 5.5% per Tahun era 1965 1990-an.
Tumbuh 2 X lebih cepat dari the rest of East Asia.
Tumbuh 3 X lebih cepat dari Amerika Latin.
Tumbuh 2 X lebih cepat dari the advanced economies.

Distribusi Pendapatan semakin merata :

Koefisien Gini menurun & lebih rendah dari other developing economies
Aspek-aspek yang mendukung Pembangunan Ekonomi :
Peningkatan life expectancy dari 56 (1960) ke 71 (1990), pe- nurunan
penduduk dibawah kemiskinan mutlak, dan lain-lain

Latar Belakang Perekonomian Jepang

Luas Negara 378 000 km 2 (6,852 islands).

Jumlah & Pertumbuhan Penduduk 128 million (0,3%).

GDP PKP $ 42,810, and GDP $ 5,855 trillion (2012).

% of GDP (2010) Agricultural (1,5%), Industry (36%),

Services (75%), Exports (25%), Public Revenue (38%).

The worlds highest Life Expectancy (2013).

The worlds largest Overseas Investor (creditor nation).
The worlds third-biggest Economy only after the USAs
and Chinas and largest economy in Asia (IMF, 2013).
Third largest share of world trade behind the US and Germany.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi

Karakteristik Sistem Ekonomi di Jepang

Model Sistem Pasar Kapitalistik Berencana :

* Konstalasi Kekuatan (Iron Triangle) :
* Kelompok Politisi Partai Liberal :
Held a near monopoly of Government.
* Kepemimpinan Industri The Keiretsu.
* Teknokrasi Perencanaan & Finansial :
* Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).
* The Ministry of Finance (MoF).
* Jepang sebagai kunci bagi pusat dan Integrasi pertumbuhan ekonomi di Asia.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi

Karakteristik Sistem Ekonomi di Jepang

Sistem Pasar Kapitalistik Berencana :

* Cooperative government - industry relations or Business - Government Partnership (Chalmers Johnson).

* Humanistic enterprise system of lifetime employment
and egalitarianism (William Ouchi, Robert Ozaki).
* Traditional setting or Cultural B ase .
* Open up the Economy Policy to Foreign Trade.

Kapitalisme Kroni (Crony Capitalism) :

Government protection of Industry and Finance.

Sistem Terintegrasi :
The long-term relationships between People, Goods, and Money.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi

Perspektif Historis Sistem Ekonomi di Jepang

Era / Abad Sistem-Sistem Ekonomi yang Memiliki Karakteristik Umum Pertanian, Industri, dan
Informasi :
* Era Sistem Ekonomi Pertanian :
Feudal economic systems and earlier ancient empire economic systems based on s lavery.

* Era Sistem Ekonomi Industri :

Rise of capitalist economic systems and then socialist economic systems.

* Era Sistem Ekonomi Informasi :

* Both Capitalist and Socialist Economic Systems are being greatly

restructured as they become part of a global economy.

* Privatization trends world wide- including in former Socialist countries (Suzanne Tatikian; Ron Tatum).
8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi

Karakteristik Sosial-Traditional di Jepang

Karakteristik Sosial :
* Karakteristik Feodalisme :
The System of Vertical and Reciprocal Personal Obligations. Personal
respect for Authority and mutual Obligation between members of society.
* Hierarchical and Respectful Relations within the Firm.

Sistem Tradisional-Bisnis Jepang :

* Friendly Shareholders and internally-promoted Managers.
* Long-term Employment with internal training and rotation.
* Long-term Assembler-Supplier relationship.
* Flexibility in rearranging workshops and the workers skills.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Peranan Pemerintah di Jepang

Peranan Pemerintah dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi :

* Sektor Infrastruktur :
Transportasi dan Komunikasi, Kode Perdagangan, Hak Paten, dan sistem legalitas lainnya.
* Subsidi dan Konsesi Perpajakan.
* Proteksi vs. Kompetitor Luar Negeri.
* Pendanaan Pemerintah dalam R & D :
Jepang = 20% vs. USA = 28% (2000).

Peranan Negara secara Langsung Rendah :

Pembelian dan Penjualan Barang dan Jasa
Sektor Pemerintah sangat rendah.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Komposisi Anggaran Pemerintah di Jepang


Organisasi Industrial di Jepang


Bisnis Besar :
* Zaibatsu -- Family-owned holding company in a diversified group of
industrial corporations, trading companies, and banks.
* Keiret su - cross holdings of stock, interlocking directorates, presidents' clubs, and other cooperative arrangements.
* Financial Keiretsu -- Mitsui, Mitsubishi, and Sumitomo.
* Production Keiretsu a large industrial concern and its
subsidiaries and subcontractors such as Toyota.
* distribution keiretsu -- products from manufacturers to consumers.


Bisnis Kecil :

99% of Japanese Companies , employing 75% of work


employ fewer than 100 workers.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Kebijakan Industrial di Jepang

Kebijakan Makroekonomi Industri :

To increase the pace of overall industrial growth, to protect

industry from overseas competition, and to stimulate exports

Kebijakan Mik r oekonomi Industri :

T o affect the structure of output, a substitute for the

allocat ive function of the market by to inves ment funds
direct subsidies, T ariff and quota protection .

Kebijakan Industri Tinggi :

the active intervention of the government to promote

or cha nge the course of industrial growth and dev elo pment.

Kebijakan Industri Berbasis Kemajuan Ilmu Pengetahuan.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Kinerja Pembangunan Ekonomi di Jepang

Nilai Tukar ( Yen per US $ 1) :

88.67 (2010), 93.57 (2009), 103.58 (2008), 117.99 (2007),
116.18 (2006), 109.69 (2005), 115.93 (2003), 125.39
(2002), 121.529 (2001), 105.16 (January 2000), 113.91 (1999),
130.91 (1998), 120.99 (1997), 108.78 (1996), 94.06 (1995).
Pertumbuhan Output Industri 7.5% (2010 est.).
Investasi (gross fixed) 20.3% of GDP (2010 est.).
Produk Pertanian rice, sugar beets, vegetables,
fruit, pork, poultry, dairy products, eggs, fish
Komoditi Ekspor Machinery & Equipment, motor
vehicles, semiconductors, chemicals (2011).
Komoditi Impor machinery and equipment, fuels,
foodstuffs, chemicals, textiles, raw materials (2011)

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Kinerja Pembangunan Ekonomi di Jepang

Tingkat Pertumbuhan Ekonomi :

* a 10% average in the 1960s.
* a 5% average in the 1970s.
* a 4% average in the 1980s.
* The 1990s and the 2000s :
The decades of sluggish growth, recessions = economic stagnation / slump (the property market crashed, huge public debts,
bankruptcies, government budget deficits, corruption scandals).
* growing at 2.0% per year in 2003 and 2004.
* growing at 2.8% in 2005, and at 3,2% in 2010.
Proses Industrialisasi :
Berlangsung cepat, berdasarkan latar belakang Kebudayaan, Nilainilai, dan Kelembagaan dan Masyarakat tradisional.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Pembangunan Ekonomi di Jepang

Reasons of Economic Success :

* High Growth of Capital Investment :

Tingkat Tabungan tinggi.

Close relations between
Firms and Banks.

* Sharing of Growth :

Heavy investment in Human Capital (Education).

Helping rural areas not to fall behind.
Income inequality did not increase.
Hard work, discipline, governmental guidance and market forces

* Outward-Oriented Policies Promosi Ekspor.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Pembangunan Ekonomi di Jepang

Alasan-alasam Keberhasilan Ekonomi :

* Sistem Pengelolaan Pekerja :
Transfer of Labor from the Agricultural Sector to industry.
* The role of industrial Policy and Trading Companies (Sogo Shoshas).
* Sistem Pengarahan Kredit.
* Respect for Social Order.
* The absence of large defense expenditures
for high Investment rates.

Moving Toward a More Advanced Knowledge Eonomy :

An economy that creates, acquires, adapts, and uses knowledge effectively for its economic and social development.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Japan : The Foundations of the Asian Model

Surplus Tenaga Kerja Model Dua-Sektor Lewis.

Sistem Grup Keiretsu :
firms in different industries held together by
a common Bank or a Trading Company.
Managerial Decision-Making consensual decision-making.
Pasar Tenaga Kerja :
Lifetime Employment.
Tingkat Upah Senioritas.
Kebijakan Mikroekonomi Industri:
Eksistensi Skala Ekonomi, Barang Publik, Pasar Modal Tidak Sempurna.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


South Korea : Economic Background

Country Area 96,920 km2, with 16.58% of arable land.

Population Number and growth rate 48 ,75 million (1,0%), 2010.

GNI PKP 2010 ($ 19,830), GDP growth rate = 6% (2010).

Economic sectors contribution of GDP (2010):

Agricultural (3%), Invesment (37%), Industry (40%), Services
(57%), Ex ports (38%), Government revenue (26,3%).

Labor Force (2010) :

Agricultural = 7,3%, Industry = 24,3%, Services = 68,4%.

HDI 0,897 (2011), Unemployment = 3,4% (2011).

The 12th largest economy in the world (2011).

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Sistem Ekonomi di Korsel

1960 1973 :

The System of State-Directed

Development or State Capitalism

1973 Sekarang :

Sistem Ekonomi Pasar Campuran atau Sistem Ekonomi Pasar Kapitalistik :

Peranan Chaebol Corporation dengan Peranan Pemerintah yang Kuat dan terbatas dalam Perencanaan, dengan kerangka kerja
Perekonomian Terbuka (Open Economy).

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Reformasi Ekonomi di Korsel

A very poor Agricultural Country Land-Reform and Agriculture

Sector Reform (in 1940s and 1950s).
Reformasi Ekonomi (1960 2000) :
* Pengembangan Strategi Promosi Ekspor.
* Peningkatan sektor Industri Ringan yang bersifat Padat Karya (Labor Intensive).
* Perencanaan Ekonomi yang fleksibel.
* Otonomi Sistem Perbankan, pemantapan lembaga Keuangan, dan reformasi Mata Uang.
* Penerima Bantuan Luar Negeri dari USA sejak
tahun 1945 (dihentikan tahun 1980).

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Reformasi Ekonomi di Korsel

The Phases of Growth in South Korea (Average % Annual Rates of Change)


8 March 2015

Years Real GDP

Real p er Capita GDP




Perencanaan Ekonomi di Korsel

The Economic Planning Agency (EPA) 1960 :

Solicits proposals from Business, labor, government, and
academia. It provides Information and improve Communication between all segments of the economy.
* The EPA used an input / Output Matrices Model.
* The EPA did not stablish Firm production targets, but each firm was given an Export Quota.
* To shift away from Goverment direction toward
a system of market coordination.
* Prepare five-year Plan by top down (1960-1961):
* The First Plan
(1962 1966).
* The Second Plan (1967 1971).

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Perencanaan Ekonomi di Korsel

State-led Planning (1962 - 1976) :

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Five-year Economic Development Plans :

8 March 2015

Suitable for an under-developed, small-sized

economy with a relatively simple structure.
Focused on setting up Sectoral investment
plans and mobilizing and allocating domestic
and external resources to support the implementation of the plans.
Supplemented by Annual Economic Management Plans.

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Perencanaan Ekonomi di Korsel

Perencanaan Indikatif (1977 - 1991) :

4th, 5th, and 6th Five-year Economic Development Plans :

to cope with the growing size and sophistication of the economy

Giving a greater role to private initiatives.
Reflecting a growing concern on equity issues
Medium-term Fiscal Plan introduced in the
early 1980s to bridge the gap between EDPs
and annual budgeting :

8 March 2015

Not published to the public.

Not tightly linked to annual budgeting.

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Perencanaan Ekonomi di Korsel

Strategic Planning (1992-96); 7th Five-year

Economic and Social Development Plan :

Addressing strategic issues to be tackled

through a concerted effort by the government and the private sector.
Replaced by the Five-year Plan for New Economy in 1993 :

8 March 2015

Setting out various reform agenda -- fiscal, financial, and regulatory reforms, accelerated
external liberalization, improved social equity
Planning effectively abandoned.

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Pembangunan Industri di Korsel

Light Industry to Heavy and Chemical Industry Development Plan (1973 1979) :
* Sektor-Sektor Pertumbuhan Industri :
Iron and steel, nonferrous metals, s hipbuilding, machinery, chemical industries.

Struktur Industri (Output) :

* 1971 Light industry = 56%, Heavy industry = 44%.
* 1980 Light industry = 44%, Heavy industry = 56%.

* Sumber-Sumber Sektor Pertumbuhan Industri :


The beliefs that military self-sufficiency.

Increased Globalization of Production and Accelerating

tegration of Asian countries Into the global economy.

* The rapid export growth and reduce import dependence.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Pembangunan Industri di Korsel

Struktur Industri :
* The dominance of the large industrial groups (the Chaeb ol )
* The top 10 chaebols produced 60% of South Koreas GDP,
while the top 4 produced 40%(2000).
* Karakteristik Grup Chaebol :
* A conglomerate of many companies.
* Companies hold shares in each other.
* Concentration of national economy.
* Does not have own financial institution.
* Spreads across industries.
* Has centralized structure and control.
* Tends to be family-based.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Pembangunan Industri di Korsel

Perbandingan antara Grup Chaebol dan Keiretsu :

* Chaebol groups had no access to internal finance, Keire tsu
provides credit to member companies.
* The management structure headed by original founder
(family) in Chaebol, led by professional management in Keiretsu.
* The relationship between the industrial groups and government has been less cooperative in Chaebol than in Keiretsu.
* Chaebol conduct an even wider range of activities than Keiretsu.
* Chaebol are even more burdered by debt than Keiretsu.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Peranan Pemerintah di Korsel

Pemerintah mengendalikan semua Kegiatan Ekonomi

Government approved all bank loans.

Granted licenses for virtually all businesses.
Controlled many prices of goods and services.

Peniruan Model Jepang :

Emphasis on political and military influence

in running the economy.

Intervensi Pemerintah di DN dan Perdagangan LN.

Keringanan Pajak, dan Insentif bagi Perusahaan.

Peningkatan Teknologi di berbagai sektor Industri.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Kinerja Pembangunan Ekonomi di Korsel

Pertumbuhan Investasi (%) era 1961 1990 :

14,8 (1961-1965), 25,8 (1966-1970), 27,6 (1971-1975),
31,3 (1976-1980), 30,1 (1981-1985), 31,6 (1986-1990).

Pertumbuhan Ekonomi 1965 - 1990 :

Pendapatan PKP rata-rata = 7% per tahun.

Pembangunan Ekonomi (1990-an) :

P erekonomian menuju tahap Maturity (Rostow),
% Investasi terhadap GNP riil = 37% /

Nilai ULN US $ 42 Miliar (1992).

Korea Selatan, Hong Kong, Singapura & Taiwan:
The Asian Tigers atau The Little Dragon.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Kinerja Pembangunan Ekonomi di Korsel

1983 Economic Recovery dengan penekanan dari High Economic

growth to Stable Economic growth.

1965 1996 Pembangunan Industri Ringan padat karya ke sektor produksi Hightech & Capital Intensive ( ekspor = 16% / th.).

1997 Krisis mata uang di Asia, depresiasi mata uang Korsel (Won)
(30%), pertumbuhan GDP Riil (6% pada tahun 1997 ke 5% tahun 1998), pengangguran (3,5% ke 9% tahun 1997 ke 1998).

1999 - 2000 Pemulihan Ekonomi, GDP riil Growth = 8% / tahun.

The 13th World Exporter goods, services, and income (2010).

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Kinerja Pembangunan Ekonomi di Korsel (1962 - 2007)





Economic Development (Per Capita GDP)





Investment (% of GDP)





Exports (% of GDP)





Imports (% of GDP)





Life expectancy at birth





Infant mortality rate (per 1000
























Social Development :

Years School
Middle school enrollment ratio
High school enrollment ratio (%)
Tertiary school enrollment ratio (%)
8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Kebijakan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Korsel

1950s Import-Substitutive Industrialization, Farmland Reform Act.

1960s Five-Year Economic Development Plan, ExportLed Growth, Light Industry.
1970s Export-Led growth, heavy chemical Industry, revitalizing reform, spirit modernization.
1980s Growth with Social Stability and Autonomy, Liberalization of Import.
1990s Strengthen Corporate Competitiveness, Real Name Financial Transaction System, Democratization, Social Reformation, Globalization
2000s Privatization, Market Opening, Growth with Venture and IT, Globalization, internet, welfare.

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Pertumbuhan Ekonomi menurut Pengeluaran di Korsel


Tren Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Korsel


Perekonomian Korsel dalam Lingkup Global

A Robust

A Leader in


Global Trade

15th Largest

9th Largest

GDP in the

Trader in the





IMF, 2010)


Technological &
Industrial Powerhouse


Macroeconomic Platform


6th Largest


in Semi



FX reserves in


the World

LCD and


Tugas Minggu ke 8

Bandingkan model Sistem ekonomi

yang dilaksanakan oleh Jepang dengan Korea Selatan !
Bandingkan Faktor-faktor yang menentukan Keberhasilan Pembangunan (Pertumbuhan) Ekonomi di Jepang dengan Korea Selatan !

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


Selamat Belajar Semoga Sukses

8 March 2015

Copyright 2014 by Achmadi


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